Got my second dose


I've been told there are 2 kinds of liars. The first kind just lie to your face and the second kind climbs a tree and lies to you. After Fauchi's 2nd or 3rd lie I was done with him. He obviously thinks everyone is gullible enough to believe his lies. I understand he can't ride in the front seat of a car because his nose is so long. Here's a video of him speaking on behalf of the PLA...............The CDC is also a member of good standing in the PLA due to their bogus reporting of numbers of the virus.
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This was provided to me from a well known in the shooting industry. NAME REMOVED

I never asked permission to post this so that is the reason why I removed their name.
If they choose to acknowledge then let it be. READ BELOW!!!!!!

I never did buy into the whole COVID bull S. I wear a mask when a business owner asks me to since it is their business or I walk out if it is not necessary items I need. The World is being played and it is amazing how many just do as told. So much for independent thought in this country.

Our bodies are 99.8 to 99.9% able to defend itself from COVID, vaccines are only 95%. Why would anyone take vaccine with all side effects. STUPID SHEEPAL!

Fortunately the World is coming around to seeing the BS in this virus and the power grab by those who think they are in charge.

10 out of 13 of us here had COVID in January and unfortunately my brother spent 7 nights in hospital due to working with fiberglass and having trouble breathing from COVID. He is doing good now. But the rest of us had no worse than flu symptoms. Only 4 here got tested and ten had it, so I ask you does that mean over 100 million of us in USA have had it? I personally believe since COVID cases are down 77% in last three weeks that over 200 million have had COVID 19 if not more. Herd Immunity should have been done from the start. If your ass is scared of dieing from COVID, then you stay home and leave the rest of us alone. Many saw the beginning of this as a paid holiday by Government and that how the Government sold many.

We have not closed down one day thru the entire PANDEMIC (pandemic my ass).
In talking to Europeans on COVID, they are told totally different than us. If they had COVID in Europe they will not give you the vaccine as you are now immune to COVID.

When have you heard that in USA. NEVER And now they are pushing the COVID variant to scare us even more.

Here we have dig deep into COVID research, which all Americans should, and the BS they spew is so wrong. I can’t wait till Lawyers are suing the Sh_ _out of the Government and big business in a few years for the testing they make many people do and the harm it is causing. Fauci should burn in Hell!!!!!!!!!!! And I am sure he will, God willing. Did you see he got a 1 million dollar bonus for his great work.

This is America and we will keep up the good fight to remain free and able to do what we want as long as it does not hurt others. As America was intended.
Our bodies are 99.8 to 99.9% able to defend itself from COVID, vaccines are only 95%. Why would anyone take vaccine with all side effects. STUPID SHEEPAL!

I can't attest to the accuracy of your percentages; however, I know folks who died from the virus and I don't know any who died from having taken the vaccine. I don't mind having risked whatever side effects the vaccine might have v. the side effects of the virus.
That the good part of living in this country, we have a choice in these matters...SO FAR...and everyone can make their own decision.
Preach ON Brother Rains!!

We are currently the worst represented minority in this, what used to be our country....... well over half the people in ANY room (yes, this forum included, I've spent well over 20yrs here, I KNOW these people) view our Founding Fathers as bigoted whackjobs altho a huge percentage of them of them don't realize it. And others will prate 2A platitudes whilst they get all up in your face for exercising your 1A rights ;)

but THANK YOU for doing so ......SPEAK IT ..... censorship is a sin

"leave them boys alone and let 'em sing their songs"
After my first one, a bit tired later on that day and the next but no biggie.

Got my second and wasn't as tired but had a nasty head ache for about 36 hours. -Al
I based my decision on risk:

I felt the risk for me to not take the vaccine and die if I contracted Covid19 outweighed taking it so I got it as early as I could. Regarding Our esteemed immunologist, He should have retired long ago. Little Man syndrome if ever there was one. He prolly actually thinks the country can't do without him :).
I felt the risk for me to not take the vaccine and die if I contracted Covid19 outweighed taking it so I got it as early as I could. Regarding Our esteemed immunologist, He should have retired long ago. Little Man syndrome if ever there was one. He prolly actually thinks the country can't do without him :).

Some folks think that they are invincible.
After getting her second shot, my wife felt pretty bad for a few days.

After my second shot, aside from my arm being a tad sore, I felt no ill affects.

So, we both had Covid, we both have had both shots. We are both “old”, so to speak.

What now?

I guess we wait untill the Chinese decide to start all over again with Covid-20.
Covid 19

After getting her second shot, my wife felt pretty bad for a few days.

After my second shot, aside from my arm being a tad sore, I felt no ill affects.

So, we both had Covid, we both have had both shots. We are both “old”, so to speak.

What now?

I guess we wait untill the Chinese decide to start all over again with Covid-20.

sure helped do in Trump, though his own personality didn't help :) I am no conspiracy theorist in general , but in this case, don't tell me the Chicoms didn't plan this. Any bunch of thugs who would roll tanks over their own people for trying to promote a more open government or risk hundreds of thousands of casualties invading an independent Taiwan will, imo, do ANYTHING they think they can get away with. So, get rid of Trump, elect a senile in their pocket Biden clan and now they can do anything in the Formosa strait they want to. Wait and see.
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And some people just understand the science a little better then some.

I guess they can pay their money and take their chances, however a little understanding won't prevent you from getting it [and possibly dying] unless you avoid all contact. After seeing 550+K croaked and countless thousands ruined for the foreseeable future or worse, I'll take the chance that at my age [and with some health issues] I have more to fear from the virus itself than from the shot. YMMV. Why don't you just deliberately expose yourself to it, build up the antibodies and call it good?
After getting her second shot, my wife felt pretty bad for a few days.

After my second shot, aside from my arm being a tad sore, I felt no ill affects.

So, we both had Covid, we both have had both shots. We are both “old”, so to speak.

What now?

I guess we wait untill the Chinese decide to start all over again with Covid-20.

Who advised you to get the shots if you've already had it? Some say that isn't necessary. Even trump got the shot/s tho he already had the virus.
sure helped do in Trump, though his own personality didn't help :) I am no conspiracy theorist in general , but in this case, don't tell me the Chicoms didn't plan this. Any bunch of thugs who would roll tanks over their own people for trying to promote a more open government or risk hundreds of thousands of casualties invading an independent Taiwan will, imo, do ANYTHING they think they can get away with. So, get rid of Trump, elect a senile in their pocket Biden clan and now they can do anything in the Formosa strait they want to. Wait and see.

So did the Chinese pay him to botch the response to COVID?
I guess they can pay their money and take their chances, however a little understanding won't prevent you from getting it [and possibly dying] unless you avoid all contact. After seeing 550+K croaked and countless thousands ruined for the foreseeable future or worse, I'll take the chance that at my age [and with some health issues] I have more to fear from the virus itself than from the shot. YMMV. Why don't you just deliberately expose yourself to it, build up the antibodies and call it good?

I did not drink the Kool aid. There is no way 550k died from this disease. Follow the money. I might believe half that many. More bogus numbers from the CDC. Way too many lies for me to believe. I know of several people that died from other causes and were attributed to civid.