Global Warming ?

Global Warmming

Ok carbon footprint,, we are given the phony prediction about greenhouse gas . what about the gas from all of those forest fires? , Bush fires etc then never get put out.
How about the volcanos that erupt and keep on burning and putting out gas.
Its Natural With all of that going on I would say that all of us driving an old car would take a long long time to even give the same footprint as one of those natural events.
IT BOGUS from start to stop . Panic the public and treat them like Mushrooms .
It's a trainload of manure.

All this crap is designed with one purpose in mind: to scare people into submitting to totalitarianism.

Well, hey---it's "documented" that such and such is so, and it's "documented" that this and something else is so. NONSENSE. Science has been subverted by political agenda and perverted through public funding. It's "documented" that JFK was shot by Oswald alone and it's "documented" that it was all a CIA conspiracy involving multiple shooters.

What's the most pervasive "greenhouse gas?" It's water vapor...from the oceans. Is there no intelligent life on this planet anymore?? It would seem there's been some kind of disaster, but sure as hell not "global warming." Only a loon would buy that nonsense.

Yes, climate change is real. It's been real since long before anyone ever thought to politicize it. It's always happened and always will. I'll say it again:all this PROPAGANDA claiming anthropomorphic climate change is designed to convince the people of the free world that their economic liberty is the cause of misery and that they should give it up. The very same people who were telling us that "global warming" was going to make the planet uninhabitable by now have changed the story to "climate change." Those who believe them would buy youth potion today from the same charlatan who sold them the formula to turn lead into gold just last month. Fools.
Climate Change? I hope so

If we do not get a handle on this Global Warming, We are all going to free to death!
Scientists are an interesting lot. As many are pro-global warming as are anti. They don't know. Some of them think they're related to monkeys!

Here's my take. Many thousands or millions of years ago, depending on which "scientific" timetable you use, most of the northern latitudes, including North America, were under miles of ice. That's where all these pretty mountains, rolling hills, etc., came from. It started melting and receding. A process that is still going on. It's the Master Plan and will stop when and if the Master says so.
What River Rider said...

I like when it's stated that the temp has risen 0.2*.
How is that even measured with the variations all over the place; move 3 feet and it's different, or wait 20 minutes.
This 0.2* is predicted to happen ever ten years for the next century and next week's weather can not be predicted?
I have to go wrap duct tape around my head now. :D
Riverrider That Popaganda you talk about, the government has changed that to Human or Public Awareness! Let them call it what they want, BUT NOBODY IS GETTING OUT ALIVE. Don't care how safe you make it.

Joe Salt
Global Warmming

The sky is falling the sky is falling said chicken little
Everyone hide under your bed the sky is falling''.
Welll - - -

it's 6.6* here in Hancock, Maine @ 1:29 PM today and was -16 when I woke up around 6:30 AM. That is unusually cold for this part of Maine, this time of year. Greg Palman told me last evening that the ground in the woods is frozen up this year already, way earlier than usual so that the loggers have better "going".

Bottom line here is I waited a month too long to get the heck out of here this year. Won't happen next ;). Leaving here Thursday.
I'm still a youngster but in my few yrs on the planet, observing the various weather prognosticators I've learned that no matter where I live it gets somewhat colder in winter.

And that people will comment on that fact as though it's revelatory. EVERY year :)

One day, about 3 billion years from now, our Sun will run out of Nuclear fuel, start to cool and grow larger, engulfing all of the inner Planets. Then it will collapse on it's own mass and become a burned out cinder.

But it doesn't stop there. It will become evident that there is not enough mass in the Universe to stop the ever expansion, and in about 15 billion years, every star will have used up all of it's nuclear fuel, and slowly but surely, the lights will all go out.

Maybe there is enough residule mass in the form of dark matter left to allow gravity to start bringing the whole mess back together again, resulting in an ever increasing density until the "big bang" starts all over again. But life as we know it will have long ended, despite Al Gore's efforts.

Nothing gets out of life alive. Not us, not our Planet, not our Sun, not our Galaxy, not even our Universe.

But screw it, tomorrow is going to be Sunny and 70 in Houston, I'm going to the Range.
Well it aint sunny and 70 here, it's 50 and overcast but NO GREMLINS!!! Had to waste part of the day on a S&W M&P trigger conversion and test but other than that :)

Life could be worse

I've got to agree with Vic that one day's or season's temperature doesn't make any difference. BUT, when the global climate hasn't risen, not to mention sea levels, in over 15 years, and the sea ice coverage at the North and South Poles has been increasing while the predictions say we'll have less sea ice in both places which none of the global warmists are willing to admit it kindly makes a guy wonder if someone's not blowing smoke up his tail. Just this past week I read an article about research done in Sweden that said that based on mountain tree lines during the Roman and Medieval warming periods both of those averaged about 2.3° C (~4.1° F) warmer than today. Must have been coal powered Roman chariots, and such.

There as so many contributors to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, both known and unknown (forest and brush fires, undersea volcanos, not to mention those above the sea) that blaming any warming on anyone or anything seems to be a little arrogant and self aggrandizing (yup I know big wurds tu) to me. Too many scientists, not to mention politicians who want to control our lives and everything we do who'd look REALLY bad if they were proven to be wrong, so they'll hang on until glaciers are flattening Boston and NYC, maybe later.

The one thing certain about climate is that it changes. In order for there to have been ice sheets over a mile thick across a lot of the northern hemisphere 10-12k or so years ago there had to be places that were hot enough to be able to supply the atmosphere with enough moisture to build up those ice sheets. So if the temperature averages 5 or 10 degrees colder across the northern part of the northern hemisphere and there are again mile and more thick ice sheets, it's likely going to be correspondingly warmer in the places supplying the moisture for the snow and ice. Snow and ice don't spontaneously generate, and neither does much of anything else except for maybe hot air out of the mouths of many politicians and others concerned about maintaining their tenuous grasp on reality and facts.