Update on Forum function


cook and bottle washer
Perhaps, all we have is the forum and we are trying to take care of that and not lose everything involved. We are trying to update/backup everything but I fear a slip along the way. At any rate, we're trying to keep what we have and kill the problem. The server will go, and come back while we work....we have a plan. Whether or not the plan is good is unavailable.
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Thanks Wilber...you do us a great favor

This forum is one of the few places we can communicate with others that have knowledge of what they are doing. Many problems have been solved here and with your continued efforts, many more will.

Thanks for all the hard work, Wilbur and others. We appreciate all that you do for and keeping this fine forum running.

Seems good for now.....for now...for now!

Hoping it stays OK for a while. I'll be saving on that $1250 to clean it up and will spend it if necessary. Seems like $1250 is a lot to clean up a forum but if it's a good cleanup divided by 10 years....wait a minute...that's $125 a year.

In a few days that may sound like peanuts for sure. Maybe we'll lose a few posts, maybe not. I'm over it and going with the hope that you're over it too - push come to shove.

OK - That said, what do you want back as we've cut out many of the forum doodads to get back on track?

OK - That said, what do you want back as we've cut out many of the forum doodads to get back on track?

I would like to see the blue proportional style back. I found it easier to read than the default.

Thanks for your efforts. I am sure it is always something.


I think most of the styles were OK. I'll get them turned on within a few days. Gotta be sure anymore!

Anything that involves computers beyond turning them on and doing the bare minimum of stuff is WAY beyond my abilities. If it's mechanical I can see what's broken and how it might be fixed. If it's electronic I can burn it to the ground, but fix it not on your life.

You've got all my respect and best wishes Wilbur.
Wilbur, I sure do appreciate your patience with whatever is going on with the forum software. I can only assume something got in that is difficult to get out. Thanks for your efforts ...
Is there any option to archive this site's forum files as searchable database and start the forum over with new software?
Yes, I think so. Don't want to do that until it's too late to do that...if you know what I mean. Wait, you may not know what I mean. We'll do that if we can and we have to....if we still can when we want to.
Is that Irish or reverse Polish you're speaking there, Wilbur? ;)

I'm happy to roll with the punches & being an Aussie, I have often got to see those fatal screens when you're working your butt off trying to breathe life into the remains.
More the truth than anything else

I typed that, read it, and read it again...seemed to make more sense than anything else I could come up with so I clicked the send button.

I know I owe you a phone call....got busy the day I was supposed to call and then didn't. Hope it's too late to do anything!

Wilbur, you done good, I read it and understood it. Very well put, covered all the bases, sort of.
Oh yeah...

Unless Elmer gets antsy about it, I'm gonna leave the picture at the vBulletin deal for now. No sense changing that until we get it fixed.
Wilbur, call any time when you get a chance. I was a Cadillac conversation if I recall, that I had in mind.

I got a line on a nice one if you're interested. I don't need it, but I like 'em:)