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  1. L

    What I've been up to lately.....

    But it's not electric or even a hybrid! What will all the greenies say? Oh, just had a little mental lapse there, nice looking rig, and I hope it goes as well as it looks!
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    Florida Bill.......

    Some guy who'd just moved to Montana and had his garage broken into a couple of times in two or three months set up some kind of trap to "catch" whoever it was. Shot some German exchange student so now it's an international incident and all the anti-gunners are screeching about Montana's "Stand...
  3. L

    fireforming safety....

    I've run out of gas a few times, and rather than seeing how far I can go have decided to stop when it's convenient and I'm nearing or just past a quarter tank. Being stuck on the east side of Fourth of July Pass or between Ritzvile and Spokane would not be fun. More fun than halfway between...
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    I'm not much of an NFL fan, but after having lived in Seattle for nearly 35 years I couldn't root for anybody but the Hawks. I was hoping for a blowout, and was happy they delivered it. As for the halftime show, my stepdaughter called her mom up before the game and told her she HAD to watch...
  5. L

    Another reminder to be careful!! Savage 338 Lapua Kaboom

    Used to have a Kimber (of Oregon) 84HB in 6 PPC. A lovely little rifle, but as "ebb" stated about standard size actions and the .338 Lapua, I think that that little Kimber action was too small for a case with a head diameter of the 6 PPC. I never loaded it hot because the bolt would stick with...
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    Self Explanatory

    For some reason Montana has accepted all the not acceptable PC morons that weren't allowed to remain in ID or WY. I've considered a campaign to hang a few newspaper editors and publishers, but that's apparently frowned upon by the constabulary. Still a lot of good old boys here though.
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    Update on Forum function

    Anything that involves computers beyond turning them on and doing the bare minimum of stuff is WAY beyond my abilities. If it's mechanical I can see what's broken and how it might be fixed. If it's electronic I can burn it to the ground, but fix it not on your life. You've got all my...
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    Best 2014 news story yet!

    Read about this in the local paper, and my first thought was, "WHAAATTT?" Many, many years ago when we were kids my brother and I would get into it over nothing or next to nothing. For the past probably 50 years we've gotten along pretty darned well. But I can sort of see two older...
  9. L

    Did you ever ask a simple question and get an explination like this?

    Al, now you've gone too far! Hair bags worldwide are offended, and may begin demonstrations at your location any minute now! :D
  10. L

    Speaking of simple questions!

    It requires some practice and sensitive fingers to get reliable results, and NEVER do one measurement.
  11. L

    I hear it's been snowing Stateside

    Here in the banana belt of Southern Montana we had another 2 or 3 inches of snow preceded by some lovely light rain to help slacken up the roads a bit. Sorts out the Californians pretty quickly and the folks with 4WD who figure they can go anywhere at any rate of speed they want. Lots of them...
  12. L

    American Hunters, The Back Bone of America

    I sure hope it never comes to the progressives deciding that like the rest of the Constitution the 2A is obsolete and unneeded. If the Chicoms, Russians, NorK's, Iranians, or any other foreign power decides to attack us with nukes I hope that whoever is in the White House has the cajones to...
  13. L

    Primer Questions

    My 2 cents worth, having noticed similar differences in primers with similar loads is that some primers have cups that are thicker and/or harder than others and don't flatten out as much when fired with loads of apparently similar pressures. Rem 7.5's, CCI 450's and BR 4's tend to flatten less...
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    Other than a BR rifle that won't shoot, most useless machine ever made----

    Unfortunately most of them would need to be trained on how to flip the switch, then they'd have to hire a few more "staff members" to actually do the work.
  15. L

    First Amendment... Is this still AMERICA....

    What gets me about the people who have their little lace knickers all in a twist about what Robertson said is that they FEEL (not a lot of thinking involved) that they have the perfect and unlimited right to say whatever they please about whatever and whoever they want, and don't you open your...
  16. L

    233 Rem Primer Choice??

    If you plan on pushing a .223 with any bullets, Rem 7.5's, and CCI BR4's seem to have the strongest cups. I've shot many rounds using WSR primers at pressures I'm sure would make manual writers cringe with no problems, they flatten, but they don't pierce. Many years ago I had problems with Rem...
  17. L

    This is why they sell Liability insurance

    The range I was a member of in Seattle got complaints from homeowners living on top of a fairly good sized hill covered with trees that was the backstop. The range had installed overhead safety baffles ahead of the firing line which mean that for anyone to fire "out of safety" they'd have to...
  18. L

    NYC gun owners shafted again??

    I'd say that the moral of the story is to leave the Peoples Republic of New York and any other place that institutes such asinine laws and regulations. I've got to admit that those biathlon rifles are very popular with the bad guys though. :rolleyes:
  19. L

    Global Warming ?

    I've got to agree with Vic that one day's or season's temperature doesn't make any difference. BUT, when the global climate hasn't risen, not to mention sea levels, in over 15 years, and the sea ice coverage at the North and South Poles has been increasing while the predictions say we'll have...
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    Mann, Bullet's Flight

    Bought a copy of The Bullet's Flight" when Wolfe published it. Very interesting, and lots of stuff that makes a modern shooter shake his head. Such as: "trigger pull makes no difference in the accuracy of a rifle the shooter should be able to deal with it." The rifle he was using had a 15 lb...