New NBRSA Magazine


Last month or hopefully the month before there was a lot of noise about the new magazine from the NBRSA.
I was wondering if anyone had received the 2nd and or 3rd issue as yet?
Maybe memory fails me and it only comes out every other month...
At any rate any more reviews.

The reason I ask is that I can only attend club matches for now (I couldnt even make the one registered match our range hosts this year) due to work issues.
Anyway I cant see paying $50 a year for the NBRSA membership if I cant shoot at least one registered match. However if there were a really good magazine I could justify the cost just for some good reading.
There has always been so much controversy over the Precision shooting mag along with the fact every time I checked them out there was far more to do with shooting articles than BR shooting. I always figured if that was what I wanted I could just get Guns & Ammo or any number of other mags which I never read.
What say you???

The new NBRSA secretary with some help from her husband have taken the duty to bring us a magazine that they are trying to keep the shooters in touch with what is going on with our shooting. They have had to start from scratch and I believe have all ready surpassed the company that made it very difficult for the representatives that sent in match report in the form that they wanted it in and also requested photos to be in black and white. The new Precision Rifleman has color to it and brings to life the pictures for us.

The magazine is a monthly issue and yes some of us do not get it delivered on / or the first of the month but I don’t lose sleep over it; just enjoy it when it comes. This magazine is up to the shooter, match directors etc to make it work for all of us. They need to have information from the shoots, articles such as Doc Tim and what Joe Krupa has put together.

I feel we have to give credit to Audrey Brown to not only take on the Business Manager but also Editor to give something to us shooters. This is something that will not be a best seller over night.

If anyone has any problems not getting there magazine you should contact Audrey and I am sure she will help or 307-655-7415 if you don’t have a computer.

Good shooting and reading
Thanks Tom. Considering your reputation Ill take this to the bank.
I would comment on the previous publisher making requirements on how things are submitted. I work for a publisher/printer and I can certainly understand those requirements and they would not be out of line. You tend to get printed exactly what you submit.

On the lighter side no one mentioned this was a comic book, only considering the statement about Doc Tim. Hmm maybe he is going to provide blue prints for the famous chainsaw Margarita blender he was using when I used to shoot with him in Denton.... sorry I digress....

Thanks again. I think I'll give the magazine a try. I suppose if I were reallllly serious I would offer my layup services... naaaa I dont have a good fireproof suit anymore...
Thanks Tom.
I think the magazine is great. Not one article about "accurate 10/22's" or "Rifles of the U S Secret Service". In my opinion the other Mag. has gone to the dogs. Audrey is doing a fine job.
Thanks Boyd I always wondered where that thing came from.
I appreciate all the input I think after another month Ill give it a try.
NBRSA Magazine

I was walking around the block(Exercise) one day and happened to walk up behind the postman parked at my mail box. He was sitting in his delivery van reading my Precision Rifleman magazine.

When he saw me , he continued to flip through pages of the magazine while asking questions about the Sport of Benchrest Competition. I've known him a long time. He's a gun enthusiast,mostly Pistols.

It might not be a bad idea to think about mailing the magazines in an envelope. More subscribers may start receiving the issues in a timely manner.

I just wish I would get one. I have yet to receive a NBRSA Mag. Sent another email to check on it.



Audrey was at our match in Grand Junction, CO last weekend and was taking renewals and new memberships. I heard her tell several folks that she would process them as soon as she returned home and that they would be in the mail within a day or two. If you haven't received your mags yet, it might not be a bad idea to just call her. She's super friendly and very eager to please.
NBRSA Magazine

Just got my June issue today. I can't believe that the Secretary would be intentionally selective about who gets mailed a magazine.

It's a known fact that mail(Especially loose magazines) sometimes gets misplaced/read during shipment. An envelope would fix the problem.

I guess I get treated special living in Canada. My magazine comes in an envelope. Guess that is why I pay a bit more for a membership......... LOL.

Audrey is doing a great job with the magazine. What she needs is articles written by you the shooters. To complain and not contribute is very common and easy. She needs your help. The magazine content is really in your hands and you can make it better. Contribute an article please. This will be an excellent time to get your name in print besides on a police blotter. Tim
Got a call from Audrey about an hour after sending email. She's taking care of it, not her fault that I wasn't getting them. There showing as being mailed...probably my mail delivery person, the neighbors and I are always swapping mail back and forth.

I've known Rodney for a few years but this is the first time I talked to Audrey. I understand why they get along...good people.

Vern,I got my May issue three weeks ago, and just got the June issue on Tuesday.
She was very helpful to me in getting me a new Life Membership card and a few back issues of the magazine. I'd say she's a great asset to NBRSA. I also just got my June issue of the magazine and it was a little thin but the match reports and general content were good and well worth the price as included in the membership.
Got my June issue. Not sure when it arrived. I was at the Super Shoot.
Wow. It was a great Super Shoot.
256 shooters. 16 countries.
So it was not too crowded. Which was great.

That Joe guy.
Yea, most know Joe.
He's a pretty good writer. A very good shooter. Got a 250-19X score at WWCCA, last Dec. 2011. Good for the Range record. Most holes were perfect wipe outs. And it was not an easy day to shoot.
Oh, yea. Thanks for the article. It was a pretty good read.
Some of you fellas, that know how to red and 'rite. Need to contribute some good reading.
Heck. Anything would be good.
Me. I am just a new guy.....
Envelopes only add cost, not security or speed, Talk to yourt postmaster AND your carrier

Just got my June issue today. I can't believe that the Secretary would be intentionally selective about who gets mailed a magazine.

It's a known fact that mail(Especially loose magazines) sometimes gets misplaced/read during shipment. An envelope would fix the problem.
