Mann, Bullet's Flight

While not about shooting, Project Guttenberg has thousands of free ebooks, in various formats.

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The are free because they were written before 1922, and the copyrights have now expired -- they're all "Public Domain." Old doesn't necessarily mean bad. I'm reading the Sherlock Holmes downloaded off this site, because the ePUB format (with the Mantano Reader Premium reader app for $6.99) looks better than any print version I can buy.

All kinds of formats are available, including plain old html, but I'd only use that if I were desperate.

I currently read on a Kindle Fire, and I find Kindle editions borderline unreadable. But the typography using the Mantano app is quite nice. I think I could make a nicer ebook using pdf format -- everything controlled by the typesetter -- but it would be close. My wife, who cares about style, uses an Apple iPAD, and I will allow they do a nice job as well.

Anyway, point of all this is there is a lot of reading that can be done for free, and there was good stuff written before 1922.
I recently spent some time reading 'Great Expectations' on my wife's phone, more of that free stuff. It was eminently readable, formatwise or textwise or whatever Charles' referring to. I could see it just like a book. Easy to read. So I did, for a while. I don't know what Charles knows, I'll check out that app.

The story on the other hand was still just as dour and bleak as Charles (the other) was ever..... :)

It's kinda' like having lived in central Minnesota, feels good not to have to, LOL.

Glad to see this book being reprinted "The Bullets Flight" by Mann. Wolfe Publishing reprinted it about 25 years ago. It's too good to die.
Bought a copy of The Bullet's Flight" when Wolfe published it. Very interesting, and lots of stuff that makes a modern shooter shake his head. Such as: "trigger pull makes no difference in the accuracy of a rifle the shooter should be able to deal with it." The rifle he was using had a 15 lb trigger pull as I remember.