Growing the IBS

And knowing jack he would be happy to do his class for a more formal filming instead of the undercover bodycam footage
i don't see a problem with having two organizations either. But having one would probably make it stronger overall.
Like i said earlier, i don't care one way or another. Br is br and i love it all. If you're into br, you're alright with me. I don't have to see which membership card someone has to enjoy the sport with them.

As for increasing memberships, i'd love to see it grow, but i don't know if recruiting is feasible because it seems benchrest doesn't find shooters, shooters find benchrest.

Factory classes might bring in a few shooters from time to time, but in general, i think 99% of them have no intention of taking their game to the next level. At our local range, the home club that helps operate the range tried to have a factory class and define what was considered "factory". In no time at all, guys were buying coopers and jarretts and dakotas to gain an advantage over the others. Then they started buying custom barrels and custom triggers and basically doing anything they could to dress up their rifles. In the end, these guys spent enough dough that they could have bought real br guns and played with the big boys. But all they accoplished was squabbling over who had what and what was fair. None of them saw the big picture. And it was a shame because quite a few of them own lathes, do their own gunsmithing, and love reloading. Some even bought 6br's and 6ppc's. They are prime candidates for br. But for whatever reason, they will not get into real benchrest shooting.
too each own what you love what you can afford times have changed 350 for rifle now 3500 young people dont have time for many events yust make 50cents now 50 dollars an hour. Cant miss work at that pay.
I still believe in 2 party
too each own what you love what you can afford times have changed 350 for rifle now 3500 young people dont have time for many events yust make 50cents now 50 dollars an hour. Cant miss work at that pay.
i still beleive in 2 party system but voting done all by members an no proxie votes not by just by directors.
i still believe in 2 partyi still beleive in 2 party system but voting done all by members an no proxie votes not by just by directors.
also travel expense has risen makes some people must travel long distances to matches or meetings winter meeting should move around like it yust to, but then how many squakers would come.
too each own what you love what you can afford times have changed 350 for rifle now 3500 young people dont have time for many events yust make 50cents now 50 dollars an hour. Cant miss work at that pay.[/QUOTE YRS AGO 60 PERCENT OF SHOOTERS HAD THINGS TO SELL TO HELP PAY FOR THEIR TRIP FEW NEW SHOOTERS DO.
All very good ideas..... one more idea is to promote/advertise anywhere and everywhere possible even social media. The 'younger' aged shooters rely on digital media for everything.
Time has change

thanks andy.
It is a very clear must start somewhere..and ibs members somehow just do not understand that simple thing.
Add up the cost of a used rifle an entry level scope, frt rest, spotting scope, reloading aint a cheap sport travel.
( side note. One reason i picked the ar platform for my br rifles was cost...bolt and reciever $300 not $1200)
my local club has matches every month we have formal rules...six classes shot in one day.....
In addition we run two types of military bolt action br...with stock guns.....think very low cost.....i shoot cast bullets most of the time.
There has to be an entry into precision rifle shooting to get someone hooked. Our club starts with 22's and milsurplus bolt action rifles.
On top of that we have only one club that does short range br in the state(if that) and ibs chased off our 1000yd club.
Tell someone they have to drive hours to go shoot a br match in this economy, and see what you get for a reaction.

Mike in co
if your a member walk ru ride fly to grt there even come in on cloud then you can have your say
i got 2 in morning took care 140 head milk cowa gave enough feed for the day drive 200 miles to winter meeting leave at4 to go back home for chors
if your a member walk ru ride fly to grt there even come in on cloud then you can have your say
i got 2 in morning took care 140 head milk cowa gave enough feed for the day drive 200 miles to winter meeting leave at4 to go back home for chors
pres. Ibs jeff s please contact fairchance for aug natls yourself thanks
New reply

hi russell,

i too have noticed attendance going down in the registered group matches. That was what prompted me to have those tee shirts made to help the match directors defray their costs. At some point, it makes no sense for them to even conduct a registered match if attendance fees won't even cover the costs. I am encouraged by the increase in attendance that is taking place in the central jersey winter league matches. Thanks dana m and paul k for running them. Some of the new shooters are starting to attend registered matches and thats a good thing. As i see it, we have to support the match directors any way we can. If it becomes too much for them to pull off a match due to low attendance and support their will be no matches. It will be interesting to see what new shooters show up this winter. I will be proactive in trying to recruit them to shoot the registered matches. One last thing, the folks who direct and manage both ibs and nbrsa are doing what they do on their dime. Their time and efforts are most appreciated!

Bill mcintyre
attendence is down in both due to change of times much more intrests more money more interests for children tough thing to fight
I have been there

the titusville rifle and pistol club, (mims, fl.) is a small range in comparison to many of the ranges that are on the ibs site. We have a club score match every month with 10 to 12 shooters. We have a shoot what you bring class, ars, varmints, hunting rifles, or what will make it to the 200yd target. I run the matches in the summer time, even with the matches being only club matches there is work involved in preparing for the match, calling the line, scoring and changing targets. I think the problem with the declining for shooter and matches is that the people that run the matches are just burned out and older shooters are passing away. The sport of bench rest shooting doesn’t draw the younger people because we don’t run, jump, shoot moving targets, or any of the things that happen in other matches as idpa and such. Bench rest is for people that like to set down and shoot for accuracy. I think br shooters get as much enjoyment with the perpetration to shoot the match as shooting it, loading and such. The expenses of br equipment is about the same as any other shooting sport. We charge $5.00 per yardage to shoot club matches, of that money half goes back to the winners of the match (1st, 2nd, & 3rd agg). The money awards may be something to think about in drawing new shooters. I wish i knew what would bring out more shooters. I enjoy the br shooting sport, i would like to see it grow.
mims, fl.
i shot yrts ago 2 3 times long ways to drive for couple hr. Shoot i just visited it some time ago when i was over there see its still going keep it up every little bit helps bill brawand
Rember this now

goodgrouper, no one is trying to "tone down" br. By the way, the "split" occurred over 42 years ago! Right now the ibs long range program (600 and 1000 yard) is, far and away, the most active, vibrant and widespread program in the country. That pretty much goes for score as well. The ibs group matches, are generally held in our traditional ny-pa area with a couple of exceptions.
at one time ibs had 7 ranges to handle everything now only 3 ranges used to have all free help now everyone wants paid and dont work on weekends for natls we now will have to travel 500 to 800 miles only people good income can do that tell me i went thru that bill b
all very good ideas..... One more idea is to promote/advertise anywhere and everywhere possible even social media. The 'younger' aged shooters rely on digital media for everything.
there is few squares on that dont understand benchrest or realy know anything about it
A bright spot seems to be

score shooting in the Southeast. They seem to have figured out how to attract shooters. Perhaps they could share some secrets for others?

Time has changedtaks more money and time kids get newcrs at 18yrs have other interest cst has gone up 30 times as much barrels were 80 dollars chambering was 20 dollarsa new benc gun was 325 gas was 20 cents a hambuger 25 cents time has canges every thing every one wants convientence. Middle money peoplecant aford
time has changedtaks more money and time kids get newcrs at 18yrs have other interest cst has gone up 30 times as much barrels were 80 dollars chambering was 20 dollarsa new benc gun was 325 gas was 20 cents a hambuger 25 cents time has canges every thing every one wants convientence. Middle money peoplecant aford
had i not haqd a good bullet out pt i could not bee able to soot as often as i did or me all th grea peopli have and i still love it bill b keep on trucking.
Wake up now.

now that is pretty much a joke..and is just one more knife in thier back....
On line voting........
Yep if you live in the north can afford to one else much for international bs...
Mike in co
shooter in west ave to ravel many miles to their closet match so travel many miles to you witer meetin iave driven 14 hrs to get therei 2 f6. Of snowand onl7 had few dollars i them days.