American Hunters, The Back Bone of America

I'm showing this in school next week. Thanks I loved it!!

Bill Whittle is always great. I subscribe to and watch him frequently. There's any number of his "Afterburner" presentations that leave me inspired and with goose bumps on my arms.
It's about guns. Anybody unable to see that?

Actually, it is about both hunting and guns.

As deer have increased to high numbers in many areas they have hammered peoples' gardens, flowers and shrubs. Those people (who previously may not have liked either hunting or guns) began to realize that hunting was necessary to keep deer numbers under control.

Not only were too many deer eating up the vegetation, but they also gave folks Lyme disease--another reason to embrace hunting.

Plus, with high deer numbers, motor vehicle collisions with deer increased. There's nothing like a deer coming through the windshield to convince an urban dweller that maybe hunting is necessary after all.

And more importantly (money talks!), insurance companies successfully pressured state fish and game agencies to kill more deer (via hunting) to reduce deer and insurance claims.

Some people may not like hunting a whole lot but when deer are behind every bush and causing multiple problems, hunting and guns become necessary.
This is what is going around or E-mails here in NEW YORK STATE!

Trying to persuade as many people as possible to participate in a symbolic shot heard around the state to protest the New York State Safe Act that violates our 2nd amendment rights to own a firearm in common use. Shortly we will be required to pass a background check each time to purchase ammunition, the cost of the check will be $10 at the start then go to $20 shortly afterward, again part of the Safe Act. The Facebook page included explains the protest and is asking protesters to fire one safe shot on January 11, 2014 at 12 noon sharp.

Joe Salt
lets post and it is about an incident that caused the state to change their laws so it would not happen again...


Lets see...186 posts, and a join date just 2 months before me, and its Im not too sure?


I do see that the only thing you contributed in the past 2 pages is trying to belittle someone(me) who is only attempting to fight the good fight and help our cause. Whats wrong with having a first post? Im guessing you didnt have a first post, you must have been one of those lucky ones who started out with 2.. So with all your 186 post knowledge and huge 2 month head start on me, I would like to congratulate you on the finest post, and contribution ever made to a thread. You will certainly be a big help; in fact, I dont know that we would be able to stop gun control without you sir.
American Hunters, the backbone of America

Amended that's the problem once the law is on the books it's the law and subject to being amended.
That can happen in an open session and really fill the agenda . The safe act has to be Repealed and that it.
As long as it in place its subject to being amended. That will further the political agenda, and absolute control of the population.
Gerry Make sure to tell the gun owners that aren't registered voters to sign up before November, that the reason Obama, Cuomo are in people don't vote! Michael Nozzolio will be running against Cuomo this year, and he said he would Repeal the safe Act! So please spread the word.

Joe Salt
Ameican Hunters,the backbone of America

I will Joe. Also the Republicans are talking about Asterino? Another down state guy?, I wish Trump would run He's against The safe act
He also has the name recognition and funds to beat Cuomo.
I think Trump is just blowing smoke, He doesn't want the job he just likes telling people what he would do if he were Governor or President! Don't really trust anyone with Billions of dollars, lets just elect some honest guy with a few million!

Joe Salt
Ameican Hunters,the backbone of America

That's an opinion that many have Joe. Its going to take a lot of scratch to get Cuomo out of there. Name recognition is very important.
along with the $$$$$$$$$ . I hope that we all can band together to get rid of that Commie.
He's trying to buy vote here in Syracuse and Buffalo also by spreading around some of our tax moneys.
Cuomo has Huge war chest sponsored by many business,s I have read his campaign financial statements.
New York city rules out state voting process. My opinion is that NEW York City should be a separate district {like DC}
I can only Hope that people open their eyes before they vote.
I wish Trump would run

"The Donald" can't run for POTUS--he wasn't born in the USA. He refused to release his short form and long form birth certificates.

With hair like that you know he can't be a US citizen.

But I do think he's great on "The Apprentice."
His father was a Tyrant also, everyone forgets about him.Yes we do have to get rid of New York city. I believe there are people in the city that have had enough of this guy also.

Joe Salt