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  1. karls42

    I Feel, and Look Like I went One Round With George Foreman

    implants I had 6 implants to replace 7 teeth. mine was tricky to do. needed a bone graft in one location. took 4 trips to a honest to god oral surgeon who was happy to do general anesthesia for most of the work. naturally insurance covered almost nothing. the total was around 25k, income tax...
  2. karls42

    Matches with masks !!!

    grocery stores in Maryland won't let you in without a mask $5000 fine to the store if they do. Rifle ranges are closed... non essential
  3. karls42

    Heavy flight traffic still going on and this:
  4. karls42

    Practice versus match ammo.

    would a professional race driver run practice laps with a bum engine or Kmart tires??
  5. karls42

    PacNor barrels suffers fire

    sad news They made some pretty good barrels. I'm sure the various solvents and fluids used in manufacturing made it a smart choice to just keep the fire contained.
  6. karls42

    Business is pretty darned good.

    thanks thanks for the photos Jackie, I love seeing your work.
  7. karls42

    Shipping Firearms via FEDEX

    Some desk clerks imagine themselves to be ATF agents, protecting the population from evil guns. NEVER TELL THEM YOU ARE SHIPPING GUN PARTS. the long skinny package is a control arm for a 89 Buick. Or you can demand to talk to a supervisor if you have time to kill.
  8. karls42

    Slugging new barrel blanks?

    not me would you buy a car without driving it first?
  9. karls42

    Proper name for the threaded part of the barrel-

    and then my favorite, sight / site
  10. karls42

    Wanna make barrels?

    A lot of money invested there, sorry to see it go bust.
  11. karls42

    Solar Eclipse

    the emergency wards are going to be flooded with idiots that looked at the sun with no protection. you can't fix stupid
  12. karls42

    6mm ppc bore diameter

    Jackie, thank you for your post - very interesting information
  13. karls42

    Tension/Compression barrels, water-cooled, etc

    heat shrink very interesting thanks for posting
  14. karls42

    Eley lot analyzer? Fact or fiction

    I can't believe any manufacturer would say lot# xxxyxx is a dog don't buy it, and lot xxvzx isn't any better don't waste your money. but what do I know about anything
  15. karls42

    And yet more on lead!

    Lead is the latest boogeyman for the press to beat up on. there is a TV commercial running now where people are absolutely HORRIFIED at being offered a drink of water with ACCEPTABLE LEGAL limits of lead in it A few years ago it was mercury. a broken thermometer in a high school lab in Maryland...
  16. karls42

    Cutting Keyseats InLong Shafts

    thanks Jackie, thanks for sharing . I always enjoy seeing photos of your shop and work.
  17. karls42

    Spec Out a Barrel For Me

    kicked his dumb ass Merry Christmas Tim
  18. karls42

    Anschutz Ceramic Gun Coating?

    probably cures cancer also
  19. karls42

    BR components

    inventory me too, the occasional shortages are no problem. I just dip into my "reserves"