First Amendment... Is this still AMERICA....

Amen and what about his freedoms, those that B**** about theirs just rob him of his. Amazing how a handful of wrong doers according to the good book as he simply pointed per his / my beliefs can then in turn destroy an individuals life. We are in a sad state of affairs in this country.

Like I always say! Don't push something in my face that I don't agree with and you won't have to hear what I have to say about it.

Joe Salt
I guess Jesse Jackson has jumped on the bandwagon. He says he has real problems with a person using their position to express their views. What in the 'ell has Mr. Jackson been doing for years? I would like Mr. Jesse to tell me what kind of father would raise a thief that is spending jail time earning a great deal of money from the populous.
What has he been doing.

I guess Jesse Jackson has jumped on the bandwagon. He says he has real problems with a person using their position to express their views. What in the 'ell has Mr. Jackson been doing for years? I would like Mr. Jesse to tell me what kind of father would raise a thief that is spending jail time earning a great deal of money from the populous.

Among other things fathering an illegitimate child. He has no credibility IMO. Greg
First amendment is it still America

Bill Moyers also had a commentary on freedom.
Listed were the transgressions by politicians.
Only thing was he was blaming Conservatives instead of liberals.
Wow how they can Twist things"'
What gets me about the people who have their little lace knickers all in a twist about what Robertson said is that they FEEL (not a lot of thinking involved) that they have the perfect and unlimited right to say whatever they please about whatever and whoever they want, and don't you open your yapper about it because we've decided that your WRONG because you disagree. The same freedom is apparently not allowed to anyone who differs with them in any way, and it's apparently considered impolite and nasty to point that out.

I try to not offend people on purpose, but I say what I say and mean what I say and if people don't like it they can walk away and leave me alone. It's been pointed out to me that I tend to waffle around and need to clarify what I've said, but I think some folks just need to clean out their ears or get hearing aids.

As for Moyers, he's a leftist pansy who doesn't want to hear anyone's opinion unless it agrees with his. He'd likely have a great time with Chrissy Matthews, and the rest of the PMSNBC crew, but otherwise should leave sensible adults alone.
A&E "reinstated" Phil under public pressure, Cracker Barrel is backtracking on it's actions (putting DD items back on shelves). The fringe has a foothold and is clawing at the Constitution. I hope my kids and grandkids remember what they've been taught by us, otherwise we're in trouble.