Got my second dose

Chew on this Sheeple!!!!

How is anyone supposed to respond when you provide 5 choices for lies, but nothing to indicate what those lies are? Tell me 5 lies about COVID that were on the news yesterday and I'll tell you which, if any, I believe are lies. It's comforting to know that all of those stories about overcrowded ERs and hospital wards are all filmed in Hollywood. All of the videos about food lines, vaccination lines, testing lines are all contrived by the media. BTW why don't those of you who espouse this Chinese plot to kill off us COFs actually provide some evidence or documentation of said plot. I do know personally one respected member here Randy Robinett and we were discussing the V not too long ago as something we don't want to get and we both agreed that getting the shots would be less risky than if we were to contract the virus.
You have a good day as well.

First of all Sheeple, I never said "LIE", YOU DID. Which news do you watch, because the Main Stream Media has a different story on every channel and most are lies. I never said that the food lines, vaccine lines and testing lines were contrived, again, that would be your assumption. They have all however, been a direct result of all of the lies that Dr Fauci, the CDC and the Dems have been spewing!!! Regarding the filming in Hollywood, that is in relation to China Joe and Commie Kamala who, as of this day, are still not working from the White House in DC, being filmed instead at one of 2 Castlerock Studios, one in Georgia and 1 in Hollywood. There is plenty of evidence to this affect, but you need to do your own homework, as it is everyone's job to protect himself from all of the BS going around. Good luck in your endeavors Sheeple antelopedundee. Or maybe we should call you Goatle antelopedundee don't forget to wash your mask tonight.
More information for you to chew on.
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First of all Sheeple, I never said "LIE", YOU DID. Which news do you watch, because the Main Stream Media has a different story on every channel and most are lies. I never said that the food lines, vaccine lines and testing lines were contrived, again, that would be your assumption. They have all however, been a direct result of all of the lies that Dr Fauci, the CDC and the Dems have been spewing!!! Regarding the filming in Hollywood, that is in relation to China Joe and Commie Kamala who, as of this day, are still not working from the White House in DC, being filmed instead at one of 2 Castlerock Studios, one in Georgia and 1 in Hollywood. There is plenty of evidence to this affect, but you need to do your own homework, as it is everyone's job to protect himself from all of the BS going around. Good luck in your endeavors Sheeple antelopedundee. Or maybe we should call you Goatle antelopedundee don't forget to wash your mask tonight.
More information for you to chew on.

Are you an infectious disease expert?

What sorts of lies and BS did Fauci spread that caused you great angst?

What in your opinion is not BS or lies that is helpful in getting this COVID thing settled? Or would we have been better off just Letting R Go and kill whomever it kills?

Did you believe the whole virus thing is a hoax like trump did?

BTW none of us much cared for any of this crap that came about because of the V. Some had it a lot harder than others. Being retired it didn't have that much effect on me, tho I didn't miss the traffic around here. I got both shots, but that's not a guarantee that I won't get it just like a flu shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu.
Why did D.Trump FIRE Fauci & appoint a DOCTOR of Infectious Diseases in his place along w/ another DOCTOR as director of the CDC?

Fauci is NOT a PHD.
Fauci is a theoretical Scientist.
And a brain DEAD F'ing IDIOT at best.

A MASK is as useless as TITs on a fish.

You have blood vessels in BOTH EYE's....ALSO.

SO unless you have filtration & full face/eye'll be pissing in the wind.

Fauci's rambelings-
no masks required
ok 1 mask
6 feet distancing
kids stay home from schools(kids do NOT contract/spread the Covid WuHan Deep State/Demoncratic Party funded flu,targeted at wide.
2 masks-better than one
3 masks best
3 feet distancing

With the distribution of thousands & thousands of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS around the US,how in HELL does that IGNORANT decision help against the spread during a pandemic?

The Dems will lock this country up AGAIN in 2021

Wait & see

And we thought J.Carter was USELESS-YES he was.

BUT Brain Dead Biden has spitefully & UNCONSTITUTIONALLY surpassed Carter in a couple months.

Hell,Joe can't control a dog from biting someone(its not the dogs fault-its the incompetent owner & the dog knows it)
I'm sorry, don't drag the poor dog into this....... unhappy dogs (and unhappy kids) are ABUSED dogs.

Mean dogs and mean kids are abused,


I ain't even a dog lover but my heart goes out to that poor dog.
Why did D.Trump FIRE Fauci & appoint a DOCTOR of Infectious Diseases in his place along w/ another DOCTOR as director of the CDC?

Fauci is NOT a PHD.
Fauci is a theoretical Scientist.
And a brain DEAD F'ing IDIOT at best.

A MASK is as useless as TITs on a fish.

You have blood vessels in BOTH EYE's....ALSO.

SO unless you have filtration & full face/eye'll be pissing in the wind.

Fauci's rambelings-
no masks required
ok 1 mask
6 feet distancing
kids stay home from schools(kids do NOT contract/spread the Covid WuHan Deep State/Demoncratic Party funded flu,targeted at wide.
2 masks-better than one
3 masks best
3 feet distancing

With the distribution of thousands & thousands of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS around the US,how in HELL does that IGNORANT decision help against the spread during a pandemic?

The Dems will lock this country up AGAIN in 2021

Wait & see

And we thought J.Carter was USELESS-YES he was.

BUT Brain Dead Biden has spitefully & UNCONSTITUTIONALLY surpassed Carter in a couple months.

Hell,Joe can't control a dog from biting someone(its not the dogs fault-its the incompetent owner & the dog knows it)

He replaced Fauci with Scott Atlas [a radiologist by training] who was more than happy to say what trump wanted him to say; truthful or not and it was mostly not.

Fauci is an MD and so is Atlas.

You want to B**** about Biden do it to someone who voted for him because it wasn't me. But we are stuck with him.
And this whole concept of "let's not get off track" and "let's not derail the thread"....... what garbage!

WHEN are people going to accept that we are not islands, that there is no such thing as "disparate topics"?? That topics inevitably lead to other, related and relevant topics, that that is the essence of discussion...... that "Covid" and and "gun control" and "politics" and even the poor freakin' mutt are all THE SAME TRAIN! And that this train has been on a perfectly predictable track for many many years.... George Orwell published "Animal Farm" 76 years ago and "Nineteen Eighty Four" in 1949 and until the left gained enough traction in the 70's they were both required reading in High School! And that's just one guys take on it, one guy's feeble attempt at pointing out the disparity between the left and the right.

This is not NEW
This is not UNEXPECTED
This is absolutely INEVITABLE based on our lack of responsible dialogue throughout my lifetime.


Now, are we gonna' fix it? Or we gonna' ignore it some more????

And Joe "died' at 48 years old bullcrap********************************************************************************!!!!

1914,the FED.etc..

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Are you an infectious disease expert?

What sorts of lies and BS did Fauci spread that caused you great angst?

What in your opinion is not BS or lies that is helpful in getting this COVID thing settled? Or would we have been better off just Letting R Go and kill whomever it kills?

Did you believe the whole virus thing is a hoax like trump did?

BTW none of us much cared for any of this crap that came about because of the V. Some had it a lot harder than others. Being retired it didn't have that much effect on me, tho I didn't miss the traffic around here. I got both shots, but that's not a guarantee that I won't get it just like a flu shot doesn't guarantee that you won't get the flu.

Nope just a dumb gas salesman with a lot of common since!!!!!
I have listened to many exports that are infection disease experts. Did my homework.
Never said the Virus is a hoax, but I will tell you that it is a plan. Did my homework.
You sound happy with no traffic in your area. Me personally it would be great to see the kids on school buses once again with no mask, after the school system has been cleansed.
Life is not a guarantee and hopefully the decisions we make will extend our life.

Enjoy your day _ _ _.
I would call you a Sir but we don't even know that.
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Well actually I chose #4 as a smartass answer; not knowing which lies corresponded to which number.


I appears that you have a lot of free time.
I will give you a little homework being you appear to be so smart.
Are you aware that when the Pentagon was hit that there was no plane parts found.
We were told they just vaporized, can you believe that, sounds funny to me.
Nope just a dumb gas salesman with a lot of common since!!!!!
I have listened to many exports that are infection disease experts. Did my homework.
Never said the Virus is a hoax, but I will tell you that it is a plan. Did my homework.
You sound happy with no traffic in your area. Me personally it would be great to see the kids on school buses once again with no mask, after the school system has been cleansed.
Life is not a guarantee and hopefully the decisions we make will extend our life.

Enjoy your day _ _ _.
I would call you a Sir but we don't even know that.

The lighter traffic around town was certainly a nice change of pace.

School buses run here every day, don't know that the elementary kids were ever on "on-line" learning unless they were in quarantine. Yes, they wear masks. I assure you that I'm a he.

I appears that you have a lot of free time.
I will give you a little homework being you appear to be so smart.
Are you aware that when the Pentagon was hit that there was no plane parts found.
We were told they just vaporized, can you believe that, sounds funny to me.

I came across that whole thing about no plane parts found a long time back.
Amazing some folks just can't think on their own and will believe anything the media has to say. And why we are now our worst enemy. In regards to firearms control the laws are already on the books and they have been on there for years and not being enforced. And they refuse to do anything about mental illness and it is a much bigger problem. Covid isn't the real threat its terrorists freely crossing the boarder to set up shop for yet another attack on this country. And it will kill more innocent people than any firearms have same as the last one did and it and several more are coming our way its just a matter of time thanks to our current leadership. Anyone that is not smart enough to know that law enforcement cannot protect themselves or their family are they ones that are going to be defenseless when harm does come their way. Firearms are not weapons they are firearms and they are there for you and your own families protection and from your own government. As well as hunting, sporting events or just for outdoor family or individual enjoyment. And they have never killed anyone on there own and they never will no matter how many cartridges they might be able to hold.
HOlee KuhhRAPPP!!

Let's NOT TALK ABOUT repeal of filibuster powers and court-packing some more!!

I've been a "crash and burn" guy for 30yrs...... as in it's gotta CRASH to the bottom and BURN off the dross for the voting fools to actually learn to THINK.

I've even set "goals" or levels where I really expected people would begin to reel in astonishment and back a step and say "WHOAHHH!"

I've had expectations re when my "fellow Americans" would begin to see that "yup, this is relevant to, affecting ME, MY LIFE.

Wow was I wrong in my assessments regarding where/when/how folks react to the world around them, compliance.

I've got more people coming and shooting with me at my own range than all the matches in my state....

And the group/score/bullseye stuff gets LOTS of use even with 75pcs of steel downrange

(gotta' admit, shooting buckets of ammo at Texas Stars is good therapy;)

But that ain't my point. I DON'T WANT to be the only place to shoot!
