Proper name for the threaded part of the barrel-

I think the name derived from the wood joint that looks like it. The regular dictionary has both tenon and tendon in it- you can choose which one is more appropriate.
I have a B&M measure; used to weigh every load. A Lyman 310 worked great. Haven't reloaded for a coon's age, but will probably do some more, soon. :cool:
If you are doing your posting with a smart phone, most times these smart phones don't recognize our rhetoric and corrects it to what some progrmer thinks we were supposed to type. I've had that happen to me multiple times. Don't realized it "corrected" it until it posts.

I used to wonder why my sister "Susie" signed her emails "Sushi". She gave up and now just signs "Sue".
Like my shop name Mr. "B's" xxxxx in computer jargon that comes out to BS ( as in pasture paddies) good for a laugh every so often. Not too far away is a high end restaurant Mr B's Steak House, same problem with digital interfacing ( course at least for them it is a little closer to the truth ) Because the last part of my shop name is earlier in the alphabet and the phone line information operators are not particularly bright, I get a fair number of requests for reservations.
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Come on Mike you think teen aggs come from just haphazardly slingin powder? Years of throwing and a good jones measure and youd be surprised at what we actually throw. Hint: its alot better than the tests ive seen around the net i can assure you.

I've seen a lot of ear muffs thrown. Although Wayne has gotten better about that. I think it's inversely proportional to how well the shooting is going.
I went out today to get some more bullets..... one of the biggest stores around here FINALLY fixed their signs.

In and out of the store for YEARS have been signs advertising "Conceal Carry Classes"

And a big ol' ad in the local papers..... "Conceal Carry".......

Jus' makes us look like more iggerunt rednecks

than we are??


A local preacher had a rather awkward incident with voice recognition software on his smart phone.
He wanted for the choir to get together to practice "Four Men In The Fire".
The text received was "When can we practice Four Men in the Shower", small town, so quite embarrassing.
Oh.....and it's KELBLY's people LOL

Talking about building a gun with a guy and biting my tongue over "Kelby's" and "Hornaday" and using "Hodjens over Vita'vour" because Vitavour eats barrels" and "those long barrels are expensive, but since everybody knows long barrels are more acc'rut ya' got's ta'pay the premium"

Glory Be, I talked my way out of the project.....