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  1. L

    Future of group shooting

    Gerry, I dont know if I make myself clear... it is not about Savage against "others" rifles. It is a BR match of Savages rifles only! It is like boat sailing class (snipe, laser, star etc), or Sig 205 position rifle matches in Europe, or even like Glock's pistol matches. It does not "matters"...
  2. L

    Future of group shooting

    Savage Factory Class, why not? Just a very "outside" guy opinion... (that attended only 3 BR matches in life, but they were on a one year period and included NRSA Nationals and Super Shoot, 2008-09). Why not a Savage Factory Class? Savage seems to have the willing to make what target...
  3. L

    6mmBR or 308?

    I did the same: a switch barrel with 6BR and .308win. And put a rail on the forend to use with a bipod and shoot on F/TR and Open.
  4. L

    F-Class in Florida

    Thank you very much Mr. Kennard! My plan is to travel to Florida sometime in the next 6 months to bring my Dwight Scott built F-Class rifle. I will contact you when I have a date of travel. I am one of the shooters trying to stablish F-Class shooting in Brazil and I think that attend a F-Class...
  5. L

    F-Class in Florida

    Thanks FD Shuster. I think it is time for some of us to have some international experience on F-Class and Florida is a natural destiny for us on vacations and flight stop when going to US. I hope I can visit Port Malabar Club on the first months of next year ;)
  6. L

    F-Class in Florida

    I am looking too to check F-Class matches in Florida (prefereble near Miami/Orlando area). Can I just show up to look and know the range on a F-Class match day or I need to be invited by a member?
  7. L

    30BR vs 6ppc stiring the pot...

    I dont know if your post was a response of my post. In any case, I dont see a problem on counting the X. The problem is when the match is always won based on X count. Not on points. This happened on F-Class a few years ago. They changed the score rings for smaller ones. This happened on...
  8. L

    30BR vs 6ppc stiring the pot...

    I dont know much about Score shooting (heck, even group BR), as I only shot one registered match on IBS School in East Tawas in June 2008. But, in my opinion, any gun competition that in the end is a match of numbers of X, is not good to atract new shooters. It may sound stupid, but I think in...
  9. L

    Competition Bullets

    Thank you Bruce! Very good information!
  10. L

    My First Match ever!!

    Les, we usually shot at 300 meters (330 yards aprox.) and we find a 16X scope sometimes is not enough to see the bullets holes... specially if there is not light behind the target. F-Class is new here (less than two years) but at 300 meters we usually compensate for small wind variations. If I...
  11. L

    Photos of our Fclass base-takedown

    Very nice! Any idea of price?
  12. L

    Bore Tech Eliminator

    Tipton makes a jag nickel plated that does not give false reading on "blue" residues. I just bought and will use next week to test.
  13. L

    Bore solvents causing rusting?

    It happened the same with a ss barrel I have. I used Bore Tech Eliminator and after 2 or 3 days, there was a spot of very light rust on the underside of the barrel, near the muzzle, where the solvent ran. Also, I had the same very light and small spots of rust on the bolt itself. I left Bore...
  14. L

    sad, sad, turbo tale

    What is new to Canadian is old tale to almost all the rest of the world. In Brazil we always had to have an Import Permit and a Export Permit (from US) and pay a lot of taxes and fees. Actually, last year I imported a Rem 40X built by Brian Voelker (excelent customer service and quality...
  15. L

    Rem 6.8 SPC accuracy

    I think that 4,0 inches for a Remington Police with Remington Match factory ammunition is unaceptable... even for Remington! So I would call Remington and send the rifle back so they can fix it.
  16. L

    For rimfire position shooters, calfee

    As I said earlier, to find some answers americans have to look at the other side of the Atlantic Ocean... where the top rimfire position shooters shoots and win.
  17. L

    For rimfire position shooters, calfee

    I dont know how is this 6400 Camp Perry Match... but as the post was for position shooters I think I can say that you have to look of what happened on the last 20 years outside US, where the .22 Rimfire Position best rifles are shot: ISSF matches. Take a look of what happened with the .22LR...
  18. L

    New bench

    I dont have much experience on shooting from concrete benchs... but on your design, when one person shoots, I think the other shoots will feel lots of vibrations coming from the bench, making it a one person per time bench.
  19. L

    Best factory .22 LR rifle

    Liseo, take a look at this page 7 of Champion Choice (after clicking on Rifle at left) and consider some of the Anchutz Benchrest rifles... If money is not a problem I would go for the 2013 as you can buy Lilja drop in...
  20. L

    Redding T-7 turret and runout

    My T7 turret moves a lit bit too, but the runnout is near zero! I believe the shellholder play actually helps in getting out any runnout as the brass enter the die, aligning itself.