Competition Bullets

Fla mac

New member
I am looking for a copy of a article written by Don J. Rorschach, title Making Your Own Competition Bullets, it is about 6 pages long. I think it was in Precision Shooting Mag. but I don’t know the year or month. If someone has this article please sent it to me via Microsoft Word file or tell me the year and month and mag. it was published.
Thank you
I'm not positive if it's the whole article, but if memory serves, there is at least part of it in the book, "The Benchrest Shooting Primer" which is a collection of PS articles and various other information.
For factory bullets, besides weighing and sorting them (according to ogive measurement) do benchrest shooters clean or do anything else to them?
Icalled PS last year to research an article by author, and it did not take Dave's clerk very long to find it.
For factory bullets, besides weighing and sorting them (according to ogive measurement) do benchrest shooters clean or do anything else to them?
Let's take 600 & 1,000 yard benchrest out of the discussion. With that exclusion, I don't know any benchrest shooters who use factory bullets. Berger is a possible exception with 110-grain .30s. Check the match reports, esp. of the top 10 or top 20. (Of course, for match reports, some of us say "always" for bullets, and "usually" for primers.)

I don't know any short-range people who sort bullets by bearing surface or ogive measurement, either.

I know a lot of long range people who do measure the bejesus out of their bullets. Some of them weigh primers too, and chant over dolls made up in the Caribbean.
Are you saying Bergers are not custom or not up to snuff for short range BR? Check Eric's placing in the SS.
I think this tells us

Are you saying Bergers are not custom or not up to snuff for short range BR? Check Eric's placing in the SS.

Bullets don't have to be made solely by hand to be good as long as those making them pay attention to details.
Actually Charles E

Let's take 600 & 1,000 yard benchrest out of the discussion. With that exclusion, I don't know any benchrest shooters who use factory bullets. Berger is a possible exception with 110-grain .30s. Check the match reports, esp. of the top 10 or top 20. (Of course, for match reports, some of us say "always" for bullets, and "usually" for primers.)

I don't know any short-range people who sort bullets by bearing surface or ogive measurement, either.

I know a lot of long range people who do measure the bejesus out of their bullets. Some of them weigh primers too, and chant over dolls made up in the Caribbean.

There is a growing number of short range shooters who do sort bullets and Bergers aren't the only good "Factory Made" bullets either. I have done well in a number of matches using "Factory" bullets. They need to be sorted is all. I do realize you don't know me. :)
Rorschach's Bullet Article

I think the article your looking for was written in Warren Pages book
" THe Accurate Rifle" That was as the whole 9 yards
Ron Collins, who finished last year in second place in the SSOY competition, shot all factory bullets. He used Berger 110s, 115s & 118s. The 118s & 115s were provided by Berger in researching the best benchrest bullet for them to manufacture. They are no longer making the 118s, but the 115s & 110s are in production and are very good. There are also a few others at Buck Creek & Gallatin VFS matches who are shooting Berger bullets with good results.

Rorschach info.

i have been away from my computer for awhile so I was not able to get this to you sooner. I am attaching a copy of the information you wanted by Don Rorschach. It is in Word 2007 format.View attachment Rorschach dies.rtf
Are you saying Bergers are not custom or not up to snuff for short range BR? Check Eric's placing in the SS.

I think I agree with Butch on this one. Just because the "hand made" bullets, where one person pulls the handle on each step, does not necessairly mean those are going to be good bullets. I bought a box (100) of Berger 60 grain 6mm bullets off ebay a couple years ago. Those little suckers shot some of the smallest goups I have ever shot. Wish I had a tub full of them. I recently got an order from one of the TOP HOT bullet makers that looked like a mixture of rejects and soso's. About half had distorted meplats and oversize pressure rings, etc. I have considered sending them back but decided to try them anyway. Caused me to have to return some necks the PR was so much larger than the body. I consider Bergers to be as good as just about any bullet made. I haven't tried them all so can't speak to other brands but I have shot some of the top makers and have no complaints. Don't just assume that Bergers are "factory" bullets. Being made on J4 jackets takes them out of the "factory" catagory.
Bullet Making Article - Don Rorschach

The article is published in the "Benchrest Primer" from Precision Shooting Magazine.

The other article linked here is great information as well.


Bill Scheider