Growing the IBS

Thats OK Wilbur
I can see you didn't know
This year there is another rule change asked by the long range shooters
The membership can vote on it Approved by the IBS board of directors They say please approve the change.
What I'm saying is Clubs have no say in how funds are spent . They are not voted on by the clubs Only IBS directors vote on finance and direction of the organization.

They are busy promoting Score shooting short range and long range.

When I go to the matches I see about 50 or so shooters sometimes less.
A lot are members in both IBS and NBRSA at group shoots
I don't have the knowledge to know if what you say has basis. I didn't think the IBS had directors but rather thought it was solely run by the membership. Actually, the membership can do whatever they please given that enough members are on the same boat. That doesn't happen very often!

There was no intention there either way but I confess that I didn't read carefully enough to quote your words. I apologize.

A point here backed by historical fact. If a governing body is set up to where just the people run the show, the people get what they want. Insert a middleman, like the US Congress, or the NBRSA directors, to where it is in charge he members don't get what they want. Then you throw in another detached body like the Electorial College and you get a real mess!!

Question is, who do you trust the most, the people or the congress?

"AS I UNDERSTAND IT" The IBS, which I started shooting with back in the late, 70's had a three tear system. First tear, you had to get a letter stating your intentions and sighed by, I believe 20 members, I could be wrong on the numbers, and give it to the committee that oversaw that part of the rule. Second tear, the committee would discuss it at a meeting on however they got together. Third tear, it would be discussed at the General meeting and passed or rejected, if it was passed it would be the rule for 1 year, at that time it would be approved or disapproved at the general meeting. This is "MY" recollection on how things went. The reason, and I was told this by a executive of IBS, was to prevent people from walking into a IBS meeting and taking it over. Good or bad? you decide.
I don't know which works better - directors or a one man show....given a "fair" set of rules to start with. I'll try to explain my thinking as I've been involved with both. First, both have to watch themselves very carefully to not pass/make a rule that will help one and hurt the other. Better said, I suppose, is the rule that helps one and doesn't help the other. Secondly, nobody can consider a rule change either good or bad in a meeting. The NBRSA sends the items that will be brought to the meeting well enough in advance to make a good decision....but that's not all the items that surface there. If you don't vote on such, it's two years instead of one. Given a one man show, you can simply change anything at the drop of a hat.....which often is not a good thing either.

With that said, folks don't do well with rules they don't like regardless of why the rule was implemented. I'll offer an example....the IR50/50 rules required that clubs use a standard plug supplied by IR50/50. Folks thought that a plug that would allow a better judgement was a better plug when the actual rule was intended for the purpose of all bullet holes being judged as equally as possible across the country. As I traveled around, I realized that not only were folks using a plug of choice, they didn't care what I thought or what the actual rule was. I see the same in a post now and then and there's not one thing you can do about it other than tell the club their sanction has been dropped for not following the rules. That costs money and thus far I haven't seen that happen. Yes, I'm as guilty as anyone but for more reasons than just the cash. Folks enjoy shooting competitively and while you have to have rules you don't have to ensure they are followed...until someone protests. When that happens, whatever is in the rule book has to occur. Worst case there is the fellow that doesn't want to "make waves" and simply quits without doing anything. Everybody loses when that happens. Is it better to follow the rules? I'll say YES to that but I agree that some rules seem stupid. That said, I may not understand why those stupid rules were implemented!
Jerry - we're outgunned in the "people department". That's it in a nutshell. If we could convince women to have 9 kids again we could maybe gain a bit more.....

You castigate the IBS leadership and offer no solutions other than shooter classifications. Go up in this thread. Did you print out the "Would You Like To Shoot The Most Accurate Rifles In The World" and post it at you local gun shop? How have 'we' boosted score over group? Did you read the results of the benchrest survey? The IBS put that together (at a cost). In fact there has been no follow-up comments on anything I posted.

Gerry, do you have an idea to promote group that needs an IBS appropriation? Bring it to me. We have money. Gerry, you deserve a lot of credit for keeping benchrest alive at Camillus. Thank you very much! I understand you are no longer involved there. If that is the case, I hope that you are able to re-engage since I know you love the sport.

Besides the good IBS website, we have allied ourselves with (sorry Wilbur) and pay $250 to the reporter for each match that is covered as a 'featured match'. In group, this year both Camillus and the Weikert Nationals were covered (I don't take the $250 - I do it for free but we paid the Camillus reporter). The Mainville match was covered too. That site gets about 120,000 hits a week.

Harley Baker is working with the Bucknell University Engineering Department on an electronic backer system that would replace the current mechanical one that few clubs want to fool with or afford. I put Harley in touch with Bucknell. Early tests are promising. This may allow more clubs to do group.

I proposed a 300 yard challenge (group) between the disciplines. All I hear is "that is great idea, you go do it". We need someone to run it. No takers.

Any IBS member can submit a proposed rule change as long as he or she can get 25 signatures of support. It is then discussed at the Winter Meeting. We get nearly 100 persons there. Internet voting? A good concept that we have approved. Not implemented yet though. Who wants to help with that?

The number of people that really want to work and contributed is VERY SMALL in comparison to those that want to B**** and complain. I am sick of it.

Over and out. I will not get into a back and forth with anyone on this, but positive comments and suggestions are welcome.

Stover, IBS President
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You castigate the IBS leadership and offer no solutions other than shooter classifications. Go up in this thread. Did you print out the "Would You Like To Shoot The Most Accurate Rifles In The World" and post it at you local gun shop? How have 'we' boosted score over group? Did you read the results of the benchrest survey? The IBS put that together (at a cost). In fact there has been no follow-up comments on anything I posted.

Gerry, do you have an idea to promote group that needs an IBS appropriation? Bring it to me. We have money. Gerry, you deserve a lot of credit for keeping benchrest alive at Camillus. Thank you very much! I understand you are no longer involved there. If that is the case, I hope that you are able to re-engage since I know you love the sport.

Besides the good IBS website, we have allied ourselves with (sorry Wilbur) and pay $250 to the reporter for each match that is covered as a 'featured match'. In group, this year both Camillus and the Weikert Nationals were covered (I don't take the $250 - I do it for free but we paid the Camillus reporter). The Mainville match was covered too. That site gets about 120,000 hits a week.

Harley Baker is working with the Bucknell University Engineering Department on an electronic backer system that would replace the current mechanical one that few clubs want to fool with or afford. I put Harley in touch with Bucknell. Early tests are promising. This may allow more clubs to do group.

I proposed a 300 yard challenge (group) between the disciplines. All I hear is "that is great idea, you go do it". We need someone to run it. No takers.

Any IBS member can submit a proposed rule change as long as he or she can get 25 signatures of support. It is then discussed at the Winter Meeting. We get nearly 100 persons there. Internet voting? A good concept that we have approved. Not implemented yet though. Who wants to help with that?

The number of people that really want to work and contributed is VERY SMALL in comparison to those that want to B**** and complain. I am sick of it.

Over and out. I will not get into a back and forth with anyone on this, but positive comments and suggestions are welcome.

Stover, IBS President

I'm no longer a member, Jeff, or I would volunteer, as this appears to be very simple..and free. It allows you to keep up with who votes and on what. It was as simple as a quick google search for "free internet voting software". I know your job isn't a high paying one, but the ease with which I found what appears to be a workable and free software program to work with leaves me with only one conclusion relative to how much effort has been put into implementing the internet voting rule change.

Perhaps I'm overlooking someone's efforts. If so, I do apologize. No bitching from me..just trying to help. I bitched all I'm going to about this BEFORE it became rule. I was happy that it had enough support to pass. I'll leave it at that.
I'm no longer a member, Jeff, or I would volunteer, as this appears to be very simple..and free. It allows you to keep up with who votes and on what. It was as simple as a quick google search for "free internet voting software". I know your job isn't a high paying one, but the ease with which I found what appears to be a workable and free software program to work with leaves me with only one conclusion relative to how much effort has been put into implementing the internet voting rule change.

Perhaps I'm overlooking someone's efforts. If so, I do apologize. No bitching from me..just trying to help. I bitched all I'm going to about this BEFORE it became rule. I was happy that it had enough support to pass. I'll leave it at that.

Mike, and how often do you shoot IBS score?

Dan Honert
Growing IBS

I have other ideas Jeff Here's a few more don't forget the classifications that,s an important issue
1 how about having a booth at the Syracuse gun show?
Michelle Sutton use to put one on she had a booth with all kinds of information. records Posters rifles of different types.

How about a few short videos? in on each type of shooting showing the equipment interviews with the shooters, showing reloading etc.
Long range, short range, score . This lay out could be set up at different shows how about the big one in Harrisburg?

If IBS really wants to consider this I would be more then glad to help even though I'm not a club director.

Jeff your right I do LOVE the sport and I get really pissed when people hurt it.

Not to be Hurt full
how about letting the clubs have a little more say on the direction of IBS?
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Mike, and how often do you shoot IBS score?

Dan Honert

Dan, you know the answer to that, my friend. While I was a member, I shot it a lot...and was as supportive as I could be. I always tried to promote the game and volunteered to help anywhere and in any way that I could. While I was a member I fought for internet voting and was told, basically, to jump in a lake. So, I'm no longer a member. I was told the same thing about backers.

The topic is about how to grow the sport. I think it would be a step in the right direction, for any shooting body, to implement a rule that was passed by the membership 3 years ago. Nothing more, nothing less, Dan. I ground that ax already. The president's tone in his last post and him asking for volunteers to help implement what appears to be a very easy and free solution to the rule change did prompt my last post, though. Again, if there's more to it than is apparent, I do apologize...but it would seem to me that it simply hasn't been given any attempt to implement. I'm not the only one that feels like I do. IBS would grow by simply keeping or getting back, members it once had, for starters.

We're a small group of shooters who, at least in large part, know each other. I have no personal ill will toward anyone in the game. I wish all sanctioning bodies could be very successful and wish them all the best at being just that.
Growing IBS

Yes marketing
IBS always asks about marketing I made that suggestion at one of the meetings
I was told we tried that and it didn't work.
Maybe they need too reconsider the suggestion.
I have been talking up Benchrest on the Bench Racing Forum on another Web Site,, where I am a lifetime member.

These guys are serious car guys, and many are into shooting. But very few know anything about Benchrest as represented by our two major Sanctioning Bodies.
Growing IBS

Your in it Wilbur tell us more.

w e talked about a booth at gun shows the way Michelle Sutton use to do it.
Only a little better {Possibly with videos of the shoots and interviews of some of the top shooters.
maybe a look around the matches on whats going on.
Some people do a great job at the shot show
When you have the pretty bench guns sitting there, maybe a rig to try out a 2oz trigger, some framed targets, a bunch of pictures of people, equipment, ranges with the sea of flags, target frames- all that on a picture slideshow on a big monitor. Then get some nice knowledgable people in there that can talk to anybody not necessarily the best shooters and just grab people as they walk by. Youd be surprised at the amount of people who never knew these groups were possible and a 2oz trigger even exists. It would be well worth it for brand recognition- thats marketing. Some crusty old growler may not help much even if he is a great shooter. A magazine would help get members these days too since there is nothing anymore. The nbrsa mag is real good if you went to one of the matches in there. Not too many great articles anymore.