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  1. M

    Powder Choice

    I would like to see what response I get from all the experienced Benchrest shooters on this forum about this question. If you had no powder and you had a chance to buy one eight pound jug of the following powders, which one would you buy ? IMR 8208XBR LT32 N133 Tom
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    new guy here

    T , my Sako 22 PPC likes Vihtavuori 130 best and I have had good groups with Benchmark.
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    My friend gave me two 1lb. cans of this powder, I don't know how old it is,but want to try it in my PPC's. The label reads;X-truded,XMR (in red ) 2015.The label states that it is formely 2015 BR powder. It shows as being from Accurate Arms Co. in McEwen Tennessee. Any idea how old this powder is...
  4. M

    Rear Bag Question

    Keith,I have three stocks with flat bottoms that measure 1/2 to 5/8 wide. I ordered a three stitch bag from Protektor that has a 5/8 '' spaceing between the ears at the bottom of the ears, this bag works good for me. Tom
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    o.k. I want to try some AA 2015 in my two 6PPC's but I am confused from what I have been reading here. If I am to go out and buy this powder from what is on dealer shelves now, what am I looking for as far as lot numbers and where the powder is made. Is the powder that all this chatter is...
  6. M

    Redding Bushing Dies abd Redding Bushing

    Ed, I look at what side has the most champfer and put that side down faceing the case neck. Does it make a difference ? I do not really know. Tom
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    Wilbur -- new forum?

    Not at all,but General Discussion should be about shooting !
  8. M

    Wilbur -- new forum?

    Anybody with a computor knows how to find any site,humor favorite movies,what ever, lets keep this a shooting BR site. Tom
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    New NBRSA Magazine

    Vern,I got my May issue three weeks ago, and just got the June issue on Tuesday. Tom
  10. M

    Question on the LT 322

    Jackie, you forgot the new BR bullet ! Tom
  11. M

    New Berger BR Bullet

    Vern,thanks, I did miss that in centerfires thread, I have to slow down my reading !
  12. M

    New Berger BR Bullet

    Centerfire, do I read this correctly, that the lighter load shot a better group ? Maybe I will back my charges down and give it a try. Tom
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    New Berger BR Bullet

    Centerfire, I am still in the process of testing these bullets and have not had the range time needed to really give my opinion on what I think of them. I will post a thread on what I found out about them and how they shot for me. Tom
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    New Berger BR Bullet

    Thanks to all,I will be going to the range tomorrow to see how I do with this new bullet. Tom
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    New Berger BR Bullet

    I was looking at the Equiptment list from the Cactus shoot and it has Lou Murdica as shooting the new Berger BR bullet and the weight is listed as 64.8 gr. This bullet that I received from Berger is 64.2 gr. Are these new bullets coming out at different weights ? Maybe Eric or Lou can clear this...
  16. M

    New Berger BR Bullet

    My shooting buddy ordered his from Berger the same day he read about them on The Accurate Shooter. He received them last Thursday ,about three or four weeks from the day he ordered them. He has not tested them as yet,and did not say he had any trouble ordering them. My order is in route. Tom
  17. M

    New Berger BR Bullet

    Just wondering if anyone has gotten any of the new colume bullets from Berger and have tried them yet. Tom
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    Bullet In Neck

    Thanks to all for the input,I did fail to state the calipers which are 6mm's. I was concerned about so little grip on the bullet,but it sounds like as long as it's in there and holding , it is o.K. Tom
  19. M

    Bullet In Neck

    I have a couple of good rifles that happen to have very long throats in them. This makes me pick certain bullets that have a good amount of the bullet base in the case neck. That is my question to you all,what is considered the proper amount of bullet body in the case neck ? Some of the bullets...
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    Offical Targets

    Thanks for checking on that..........Tom