New bench


Well I finished building my concrete bench. I decided to make it a two person bench for grins. What do you think?


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I dont have much experience on shooting from concrete benchs... but on your design, when one person shoots, I think the other shoots will feel lots of vibrations coming from the bench, making it a one person per time bench.
Slit it

If it were mine, I would saw a 1" - 2" gap between them. Eliminate the vibration when two shooters are using the bences at the same time.
If you would have talked to some experienced BR guys before you built that bench,you would have built two seperate bench's. When we welcome new guys on this forum it is with the hope that we are helping you to become a future Bench Rest competitor,so that our favorite activity can grow and flourish.
At some point we hope you will travel to different ranges to compete and hopefully to take home some wood.If your practice bench is modeled after competition benches at ranges where you plan to shoot,you will feel right at home when the range officer gives the "commence fire" command.While your creative bench design looks sturdy, I can assure you that you'll never shoot off "a super duper double party bench" at a registered match.
I'm not trying to get down on ya,just tryin to help.
I think it will do just fine for your intended usage. You will be able to set up two rifles [ once you buy another rest and rear bag ]. I often find myself with a rimfire or airgun on one bench and a centerfire on another bench. Or my 30BR on one bench shooting 200 and a 6mm on another bench doing 100 yd load development or fireforming or whatever.
The concrete was all poured at one time- the top is not just sitting on the legs, I haven't felt any vibrations yet, but I'll do a test.

Butch- When shooting with a left hander he would sit on the right outside and a right hander would sit on the left outside.
One of my best shooting buddies is a lady friend. I prefer her on my lap......but then I'm gettin' off topic (but she's learning real fast how to actually shoot).

That bench looks as tough as a boot. Don't let then rib you. It is far better than most.

Is that your dog in front of your bench?

Concho Bill
Yes thats "Sweety" she has to be everywhere I am. I think I'll make her some ear muffs and she can be my shooting buddy!
Cody. Don't see your dog. But, that bench looks very sturdy.
At my local club. 2 guys put together our benches. They didn't get any help. Heard it was about 10-12 yrs ago. Wood mostly 2x4's and 2x6's. "Y" shape. Seat on each side. They are still there. And I think most are connected to the roof supports and each other. 10 benches all one piece. I think one or two, someone took a saw to.
I am not bothered by vibration. The other shooters don't bother me. I am in the "ZONE".
Nice part. The parking lot is 10' away.
Got Super feet?

Very nice bench.
new bench

Hey aliwa, Did your bench make it through the ravages of winter or did the floods in the pacific northwest wash it away. Show us some pics. Tried to search for them but it getting close to my bedtime,work tommorrow, have to keep social security solvent RANDY
Well I finished building my concrete bench. I decided to make it a two person bench for grins. What do you think?

Hello Codeman,
Nice bench. I am looking to pour a couple of Concrete benches on my range. How did you pour the top and the legs at the same time? Do you have any pictures of the construction?

Thanks, Mike
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I don't know anybody that wants to be that close to me, at the range or anywhere else. Nice lookin' bench though.

Plinker Rick
I formed the pad (8'x10') then built a "suspended floor system" to rest the top form on, attached the sona tubes to the upper form, put in the rebar and poured all at one time-the pad, legs,and top. Sorry no construction pics.
Completely monolithic! I like your style and I like your dog!

This is what I would call an extreme case of over engineering. This bench will out last anything that nature can send it's way save an astroid.:)

For many cases this bench will be used for one person, in which case the shooter could sit in the middle and spread out his stuff on both benches. He would have four very secure legs instead of two. If a buddy comes over, they both can shoot and it will be steady for both of them.

Take a good look at this double bench. You may never see a better constructed one.

Concho Bill
codeman, if your "shooting smarts" are as good as your "construction smarts" you're going to be one formidable competitor. :D
Thank you for all the positive feedback. The bench will be used as a single shooter 95% of the time. Now I'm installing a 200 yd and a 300 yd backstop. I should be ready to "hone my skills" soon.
From the picture, it looks like you used sona tubes, is that correct? Did you do any tie in with rebarr? The pad you poured did ou rebarr the pad and tie in the sona tubes to the rebarr in the pad?

If so, do you have pictues of the frame work be for the pour?

I know that you and your buddies will be vary happy with your bench. The first time someone takes a hammer to the feet on his front rest, you'll be right there to beat him about the head and shoulders.;)