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    Mid-Barrel Tuners

    Who......... in the world WOKE UP pacecil??? It was Soooooo nice the last few weeks without him!:D Colt.45
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    A thought for Today

    What a "cool" picture Joe. Merry Christmas to you and everyone here from Missouri! Alan
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    Merry christmas to all

    Merry Christmas to all! live too far South, up here in Kidder it was -9 that morning and wind chill was -25 to -30 they said. I'm with you on "wishing the Winter away"! Colt.45
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    ARA Indoor Nationals... ???

    Macky Quote: Originally Posted by Macky Locklin There can be only one reason for the multiple shots: to deceive. It is done to try to make the scorer's plug not fit the first legitimate bullet hole placed into that particular bull by elongating it slightly. My question is, if you're such a...
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    accurate .22lr

    David The only bad thing about that is his politcs.Here is my e-mail to him....... Sir To whom it may concern: It is my understanding that your company is backing Barack Obama for President. This is a terrible tragedy on your part. Barack Obama does not want to see any individuals own...
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    accurate .22lr

    benchrest accuracy....... malcarjeb Well, benchrest season is over and things are slow i'm reckon you know,benchrest rifles are generall very specialized so you will have to make a few compromises to have a carry rifle. Most likey the 3" wide forearm with sharp corners will have...
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    22 Mag shooters:

    Hmmmmm Hi No .22 mag. matches i know .22 mag. match ammo i know of either. I bet you would also be a big hit at the matches where not everyone wears hearing protection..:D Your new rifle might make a great short/mid range light varmint shooter? Colt.45
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    Professional Shooting League

    I like it. Dan I like your idea. I also like the idea of Open Class winner take all. No hadicapping no arranging rules where "we all can be winners" just straight up...Best Man Wins. If you want to shoot a Sporter fine... but no rule bending to make it a level playing field.This is not taking...
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    Gary Shelton returns!

    Now... that is a "makes ya feel good" post!!! Way to go Gary! Welcome back to shooting. Colt.45
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    kasjaka It seems as if i "pull" the trigger with the pad and right on the center of the trigger but it's set pretty light so i do not think it matters much? I actually "pinch" the trigger. Colt.45
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    Information, Calfee

    "poor ole bill" Perhaps it would be better if bill would just go away? It's not like we need him......we have many great gunsmiths.Ones that do not "toot their own horn" every chance they get.Ones that do not cheat someone out of their "killer barrel". Ones that do not play the "poor, dumb ole...
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    velocity vs. barrel length

    Tim Was it Bullberry that performed the test? I believe they started with a long barrel and cut off an inch at a time? Colt.45
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    crb Okey Dokey,thanks. Looks like i have the 700 based 40x. Colt.45
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    crb Could you tell me the major differences between the 700 and 722 - 40x action in rimfire? I'm not sure which one i even have? Thanks......... Colt.45
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    Which barrel would you chose????

    nemo Broughton 5c. They seem very accurate,virtually no leading problems and seem to clean very easy and go right back to shooting within 5 rds. Also Butch Hongisto likes em[he built my 40x] and Roger Brock likes em too. Colt.45
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    Gary Shelton..update

    Gary Glad to hear you are on the mend! Do everything the Docs say and make a full recovery. Colt.45
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    Crosswinds Tournament reminder...

    nemo Sounds like a Great Tounament! The eats sound good too!!! Congrats to Joe. Colt.45
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    Twist - Standard vs high speed ammo

    Merlin Just put any good brand 16" twist on it.You can then shoot cheap [pretty good] ammo like SK/Wolf ect and the good Eley/Lapua.No doubt it will shoot the high vel. stuff as good as you want also. My choice is Broughton. Colt.45
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    Polygon Rifling

    Tim Exactly........[although i had a smootbore flintlock once that did not lead]:D Colt.45
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    need contact info for Roger Brock

    nemo A lot of shooters seem to like the 17" Broughton,i have one on my Hongisto 40x but if i was doing it over i would go with a 16" Broughton.I feel my 17" does not shoot as well in cooler weather.not talking just Winter but below 50-55 degrees.I do like the 5c barrel but would definently go...