American Hunters, The Back Bone of America

My favorite movie line of all time :)

"Lt. Colonel Hal Moore: "I think you oughta get yourself an M-16."

Sergeant Major Basil Plumley: "Sir, if the time comes I need one, there'll be plenty lying on the ground."
'We Were Soldiers'
I sure hope it never comes to the progressives deciding that like the rest of the Constitution the 2A is obsolete and unneeded. If the Chicoms, Russians, NorK's, Iranians, or any other foreign power decides to attack us with nukes I hope that whoever is in the White House has the cajones to respond in kind and massively. I'm not sure about the current administration doing that though. If the US military is ordered to fire on US civilians I think that a number will, the top brass is being weeded out to replace those officers who believe in the Constitution and the oath they took to the Constitution not some president or congress. OTOH, the senior NCO's who after all are the guys who know what's going on and are mostly true patriots may well tell the officers to go pound sand. Unlawful orders may not be obeyed and it is incumbent upon troops to disobey illegal orders. Firing on US civilians who have not fired on them (yet) would be an unlawful order. I can see a lot of officers who might be willing to give that order not living to see the next day.

A lot of deer hunters may be untrained in military tactics, but a whole lot of them are. As the Afghans have shown high tech might win some battles, but for those who are willing to settle in and just keep pecking away winning is possible. The police who are becoming more and more militarized (witness Boston where people were illegally evicted from their homes by cops at gunpoint and without warrants so they could "search") could be in for way more trouble than they could handle and their "bombproof" vehicles could be defeated. Not easily, but there's nothing that's impervious to ingenuity and craftiness. The guy who figures that he's unbeatable because of his technology is pretty vulnerable because of his own arrogance too.
Thanks for the help....

Yes, I suppose that was the question - What do you intend to do when your government tells you to "turn in your guns". Never mind about when they come for them as there gonna do that the hard way. But humor me...What are you going to do if that it will at first?
Yes, I suppose that was the question - What do you intend to do when your government tells you to "turn in your guns". Never mind about when they come for them as there gonna do that the hard way. But humor me...What are you going to do if that it will at first?

I'll try to keep the statement of my belief's simple.

WE are the government, within the rule of law established by our Constitution. Yes we vote, often stupidly, but no matter how stupid our people or our elected leaders The Constitution is still the rule of law. THE REASON we're not "democratic" is quite simply because our founders realized that people ARE stupid. The 2nd Amendment clearly states the rule concerning gun ownership so we are WITHIN THE LAW if we refuse to hand over our firearms.

Period, end of story.

Until that time as we amend our Constitution or abolish it we Americans can politely say "no" to handing over. Within the law. BTW this is national, federal law.....Precedent has been set yet again recently by the Heller case. Not even in our Capitol can it be legally overridden (altho it was ILLEGALLY overridden for many years) by well meaning voters or hasty politicians acting on the latest "tragedy." (Tragedy is in quotes because I'm infuriated by this belief that somehow dying by the gun is "worse" than death by cancer or fire or falling over in the bathtub)

So, my short answer is to "plead the fifth." If someone asks for my guns I simply say "no, and no comment." None of my guns are "registered" in any way...... nor are any of yours, unless you've voluntarily signed them up somewhere. In America it's still completely legal to say "it's none of your business." It's also completely legal to sell, give or otherwise transfer ownership without ANY paperwork of any sort so that one can look anyone in the eye and say "I know longer own that gun" in total sincerity and without fear of perjury. Not only that, it's COMPLETELY legal and ethical to sell one's entire collection to one's fellow for a dollar and buy it back with the same dollar so one can state with complete honesty "I've sold that firearm."

The men who founded this nation knew exactly what they were doing, exactly where we were headed and EXACTLY what the people would do "if this experiment worked."


They were RIGHT.

And I'm ASHAMED of my fellow man.

There are pitiful revisionists, even here in our society of shooters who vilify "Teaparty" types as though that incident upon which it's based is an episode best forgotten! I've seen the term "teabagger" used here on this board. We've enabled smallness.....allowed it voice, and it votes. And our Founders expected it, prepared us for it and left us with tools with which to fight it. WILL we?

I will, and do.

We Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants
Just to Humor you

Yes, I suppose that was the question - What do you intend to do when your government tells you to "turn in your guns". Never mind about when they come for them as there gonna do that the hard way. But humor me...What are you going to do if that it will at first?

In the unlikely event that the Big Bad Government would request the surrender of all firearms,by whatever authority(Use your imagination). A few would defend their Constitutional rights to the end. The rest would go along for the ride, as they've always done and surrender their firearms.

I have a secret hiding place,for my guns, that the Government doesn't know about.

How do I put this a generically as possible: If I am threatened, the response will be at or greater than the cause.
lets see if i got this straight.

the next big gee whiz that squats to p.... says something like 'all single shot rifles are sniper rifles' so turnem in.

i double ziplock the the ol sniper rifle and hide it in a post hole. they come knocking and i say something like 'no' or 'search all you want'

and the first time i shoot it someone comes running. just to check. when will we have the next match? what good will the buried sniper rifle do me?

if i need ,as in need right now, it or the other one with the big magazine i would have to go dig it up. i cant shoot it, but i got it. i cant make a loud noise without getting checked. i wonder if there are more than a few folks in this situation in a few states right now?

it might be better to vote now so it does not get to that point.
How do I put this a generically as possible: If I am threatened, the response will be at or greater than the cause.

The sad thing is that if you resist with violence to such a matter, you will more than likely not last the day.

Also, To think this cannot happen is to deny four thousand years of our recorded history.
Bill and Ray then you be good citizens and hand them over,I"M NOT! And if you think your vote means that it will stop all this crap, I keep voting but I think its fixed, Because I keep loosing.

Joe Salt
OK, so what's it like in New York - today

Fill me in. I honestly don't know. Are we threatened? Where are we threatened if anywhere?
This thread can be read by anyone including the Lefties that lurk around looking for quotes to use against you. Be careful what you post for there is no such thing as privacy!!!
Fill me in. I honestly don't know. Are we threatened? Where are we threatened if anywhere?

If Congress failed to act after the Newtown, CT school shooting--even by passing a token attempt to reduce the ability of a mentally deranged person to obtain firearms--I think it's reasonable to conclude that we are not threatened with confiscation of our deer rifles at this point in time and for the short-term future. Yes, there are anti-gun groups that are working for very restrictive gun laws and they have some political clout. But they are a very long way from winning any national battles. The Newtown issue proved that very convincingly.
What do you intend to do when your government tells you to "turn in your guns". Never mind about when they come for them as there gonna do that the hard way. But humor me...What are you going to do if that it will at first?

Well...first you have to believe that it's a distinct possibility. What I see indicates that at this point in time it's not. Not even close. Things may change in 10-20 years but I may not be alive then.

So why devote time to worrying about a hypothetical event? There are all sorts of hypotheticals we can worry about--what would you do if diagnosed with cancer? What if you lose your pension? What if your wife leaves? You really can't answer any of those until they actually happen.

I used to worry about all sorts of things but in my old age I realize it's really quite an unproductive activity.
Thank you vicvanb for your use of the phrase "token attempt." :)

vinny, I'm simply not worried about "lefties" who read this. They have always been among us and will always be among us but I feed them and give them shelter, when I can. When they get too rambunctious their food supply dries up. Sooner or later the 99% ALWAYS soil their nests. At that point they turn right, turn coat or turn belly up, ALL GOOD :)

I write for them and pray for them, not because it pisses them off but because in my belief structure (and in my Country) EVERYONE has the right to happiness. And lefties ain't happy!

I AM happy.

Just think what would happen if the whole world laughed at once.....

Not only that, Al but does anyone today write with the eloquence, clarity and passion of those "Giants"? I've populated my Kindle with as many of their writings I can find.

I got nuttin' to say to this. You done said it!


Fill me in. I honestly don't know. Are we threatened? Where are we threatened if anywhere?

New York? I can tell you this--there are a whole lot of deer hunters in NY. I know some of them. They are not very worried about confiscation of their deer hunting rifles.
Well...first you have to believe that it's a distinct possibility. What I see indicates that at this point in time it's not. Not even close. Things may change in 10-20 years but I may not be alive then.

So why devote time to worrying about a hypothetical event? There are all sorts of hypotheticals we can worry about--what would you do if diagnosed with cancer? What if you lose your pension? What if your wife leaves? You really can't answer any of those until they actually happen.

I used to worry about all sorts of things but in my old age I realize it's really quite an unproductive activity.

Wow vicvanb....... you really got my dander up on this one! Just as I began to see a glimmer of agreement you come up with this......
"Things may change in 10-20 years but I may not be alive then.

So why devote time to worrying about a hypothetical event?"

THIS is the difference between you and me :) it's Ant and Grasshopper.

My forebears planned for the future, I plan for the future. I'm just a blip on the screen, a passing thought, but SOCIETY vic, society goes on...... my children vic, go on....

And I love them. I've given my life to them.
New York? I can tell you this--there are a whole lot of deer hunters in NY. I know some of them. They are not very worried about confiscation of their deer hunting rifles.

Vic I'm from NEW YORK up State thank GOD. And I'm worried as hell about the safe act, OR Unsafe Act as I call it. I'm always hearing about them have arrested someone else for just possessing high capacity Magazines, just one yesterday. What part of pick here pick there until everything is gone. This safe act has been going on for over a year and all I hear is talk, nothing about going to court or that it has be repealed, nothing will someone get there heads out before its to late!

Joe Salt

The NY guys I know hunt deer in the Adirondacks with bolt action or lever action Winchester, Remington, Savage and Marlin rifles. Nothing in the SAFE Act provides for confiscating these firearms.

There are several active lawsuits challenging certain provisions of the SAFE Act, and a huge amount of political support for amending or repealing part or all of it. Changes are likely.