Growing the IBS

........... A magazine would help get members these days too since there is nothing anymore. The nbrsa mag is real good if you went to one of the matches in there. Not too many great articles anymore.

Like the idea.... and adding my own input:

Bet an "online blog or magazine" would get 10-times the viewers and be far cheaper then an actual published magazine.
Wish it wasn't so, but can't help but think published magazines do not reach out in today's world. Definitely not like they did years back (sad though).
Multi-media is where its at in today's world <> websites, blogs, live-feeds, quick-time results, live-scoring, video's, pictures, etc.. <> - IMO
OK, I'll ask another question and then start trying to find somebody to update this website. I'm not so interested in updating this forum but the website really needs some help. :) I put a smiley face there but it really ain't funny.

Y'all are suggesting what to do, what can be done, etc, and so forth. Much of what is suggested can be done at some time and some expense. I don't believe the organizations can help with such in the time it needs to be done as the red tape would be a sure death. Further, if we have to agree on something before it's done it probably won't get done. Sooooo....that leaves us to our own selves and maybe a friend or two.

OK's the question. What are y'all planning to do about this. I really believe we can lick it if we try. In any case - nothing ventured, nothing gained.
OK, I'll ask another question and then start trying to find somebody to update this website. I'm not so interested in updating this forum but the website really needs some help. :) I put a smiley face there but it really ain't funny.

Y'all are suggesting what to do, what can be done, etc, and so forth. Much of what is suggested can be done at some time and some expense. I don't believe the organizations can help with such in the time it needs to be done as the red tape would be a sure death. Further, if we have to agree on something before it's done it probably won't get done. Sooooo....that leaves us to our own selves and maybe a friend or two.

OK's the question. What are y'all planning to do about this. I really believe we can lick it if we try. In any case - nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Take up a collection, do raffle's, make donations to purchase the items needed to do marketing. Market it to get it off the ground. Its amazing on what people will by a raffle ticket for.

As I stated when I started this thread increase and or decrease annual dues for cooperation or non cooperation. Let the organization by a $10.00 lunch for those that help with the booth for the day.
(Hints this my not even be needed if the funds start rolling in to help the cause.) But the lunch thing is an incentive (Marketing)

There are many ideas in Marketing and it is obvious the Marketing tools that have been provided thus far have proven to not work or have very minimal impact in helping the cause.

If you are going to lay around and do nothing then things become stale and moldy and will eventually crumble and fall apart.

Russell Rains
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Hey Russell,

I kinda take that last sentence personally. My wife says the same thing to me all the time. :eek::eek::eek:

Joe Hynes
Hey Russell,

I kinda take that last sentence personally. My wife says the same thing to me all the time. :eek::eek::eek:

Joe Hynes

Hey Joe just look at the top of your head that aught a tell you something.


PS, Tell Stacy Hello and I completely understand.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It appears that we need to start getting the ball rolling it sounds like.

I have to believe that can be done on this site in order to collect the funds needed to purchase a marketing booth to travel the world to promote Benchrest shooting.

Is the IBS willing to start a separate account (Let's call it the Marketing Account) to keep track of the funds that are collected to be applied towards Marketing Benchrest.

I don't have a problem with getting the ball rolling in regards to making a donation to raffling off an item to getting the funds to start rolling in but is the IBS willing to step up and help with our need and cause.

You know Wilbur Marketing is endless if you can think outside the box.

I wonder how may sponsors would like to get involved. Who knows, maybe Yetti will make a bullet proof cooler.

We need to know if we get the ball rolling, that we have the support to making this a positive thing for the entire Benchrest community.

Wilbur you may need to start a couple new topic's to this site. (Raffling items for Benchrest) in the classified section, to helping our sport grow. Who knows, maybe a Donation Section for those that want to be recognized for their donations, in regard to making this sport grow.

I am sure if this ever takes off there will be plenty of good and bad ideas, but one never knows unless they try.

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I don't think it's necessary to include the IBS, NBRSA or any organization in the effort. That's just me so maybe I need an explanation of why that's necessary.

I was wondering when it would become too much for you to stay out of the discussion. :)

Sorry I didn't say case I didn't. But, there's something that I can say thanks about right now and that's the post you just made. Thanks for the entire post but more so for the last line. That's what I've been trying to say for days.
new guy

First and Foremost this is in no way a complaint or trying to make anyone mad, Just thought I could add in a new person point of view. After finishing my first rookie year I would have to agree with Russel that we need new ways to get shooters in. I say this because I feel I found the IBS by luck. I had never heard of precision shooter prior to joining the IBS and even being a member of a club that ran a registered match I had never heard of the IBS. I did attended Bob and Harley's Class and that was wonderful but also was a 3 and half hour drive for me and only heard of that by luck. The class is amazing and in the 8 hrs of class room time you get a lot of info. I took tons of notes but still trying to remember 8 hrs of info can be a challenge. For a new shooter even with the class I still had tons of questions. Bob White was always helpful but I am sure I bothered him more then I should. I would say most of the younger generation goes to the internet for answers. Me personally I go to You tube for all kinds of things. I have changed my ball joints and tie rod ends on my truck after watching some videos on you tube. Now I do have some knowledge of cars but I thought is was pretty amazing that within seconds on my phone there is a video of the same vehicle i have and a step by step video on how to do this. IF you go to you tube and type in 6ppc or IBS there is no instructional videos and most of the videos are just people shooting off a bench.Not that entertaining. There is one video with just pictures of guns and it has 2 million views. With all the knowledge from all the shooters in the IBS and NBRSA it wouldn't be to hard to post some short 3 to 4 minute videos on all aspects of turning a .220 Russian into a working 6 ppc or a quick flag reading video, bench set up video. The possibility are endless. They can be used for Group,score, and long range. Made with some of the best shooters in there sport. On these videos you can also post links to the IBS website to get more traffic there. This can all be done for Free. Maybe some tool makers would donate tools to use to showcase their product. It is very simple to upload videos to youtube and I would be willing to help in any way possible. Just would need the people with all the knowledge to donate some time. might even introduce the sport to a lot of new shooters. Sorry for the long post.
JasonBrown -

Great reply......
and Welcome !.!.!

100% agree with you.... Online multimedia is whats popular in today's world.
Online-scoring, live-feeds, quick-time results, video, pictures, blogs, etc. etc.
Most all other sports have strong Online multimedia established.

Online seminars, instructional video, event feeds, and such would go far promotional - IMO

My 2-Cents
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I discovered all the interesting YouTube vids last year and now about half my viewing time is spent watching YouTube vids. I particularly enjoy the lads who fix things or make things using machine tools. There are hundreds of them and a lot of knowledge to be gained. It would seem to me a Natural for advertising Benchrest. The folks who make the YouTube vids seem to do them themselves so it shouldn't be all that expensive to make some. It's just a matter of someone qualified to do the content, which would leave me out. :eek:

We are gonna do more and more videos here at the Montana 1000 yard benchrest matches. We will even do some instructional stuff, some of that super secret black magic stuff. Along with an open invitation to visitors, and possibly a school of some sort in the future.

First and Foremost this is in no way a complaint or trying to make anyone mad, Just thought I could add in a new person point of view. After finishing my first rookie year I would have to agree with Russel that we need new ways to get shooters in. I say this because I feel I found the IBS by luck. I had never heard of precision shooter prior to joining the IBS and even being a member of a club that ran a registered match I had never heard of the IBS. I did attended Bob and Harley's Class and that was wonderful but also was a 3 and half hour drive for me and only heard of that by luck. The class is amazing and in the 8 hrs of class room time you get a lot of info. I took tons of notes but still trying to remember 8 hrs of info can be a challenge. For a new shooter even with the class I still had tons of questions. Bob White was always helpful but I am sure I bothered him more then I should. I would say most of the younger generation goes to the internet for answers. Me personally I go to You tube for all kinds of things. I have changed my ball joints and tie rod ends on my truck after watching some videos on you tube. Now I do have some knowledge of cars but I thought is was pretty amazing that within seconds on my phone there is a video of the same vehicle i have and a step by step video on how to do this. IF you go to you tube and type in 6ppc or IBS there is no instructional videos and most of the videos are just people shooting off a bench.Not that entertaining. There is one video with just pictures of guns and it has 2 million views. With all the knowledge from all the shooters in the IBS and NBRSA it wouldn't be to hard to post some short 3 to 4 minute videos on all aspects of turning a .220 Russian into a working 6 ppc or a quick flag reading video, bench set up video. The possibility are endless. They can be used for Group,score, and long range. Made with some of the best shooters in there sport. On these videos you can also post links to the IBS website to get more traffic there. This can all be done for Free. Maybe some tool makers would donate tools to use to showcase their product. It is very simple to upload videos to youtube and I would be willing to help in any way possible. Just would need the people with all the knowledge to donate some time. might even introduce the sport to a lot of new shooters. Sorry for the long post.


I totally agree 100% and I am willing to assist and help in anyway to try and I get this off the ground.

The only flag sitting video if this is done at South Creek should be done on bench 1 or we may scare a few people from the sport if they have to set flags on bench 30.

I think this is a Great IDEA.

Just to clarify

I am also not saying with these videos you should not go to a class if you get the chance. Bob and Harley's class was wonderful and I would recommend it to anybody. It's just a lot of info in one day. That's why I think 3 to 4 min videos could work the best. Just to be able to go back and look for one specific aspect that you need help with or clarification.
I would be happy to have the IBS contribute $ toward production of a series of short videos. Bring me a script or script ideas and how they will be produced.