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  1. J

    Online 100 yard group benchrest competition, target upload until 3/31/17

    Josh you are definitely new to benchrest and welcome to the game! I applaud you in this endeavor to get more people involved in the game of benchrest as the game is all about personal improvement for most shooters. It is definitely more fun when you can compete against others and move up through...
  2. J

    Online 100 yard group benchrest competition, target upload until 3/31/17

    That is a pretty good agg. for a Ruger! Measuring groups in a postal match is one of the difficulties. Another will be verifying the number of shots fired. Would rail guns be allowed? John
  3. J

    Results for WWCCA Fall Classic Sept. 17-18, 2016

    Tim, congratulations on a great agg and win against some tough competition! John
  4. J

    IBS Grp Nats Day6-Larry Costa wins HB 200 and 4 Gun, Wayne Campbell wins HB Grand

    Congratulations Mr. Costa on the 200 yd win and to Wayne on the grand agg.
  5. J

    Results of the Isabella County Sportsman's Club 300 Yard Score & Group Shoot 8-13-16

    Congratulations Matt! I was hoping to go and had everything ready but my daughter took Friday night off to take me to a Calcutta shoot. Didn't get back till late. To bad as it looked like you could have used a few more shooters and Steve sure runs a nice match at the Isabella club. It has been...
  6. J

    IBS Grp Nats Day5-Jack Neary wins HV200, Bob Scarbrough Jr wins HV Grand, 2 & 3 Gun

    Bob, you sure are having a good week of shooting. Congratulations! Jack, you did ok to.
  7. J

    IBS Grp Nats Day4-Greg Walley wins SP200 Bart Sauter wins SP Grand

    Congratulations Greg on the 200 and Bart on the agg!
  8. J

    Bench Rest Technique

    EKP, Nader and Dick are right benchrest rifles are built to ride in bags and rests and that is what most competitors are talking about. Your rifle and a lot of factory hunting rifles are shot a little differently and Nader is correct that big soft sand bags often work well and a light hold...
  9. J

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 2016 Benchrest Match Schedule

    Thanks Matt, I understand about weddings, have done 3 of them already. I had my daughter over this weekend and she wanted to go shoot trap. I will always say yes to shooting with my daughters. Hope to do the score tournament this year with you all. John
  10. J

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 2016 Benchrest Match Schedule

    Francis, it would be nice to shoot with you all up there, will see how things work out later this year. I was hoping to get an answer for the Isabella match
  11. J

    Jeff Gaidos Wins WWCCA.

    Congratulations Jeff! Joe didn't do to bad either.
  12. J

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club 2016 Benchrest Match Schedule

    Is there any place to load? any tables? Just want to know what I should bring. Do we need someone to change targets? John
  13. J

    Brian J. Albee Has Passed Away

    It was tough to watch Brian go through what he did. He went down shooting and winning right to the end. My hat is off to Helen for helping him out all those years. He was a true competitor till the very end. John VM
  14. J

    Announcing The 2016 Michigan Score Tournament

    Thanks Matt, looks like fun!
  15. J

    A Very Fitting Tribute to Lowell Hottenstein's Passing...

    Joe and Jack both gave a great speach. It took a while for Joe to get through all Lowell's achievements, there were quite a few! The stories put a smile on many faces as well as a few tears. The pastor struggled a little coming up with a text in which he could include bullets but pulled it off...
  16. J

    Matt Dardas wins WWCCA Score Shoot.

    Congratulations Matt!
  17. J

    Lowell Hottenstein... Your Prayers Needed Now!

    Lowell was one of the "Great shooters" in Benchrest and has left a mark in this sport that will last. He was a great bullet maker, toughest of competitors, kindest of people, represented his country extremely well at the World Shoot and raised a pretty fierce competitor to follow in his shoes...
  18. J

    Isabella County Sportsman's Club's White Grass!

    I hope you guys stay busy wearing out your 30 cal barrels all winter long. Maybe I'll see you guys later when I come out of hibernation and chase the spiders out of the ppc at the score shoots this year. John VM