Got my second dose

I did not drink the Kool aid. There is no way 550k died from this disease. Follow the money. I might believe half that many. More bogus numbers from the CDC. Way too many lies for me to believe. I know of several people that died from other causes and were attributed to civid.

How about CIVID assisted then? A lot of people were vulnerable and CIVID was just the coupe de grace and hastened their demise. If you are health compromised in any way you are at way higher risk for an unfavorable outcome should you get it. Nobody EVER claimed that all 550,000 deaths were 100% due to CIVID and nothing else.
How about CIVID assisted then? A lot of people were vulnerable and CIVID was just the coupe de grace and hastened their demise. If you are health compromised in any way you are at way higher risk for an unfavorable outcome should you get it. Nobody EVER claimed that all 550,000 deaths were 100% due to CIVID and nothing else.

You did not say anything about the 550k deaths NOT BEING ANYTHING BUT COVID in post #77.
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I did not drink the Kool aid. There is no way 550k died from this disease. Follow the money. I might believe half that many. More bogus numbers from the CDC. Way too many lies for me to believe. I know of several people that died from other causes and were attributed to civid.

I'll ask you straight out if you don't want the vaccine and could be an asymptomatic carrier WTF gives you the right to go around potentially infecting others?
I'll ask you straight out if you don't want the vaccine and could be an asymptomatic carrier WTF gives you the right to go around potentially infecting others?

Last year my Aunt passed away at 93 from covid. She had quit eating and they were using a feeding tube to keep her alive. She had lost the will to live and died. She tested positive for covid, so it was listed as cause of death even though she had no symptoms. Follow the money.

The local auto supply never had a mask mandate throughout all this and none of the employees ever wore a mask...........guess what.....not one covid case.

Went on a family weekend a couple of months ago. My wife, 2 daughters, and daughter in law went shopping. All but my wife wore masks. The following Wednesday the youngest daughter had a fever and went home from work. The next day, same thing with the other daughter. They both tested positive for covid. One only had a fever for one day and lost sense of taste and smell. The other has a 102 temp for 3 days and went to hospital overnight where they gave her some solution of iv's. Got better right away. Daughter in law nothing, and the wife without the mask.......nothing.

There are more lies about this covid crap that anything I remember in my lifetime. You can find any answer you want on the WWW. If you want to believe the death numbers and all the rest, go for it.

Now to answer your question about what gives me the right to go around infecting others?

The's a free country, so far.

If someone wants to get the shot and wear a mask, that's fine with me, no problem. But if you have a problem with me not having a shot pal, you'd better go hide in your basement and triple-mask-up because what you say doesn't mean squat to me. Kinda like a shame cancel culture you're working on?????
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Nobody should be believing that all 550,000 are from pure CIVID. There are some that are, there some that are CIVID assisted and some that are CIVID related. The people that keep track of such things are pretty sure that there are about that many "extra" deaths however. If you want to take the chance that you could be one of the extras have at it. To me the best cancel culture is a good obituary.
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OH, ya, I think the CDC retracted asymptomatic carriers as infecting others.

Regardless I made the choice for me that the shot was less risky than the virus should I happen to get it. And yes during the height [which we could well see again] of the pandemic there were people who never had the virus. but who died from heart attacks, stokes, accidents, etc. who could never get to the ER because it was full or all personnel were busy or hospitals closed certain services. How do you think those deaths should be categorized?
OH, ya, I think the CDC retracted asymptomatic carriers as infecting others.

This reference doesn't support that thinking and if you follow the reference to the CDC page there is nothing there that says that asymptomatic carriers can't or don't act as spreaders.
I have enough health concerns as it is with high BP, spinal stenosis that needs difficult surgery and now with lesions/tumors on the kidneys and adrenal glands that will likely require additional difficult surgery that I have no desire to worry about the virus. OTOH I would not drive 500 miles one way to get the shot as some others are said to have done.
Last year my Aunt passed away at 93 from covid. She had quit eating and they were using a feeding tube to keep her alive. She had lost the will to live and died. She tested positive for covid, so it was listed as cause of death even though she had no symptoms. Follow the money.

The local auto supply never had a mask mandate throughout all this and none of the employees ever wore a mask...........guess what.....not one covid case.

Went on a family weekend a couple of months ago. My wife, 2 daughters, and daughter in law went shopping. All but my wife wore masks. The following Wednesday the youngest daughter had a fever and went home from work. The next day, same thing with the other daughter. They both tested positive for covid. One only had a fever for one day and lost sense of taste and smell. The other has a 102 temp for 3 days and went to hospital overnight where they gave her some solution of iv's. Got better right away. Daughter in law nothing, and the wife without the mask.......nothing.

There are more lies about this covid crap that anything I remember in my lifetime. You can find any answer you want on the WWW. If you want to believe the death numbers and all the rest, go for it.

Now to answer your question about what gives me the right to go around infecting others?

The's a free country, so far.

If someone wants to get the shot and wear a mask, that's fine with me, no problem. But if you have a problem with me not having a shot pal, you'd better go hide in your basement and triple-mask-up because what you say doesn't mean squat to me. Kinda like a shame cancel culture you're working on?????

It's not a free country. Everywhere you go there are signs telling you what you can and can't do. When you walk up to a place of business that has a sign posted masks required and you said, "it's a free country, I don't have to wear one" what did they say? At least here if you get the virus they don't put you in your house and nail the doors and windows shut like they did in some places in China.
It's not a free country. Everywhere you go there are signs telling you what you can and can't do. When you walk up to a place of business that has a sign posted masks required and you said, "it's a free country, I don't have to wear one" what did they say? At least here if you get the virus they don't put you in your house and nail the doors and windows shut like they did in some places in China.

I think that NEW York just passed legislation to "imprison" Covid CCP infected people. How many folks died from the flu this past flu season? Now, how much were the hospitals paid for each CCP flu deaths? One of my customers died of a massive heart attack in his office. It was called a CCP virus death. Big lawsuit over it because the insurance company said they do not pay for deaths from war or pandemics.
I think that NEW York just passed legislation to "imprison" Covid CCP infected people. How many folks died from the flu this past flu season? Now, how much were the hospitals paid for each CCP flu deaths? One of my customers died of a massive heart attack in his office. It was called a CCP virus death. Big lawsuit over it because the insurance company said they do not pay for deaths from war or pandemics.

Not very many apparently. I expect a combination of flu shots and other precautions are part of the reason.
My wife and I both caught the virus. My wife had a little more problems with it than I did, but after a week she was good to go. Bad headache, nausea and extreme exhaustion were my symptoms, lasted about three days.
I'm 75 and she is 73.
I feel sure if you were on your death bed there's the possibility it would put you over the edge, but one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel isn't much of a life anyway.
We love y'all and wish we could be with you on the circuit.
Charlie and Cheryl Hood
Just a few facts do be nerves!!!!!

I guess they can pay their money and take their chances, however a little understanding won't prevent you from getting it [and possibly dying] unless you avoid all contact. After seeing 550+K croaked and countless thousands ruined for the foreseeable future or worse, I'll take the chance that at my age [and with some health issues] I have more to fear from the virus itself than from the shot. YMMV. Why don't you just deliberately expose yourself to it, build up the antibodies and call it good?

Before you review Food For Thought ... I found these numbers interesting.

As reported by the CDC ... Here are the US deaths by year and the change from the previous year

Year 2017 2,818,503 Americans died

Year 2018: 2,839,205 deaths (20,702 more than the previous year 2017)

Year 2019: 2,855,000 deaths (16,300 more than the previous year 2018)

The year of the pandemic ...

Year 2020: 2,913,144 deaths (57,641 more than the previous year 2019)

BUT WAIT: There were zero deaths from Covid-19 during 2018, and 2019 and the jump from 2019 was only 57,641 ???

I've been told that COVID is responsible for now 400,000 + deaths. Shouldn't the 2020 number be a hell of a lot higher?

So the question becomes: How many people died OF COVID and How many died (of other causes) WITH COVID?

Food for thought!!!!!

A very well-orchestrated plan, or an unimaginable set of events that just fell into place with the United States front and center. You tell me!!

Scare people with a virus, force them to wear masks and place them in quarantine.

Count the number of dead every second of every day, in every News Headline. By the way, ninety-nine and eight-tenths of the people who get the virus, recover. About one to two tenths of one percent who get the virus, die. Most all of them have other medical problems. Did you catch that? Less than 1/2 of a percent die.

Close businesses = 35,000,000+ instantly unemployed.

Remove entertainment and prohibit recreation; Closing parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.

No dating. No touching. Isolate people. Dehumanize them.

Close Temples and Churches, prohibit worship. Create a vacuum and let depression, anxiety, hopelessness and desperation set in.

Then... ignite hatred and civil unrest, creating Civil War.

Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.

Send in Antifa to vandalize property, as if they are freedom fighters. Undermine the law, Riot, Loot and Attack all Law Enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.

Then... Defund Law Enforcement and abolish Police.

We are all being played by those who want to destroy America! This is how you destroy a Nation from within, and in very short order. Will it work? I guess that depends on you and me.

I did not write this but it needs to be shared.

Makes you wonder ...
God Bless America!
I'll talk with my feet and billfold

We are planning a vacation in Michigan or Wisconsin this summer. 15 family members renting side by sides for a week plus motel ect. Whitmer and her draconian rules can take a hike. Wisconsin is wide open they told me. They will gladly take my money.......

We don't need a mask law any more than a no smoking law in restaurants. If I didn't like a place with smoking, I went somewhere else if it bothered me. I don't smoke. Funny thing though, the State controlled casinos allow smoking............WTF
We are planning a vacation in Michigan or Wisconsin this summer. 15 family members renting side by sides for a week plus motel ect. Whitmer and her draconian rules can take a hike. Wisconsin is wide open they told me. They will gladly take my money.......

We don't need a mask law any more than a no smoking law in restaurants. If I didn't like a place with smoking, I went somewhere else if it bothered me. I don't smoke. Funny thing though, the State controlled casinos allow smoking............WTF

For you Dave, here's what we're up against

The Deep State/Demoncratic sponsored HIV/Aid's issue did not kill as many homeless/addicts as expected.
plan 2

Target the elderly w/ the WuHan flu to effect the whole world.

We as the World,take the CCP/Chinese to their knees as of a year ago.