Bullet Making (originally owned by Stephen Perry)

I just made some 100gr 8 og bt bullets. One of my friends asked if i would make some for testing in
8 twist br. I hope they work out. Hes a great shot and i will finally get a good test.
I found that the 1.050 works best for up to 100grs with a BT I can reach 95 grs as a Flat base.
The best bullets so far on the 900 jacket is the 85 gr BT
Best i can do with an 8 ogive
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Gerry and George and others
Let's change up and talk some historic bullet making dies and BR bullets. We already mentioned B&A dies ( Biehler & Astles), Sisk BR bullets, Remington BR bullets, Metzger BR bullets, Shilen BR bullets, Detsch dies, Simonson dies, Rorschach dies, so I know there are more. Floor is yours I'll join later.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Rorschach Buller Dies

Rorschach Bullet Dies
Who's got them steel or carbide Don made both. 22 or 6 don't know if he made 30's. I have a 22 carbde set they are better than the best but that's just me. What you guys got and do they satisfy your needs in bullet making dies. There is a great article on page 177 of The Benchrest Shooting Primer on the making of Rorschach dies. Other publications generally get around to talking Rorschach bullet dies like old PS.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR

We at SCHEIDER Accuracy use all Rorschach dies and J-4 jackets in making our FOWLER BR bullets as Jef Fowler did for so many years. We have 22Cal, 6MM and 30 Cal. dies from Don Rorschach.

As an aside, I had a most pleasant conversation with Mr. Rorschach, esq. recently_ a true craftsman.

Bill Scheider

My first reading about bullet making was from the shooters bibles I was fascinated by the articule.
It has several lisings of bullet maker lead wire sources, and suppliers
I thought at the time it was Great and gave me a better understaning on how the bullet was made. I use to cast bullets with my older brother for the pistols and low velocity rifles.
After my term in the army and doing a heck of a lot more shooting. I started shooting small bore and soon after benchrest. one of the best reloading manuals i found was a speer #9. It had an interesting article about bullet making.
I also read quite a bit in the herters catalogue they advertized the mitey might bullet press and their dies, they also sold half jackets . After shooting benchrest for a while. everyone was shooting the 222 in HV varmint I had a chance to buy a set of B&A dies from hart rifle barrels . This really got my interest going. I wrote Ted smith abut a set of dies
He was making 224 cal dies at really reasonable prices. Corbin took over after Ted got sick. I bought his little book that went into detail on how bullet making dies were made. I also bough
Bought a set of his dies at the time. I had a small lathe and made my own bullet ram that i still have. I hand lapped it into a rockchucker press. I had been bitten by the bullet making bug. Teds book also talked about making 224 bullets from 22 spent hulls and had a die that took the rim and straighted it out. Vern Speer started that way as to his article in his #9 manual. It even has his phots of the marshaltown press he was using.. Its a great manual. Later i had a friend {hes stil alive ]but quite old that also got into bullet making. He had teds book and made a set of 7mm dies.
They were soft but worked pretty well. I know one other person who made dies Ross Sherman from Dryden New York. He was a true tenths man and old benchrest shooter. He also made a few actions for BR shooting in the early days. Ed Shillen worked with him for a while. SAS was another die company . Homer culver made great dies.
They were tool steel and he ve
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Even made a mini lathe to bore jackets, and a spinner to check the concitricity of the finished jacket. Those were the upside down type dies. I know speedy gonzales knows how to make dies he worked with Rorschach for a while.
I'm sure there are others but the bump up method was done at Rit in Rochester NY by Ray Beihler and Walt Astles.
They wrote a complete book on presses dies and the whole Method of bullet makeing. I read that book several times.
It may seem out dated but all of the information is still valid today. Now we have George Ulrich making dies and Bryan Nemi. also. George Ulrich has me interested at this point. I hopeing in the future to give him a try at a die set.
Corbin also maked dies and bullets press also jacket makeing dies. His brother is running walnut hill that also makes dies and presses. I stick with what i know is good. But you never know how the others are until you give them a try.
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Great historical perspective Gerry. Amazing how the bullet making World is connected. George have you ever heard of or met Joe Wagner out here in California ? Joe is a gunsmith, manufacturer, and small bore shooter. Thanks Gerry for sharing your bullet making beginnings. Interested now about George Ulrich's bullet making beginnings. George what say.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR