Matt Dardas wins WWCCA Score Shoot.


Tim B.
Another beautiful day at Western Wayne. Light tricky winds and something new at WW. Snow. 2 targets were mostly white-outs. 20°F.
We had a great turn out 11 shooters. And a new guy.

Sundays results.
Matt Dardas 248-4X
Tim B. 246-7X
Mario Sanchez 246-6X
Rich Quigley 245-4X
Larry Feusse 244-0X
Ron Robovitsky 242-3X
Mel Newransky 242-2X
Lee Hachigian 242-2X
Dominic Grunas 240-5X
Joe Krupa was helping the new Guy Eric Johnson.....
Photos of the WWCCA January 200 Yard Score Shoot

Photos of the WWCCA 200 Yard Score Shoot. Do ya think it was cold? Heck yea it was!

View of the Range

Now this photo is really interesting! The tracks were on the firing line and so perfectly preserved in the ice. They are made by a badger!

The badger tracks on the firing line

Looking downrange

Shhhhhh! There's a buck nearby!

A View from inside the Scoring House
And More Photos!!!

The Chief In Charge - Tim Bassham

After The Match

A View Looking Downrange

Larry Feusse modeling a Stormy Kromer

I want to say that it is a blast driving two hours to shoot at WWCCA Score Shoots. It is a lot of fun!

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Yo Matt,
Pretty cool stuff. I didn't know you took pictures.
Down between the 100y. and 150y. I think, there is a deer trail there. Sometimes we see deer tracks followed by coyote or dog tracks...
In the summer at dusk. There is a huge deer herd there. They are usually on the skeet range.
And a big gaggle of turkeys that wonder around the place. 11-15 turkeys.
Glad you had fun.
Tim B.
One Group match last year I took the dog for a walk and went where the Air-gun place is on the right and the trap fields on the left, there was a flock of turkeys on the right of about 30 and another flock on the left of about 30. Poor dog did not know what to do, well as a matter of fact, neither did I.
Wow. That's a lot.
At a score match on a Sunday. I saw them by the front gate. Then Dom saw them come down the road to the 200y. By time we started shooting the turkeys were walking on the left hand berm. I counted 11, one big female and 10 small ones.....
Nice shooting Matt. Hey, is that pic of Larry flipped? Why does it look like he is shooting left handed?

Joe Hynes
Nice shooting Matt. Hey, is that pic of Larry flipped? Why does it look like he is shooting left handed?

Joe Hynes

Yea, somehow I wasn't holding my head right when I was editing it and it got flipped. It is weird to see Larry shooting lefthanded. I should ask him if he will part with his 'left-handed' rifle!
