Does Anyone Have Any '09 Hottenstein BT Bullets They Would Be Willing To Sell?


Lou and I had lunch and I spilled my lunch in my lap and Lou had an extra pair of shorts he gave me to put on. I went to wash them to give them back to him and I found about 6 of the Hottenstein Bullets in the dryer. I will bring them to St. Louis for you (no charge for them) at least you will have enough for a fowler and one record target, make sure its the right relay to use them as I think they will be hummmers!
Who in their right mind would give Neary the bullets that put him in the HoF. The way Jack beats up on the Shooters at the big Shoots that's like give Capt'n Insano more gasoline to burn your house down with.

Tom just give Neary 4 boxes of Sierra 70 grn BR bullets and tell him to be thrifty with them. Maybe just maybe they will last a month or so with his busy Schedule. What a Hoot give HoF bullets to a new HoF shooter.

Congrats Jack on your making the HoF. Jack bring your shooters out to California and we'll hunt coyotes out in the Desert.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR