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  1. S

    New bullet making Thread

    Gerry I referred you bullet makers to the BR FAQ's page several times. The bullet FAQ's page has been on BRC for several years. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Wind observation today

    Boyd Direction of conditions is primary. Wind intensity is secondary. Bryan and myself see this issue the same way. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Aiming Point

    10x Different Ranges can and do require different hold points. For a blow range like Phoenix choose a ring that will allow your center hold POI calm day hold to hit the mothball. Hard to do sometimes but at 200 you have plenty of space to form your group in the mothball. As you shoot move your...
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    Luther Oklahoma Hv June 12

    Rex Shows that the .25 agg as Page eluded to in his book is a mighty weapon at a challenging Shoot. Congrats to Larry, he doesn't need it he generally is near or at the top. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    scope/optics cleaning

    I use the isopropyl alcohol. Spray a puddle in a lense, leave lens upright on a bag gun. For a Rail gun give an extra spray because I doubt you can hold a rail top upright and then flip it to do the other side of the scope, do the best you can with your Rail scope. Dab lens with a soft napkin to...
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    Inaccurate Scope Turrets? Anyone else ever have this problem??

    Guitar Just ignore lefty o that is his standard comment to a guy seeking help with less than a BR scope. Don't feel bad about your 1/4" click scope. Even the vaunted Leupold BR scope with 1/4" clicks have the same problems. Try going a click or 2 past your next adjustment then go back. This...
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    Wind observation today

    Vern I'm getting ready to go to Visalia next weekend for a UNL5/ HV Shoot. I have been flying flags for the last month to get the flag idea in my head. I will sightin/practice a little on our 100-300 Range north of Fontana Speedway tommorrow. Forecast for Visalia next weekend is for hot. But I...
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    Old Cartridge still great ?

    Shooters For wind effect check out any Sierra, Hornaday, or Speer ballistic sections. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Warren Page book

    You are right Vern. But Warren talked also of under .25 groups and aggs of less to come later. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    To everyone that posted on Stephen's bullet making thread

    You are a LIAR Wilbur. I did not delete the bullet making Thread. I would never erase anything as historical as a bullet making Thread. Why did I start the Thread if I was going to erase it later. The Thread was to inform and encourage new bullet makers which I think the Thread did and was...
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    BR bullet thread?

    Paul I did not kill the BR Bullet Making Thread. Also your comments are in-appropriate. You know down deep your father , Francis, has continually tried to get my Goat along with Mickey Coleman on BRC. Like I said earlier I like you and your son Eric but have nothing to do with your dad. I wish...
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    BR bullet thread?

    Al I did not delete the BR Bullet Making Thread. It still appears on my Computer but it seems the Posting has stopped. Not my doing. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    twist rate and bullet length

    I just added this Thread to my favorites. Keep taking Larry, Alinwa, and German, fruitfull. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    BR bullet thread?

    I have been been on my Meds for 15 years now. Doing fine feel great. How many of you guys on Meds? I never go off my Meds. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Shadetree Rest top - best option for front bag??

    Guys In buying a rest top check out the Hoehn top also, lots of them on Hart Rests/Pedestals like on mine. Shadetree rest top looks fine also . Check out your options. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Remington 700 to 40X

    Mark I have 2 of the followers in my Rem 600 BR actions. I never take them out and I always shoot single shot as if the actions were made that way. In practice a Rem 600 is the same as as a Rem XP 100 with a solid bottom and straight bolt handle. With a factory Rem 700 action you can actually...
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    Kelbly trigger?

    I see benchrest as a 4 trigger game now that the Kelbly triggers have established themselves, starting in 2006 they were first available. Jewell still leads by a far margin. They should, they have had a BR trigger on the market since before 1994 when I bought my first. Remington conversions are...
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    Bullet Making (originally owned by Stephen Perry)

    Great historical perspective Gerry. Amazing how the bullet making World is connected. George have you ever heard of or met Joe Wagner out here in California ? Joe is a gunsmith, manufacturer, and small bore shooter. Thanks Gerry for sharing your bullet making beginnings. Interested now about...
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    twist rate and bullet length

    SS Your form of aggravations is what causes harsh words to fly. Consider that guy with no name and a bad handle. I will not Post on your stuff anymore. That's the way it is. No such thing as 300 yd groupings with a factory rifle like the accuracy you claim. Stephen Perry Angeles BR
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    Does Anyone Have Any '09 Hottenstein BT Bullets They Would Be Willing To Sell?

    Tom Who in their right mind would give Neary the bullets that put him in the HoF. The way Jack beats up on the Shooters at the big Shoots that's like give Capt'n Insano more gasoline to burn your house down with. Tom just give Neary 4 boxes of Sierra 70 grn BR bullets and tell him to be...