Gary Shelton returns!


Tommy Mason

Ever witness a miracle? How about two in one day? I

Larry Willis and the Bullseye gang held a benefit shoot today for Gary. I got there late but just in time to see Gary climb out of a car and into a wheel chair. In the front seat was Gary's gun case.....he had come to shoot.

Gary's son, HG, helped his dad set up on bench 5....Gary looked good but I don't know if I would have recognized him, but I did recognize a miracle (#1).

Larry arrived and we had a match.....we all figured that if we were going to beat Gary, now was our chance. Gary was shooting his Turbo off two sand bags, his scope was damaged during the wreck (elevation knob broken and all jacked up), no wind flags and sitting in a wheel chair. We shot the match and collected the targets.......Gary shot a 250 and 12X's (#2).'s good to have you back.
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Who would have ever thought that a man who had been hospitalized for more than a month with life threatening injuries could go home and within just a couple days, shoot a perfect score from a wheel chair! Gary, you are an inspiration to all of us and we know that you give all the credit to the Lord. It was so good talking to you today and hearing the excitement in your voice. I look forward to being able to challenge you in a shoot real soon. I know that you were motivated to recover so you could shoot again and show us all up. Bill
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Great shooting and welcome back.. Glad your recovery is going so well..

What can I say. You're tough. Have a speedy recovery. Look forward to seeing you on the line next year.
Gary stopped by my house today. His boys got him out of the truck, and it took me a few minutes to recognize him. He' dropped off his computer for me to fix. He's anxious to get it fixed so he can send out e-mails and thank you's. He told me he didn't know that he had so many friends.
When he told me about the 250,,,,my jaw dropped! Tommy's right, it's a miracle! A good ending to what started off as a bad story.

Once again, to you all that took the time to pray for Gary and his family, and for your VERY generous support, I am touched, but not surprised at the shooting community's support.

God has blessed Gary and will certainly bless those that supported him and his family in his time of need.

Sorry I was unable to attend Saturday. Believe me, it was not by choice.
On a brighter note, I received another generous donation for Gary in todays mail. I can't think of another group of people that would open their hearts and pocket books to help a fellow shooter that they only know from the Internet.

Thank you all
