Growing the IBS

I was not going to get into this but we had Factory Class and a Custom Class, which was a modified Factory back in 1985, they still exist on the books and in 5 matches, this year, we may get 1 Factory. It don't work. Now this is were it gets interesting, the biggest complaint, are you ready for this?? is that they have to shoot 5 shots!!! I am talking group now, they all said 3 shots would be enough. They can get a small group and not tear the s__t out of their equipment. Think about it!! A shooter could load up 20 rounds and have fun. Just my take.
Wilbur Question:

Can this forum be adjusted to if you are Not a IBS or NBRSA member you will not be able to post or can we start a section for members only.

This is not directed to anyone specific but I feel the registered shooters that particitate's in the sport should be able to voice there opinions on a Particitate Competitive Benchrest Shooting Level ( PCBSL )
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There it is! Reed put his finger on one method to "catch" a competitor. Take him to a match and do everything you can to put him in the situation Reed described. Hand him the most killer rifle that's ever been. That's the only way he can see the game as it really is first time out - and that's likely the only shot you're gonna get to catch him.

What's that...yeah, I'm fully aware of what I'm sayin' and the pain involved. Who wants to drive 400 miles and loan a guy his good rifle - or worse, watch him shoot sighter after sighter through that killer barrel.

That is exactly what Orland Bunker has been doing ever since I met him about 6 years ago. Orland runs the IBS matches at the Lincoln County Rifle Club in Damariscotta, Maine.

Bunk has helped me and dozens of others shooters to get started in the BR game. He has loaned his time, guns, ammo, transportation, and a wealth of knowledge to anyone who has expressed an interest in the sport. His efforts have brought quite a few new, serious shooters into our sport.

Thanks to people like Orland Bunker our sport is still alive up here in Maine.

Thanks Bunk,
What I hear from some of those who shoot Score now instead of Group is 1. The Score Shooters are a more friendly and fun group of folks to hang with and 2. The one day match or even two day match is a lot less hectic. Another observation is most of our new shooters are Retirees. They have the time and resources to do what they choose to do.

I don't believe most match directors would like to grow the sport a lot more. I find that most people want to shoot and go home, much as they would if they went to a movie, etc. Many ranges that offer Score Shooting have 10 or 15 benches. I don't think most people want to still be shooting at 5PM because there are 5 or 6 relays. I think, for the most part, the Score Game is a more laid back and relaxed sport visa ve Group. All of it accomplishes the same thing, or shoud anyway, enjoyment. Perhaps the Group Side is pushing people away who want to enjoy what they are doing in a more relaxed way.
We all spend a lot of money to shoot for the same plaques and trophies, we’re not driving half-way across the country to shoot at either an IBS or an NBRSA match; we’re there to shoot with our friends. We really only want to play for the love of the game, but we’re losing it. The sanctioning bodies need to work together, meaning all of us, for the benefit of the sport!

Russell, you were wanting ideas to try and generate more shooter participation. Heard lots of support from folks including Jeff and Hal. Seems like the IBS vs NBRSA politics got in the way of the discussion. We’ll all work on it.
Vera and George - you nailed it:

We all spend a lot of money to shoot for the same plaques and trophies, we’re not driving half-way across the country to shoot at either an IBS or an NBRSA match; we’re there to shoot with our friends.

Wilbur Question:

Can this forum be adjusted to if you are Not a IBS or NBRSA member you will not be able to post or can we start a section for members only.

This is not directed to anyone specific but I feel the registered shooters that particitate's in the sport should be able to voice there opinions on a Particitate Competitive Benchrest Shooting Level ( PCBSL )

Having forums that are visible only to select groups is certainly and easily doable. Any volunteer(s) to keep the membership up to date? (nightmare on benchrest street)
I can shoot a single-yardage, one-gun club match (25 record shots) for $10, or a two-yardage, one-gun club match (50 record shots) for $20 with the chance of winning back some of it; if I shot a registered match I could shoot two yardages, twice (100 record shots) and it would cost me $150 (including the association's membership fee), and I'd be at or near the bottom of the results list with my factory rifle. Not trying to be confrontational here, but help me understand the additional fun I'd have at a registered match.

six classes, $5 per rifle, shot in less than one day...all score....every month unless there is snow on the ground.
so why should i spend gas money, entry fees and org fees for the right to say i shot in a "registered" match....
explain that to me again ??

start with a club level, score(less equiptment) true factory rifle class...any cal or hunter or varmit...bedding, crown, trigger..nothing else, limited to true production rifles...on the list or not in the class.
campaign to at more clubs at this level...then try adding score br classes and maybe group club( no backer) and then national group......small steps

mike in co

These answers are perplexing........since the idea and start of this thread is to grow "IBS" how do you propose to do this as the way I read your posts is a reason NOT to join any association or shoot any registered matches.........what would it take for you both to join IBS and attend registered matches?? If neither of you can answer this then how do you propose to help the organisation GROW.

Now a thought, (correct me if I'm wrong) Hunter/Sporter class used to be a class that catered to factory rifles and with competitors pushing the boundaries and rule changes evolved into what they are now, to me it seems the type of shooter/rifle those classes used to cater for aren't catered for now and this is where competitors could start shooting Benchrest with what they had.

We all spend a lot of money to shoot for the same plaques and trophies, we’re not driving half-way across the country to shoot at either an IBS or an NBRSA match; we’re there to shoot with our friends. We really only want to play for the love of the game, but we’re losing it. The sanctioning bodies need to work together, meaning all of us, for the benefit of the sport! .

And some of us fly all over the world to compete and enjoy the company of friends.:D

Wilbur Question:

Can this forum be adjusted to if you are Not a IBS or NBRSA member you will not be able to post or can we start a section for members only.

This is not directed to anyone specific but I feel the registered shooters that particitate's in the sport should be able to voice there opinions on a Particitate Competitive Benchrest Shooting Level ( PCBSL )

So are the only ones allowed to join this PCBSL forum IBS and NBRSA registered members?? What about all the PCBSL competitors who compete in registered matches in Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and every other country? and how do you propose to determine who is and isn't a PCBSL competitor........Ian
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So are the only ones allowed to join this PCBSL forum IBS and NBRSA registered members?? What about all the PCBSL competitors who compete in registered matches in Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and every other country? and how do you propose to determine who is and isn't a PCBSL competitor........Ian[/QUOTE]

Of coarse this would include the above mentioned and if any names were missed as long as they paid their due's to be a competitve shooter.

This question was asked due the fact we get some replies from shooters that have never competeted in a registered Group or Score match before and maybe they do not understand they way the game is played.

But for those that are willing to put in the time and effort in to supporting the organizations they should be able to hear and speak their words at a True Competitve Level.

So Bring On The Members and support the cause.

Thanks for your Reply Ian
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What is a PCBSL competitor,sorry if its a dumb question but I am Irish by birth
The Idea of match directors not wanting to see the sport grow is Silly.
Each year I prep for way more shooters then what attend to the NYS championship match.
There are plenty of open benches. 48 attended this year but there was room for 30 + more plus I was preped for a third relay of 38' I blame the low turn out on the economy.
Just a note 4 people came home with either certificates 0r a new rifle barrel this year. everyone got some kind of door prize and it was free . As I said theres only so many $$$ and so many weeks for shooting.
Wilbur Question:

Can this forum be adjusted to if you are Not a IBS or NBRSA member you will not be able to post or can we start a section for members only.

On a thread where the OP expressed a concern about needing more shooters, it seems odd that you would not want to hear from folks who are not currently participating as to why they are not doing so.

These answers are perplexing........since the idea and start of this thread is to grow "IBS" how do you propose to do this as the way I read your posts is a reason NOT to join any association or shoot any registered matches.........what would it take for you both to join IBS and attend registered matches?? If neither of you can answer this then how do you propose to help the organisation GROW.

The OP stated, "We need shooters ... and I feel nothing is being done about trying to increase attendance." Assuming the OP meant he was interested in more shooters, not just more members in the organization, I replied in my first response (post # 24) that, "I think the registered matches need a factory class, with no requirement of being a member of any organization." My point in the post to which you responded was that the cost of registered matches (which includes the requirement to be a member of an organization) and the assurance of finishing at or near the bottom is a turn-off to a factory-gun shooter.

Why does a shooter have to be a member of an organization in order to shoot? What would be wrong with having a factory class in a registered match?

So, do you want more members or more shooters?
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How about? Come shoot at an IBS registered event and the first years membership is FREE? Once you've caught them it is easier to keep them.
On a thread where the OP expressed a concern about needing more shooters, it seems odd that you would not want to hear from folks who are not currently participating as to why they are not doing so.


The OP stated, "We need shooters ... and I feel nothing is being done about trying to increase attendance." Assuming the OP meant he was interested in more shooters, not just more members in the organization, I replied in my first response (post # 24) that, "I think the registered matches need a factory class, with no requirement of being a member of any organization." My point in the post to which you responded was that the cost of registered matches (which includes the requirement to be a member of an organization) and the assurance of finishing at or near the bottom is a turn-off to a factory-gun shooter.

Why does a shooter have to be a member of an organization in order to shoot? What would be wrong with having a factory class in a registered match?

I don't think a match director or the attending "members" would be opposed to a fellow shooting a factory rifle of any kind. On the other hand, the match director doesn't want to buy a trophy for a couple of folks that prolly ain't coming back.

So, do you want more members or more shooters?

Effectively, no difference.
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In Group you pretty much can shoot just about anything ! exception 50 cals{ due to back stops}
all you have to do is make weight. In VFS or other hunter style match in some you can pretty much shoot what you brought as log as it too makes the weight and other minor restricions. Come on out and have fun''
My own club has more the 17 leagues shooting different types of rifles and pistol,shotguns. Our club and directors are pretty fair
about shooting. You don't have to be a club member to shoot in some of our leagues. Like our wednesdays shoots.
IR 50 /50, 200 yd score, and now 100 yd score. We also have a winter league that people can shoot in without being a member. 3 matches for score at 100 and 7 matches for group . last year we added 200 yd benchrest also.
Effectively, no difference.

I've seen some registration forms that state one must be a member of the NBRSA to shoot the related match; however, maybe I've been mistaken in thinking that all registered matches require membership in an organization. Are you saying that some registered matches (e.g., the upcoming matches listed on the IBS website) don't require membership in an organization? Maybe I need to do more research.

My own club has more the 17 leagues shooting different types of rifles and pistol,shotguns....You don't have to be a club member to shoot in some of our leagues. Like our wednesdays shoots.

Where's your club?
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aka Hunter -

I've been to both NBRSA & IBS matches when there has been a non-member shooting with us. There scores/groups were just not counted in standing with the sanctioned registered results. I've seen it very frequently in the IBS-600/1000, but also in years past at NBRSA 100/200 Group.

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran