Got my second dose

shoots in the Left

Good Lord..... maybe the rebellion is beginning!.......Folks are shooting in Kali-freaking-Fornia without sacs on their faces but here in OR/WA the wheedliebits are still cowering from Lord Inslee and Queen Kait the Krait

some a' my friends out on the more easterly side of WA got word that "we're shooting again! Come on over!"

so they DID


My friend wears glasses..... MASKED to the gills with head-bagged Enforcers pacing thee ranks, shooting action pistol

FOGGED to the sky, hoppin' and poppin' and wipin' the googles wit' tongue..... most of the guys just took this as license to shoot without safety glasses (NOBODY enforces safety regs, not during The CoVit'!!)

Most places out here people have been faking it for 6mo. In fact, running about with y'er nose out is TOAD'ally acceptable, just gotta' keep a stiff upper lip.... but still having a kotex on the face and still waggling fingers at you for leaving it off (I've been yelled at by people with their sac on their chin! SPIT flyin'!)

I'm still waiting, with a growing sense of futility for "Americans" and specifically American SHOOTERS!! to realize that "Will Not Comply" is an option! I watch as folks guddle and burble over this subject and flat REFUSE to look it square on....

Here's the deal folks, if you're A Belieber, and if you actually live this are SCREWED for the rest of your life. You will NEVER see your grandbabbies again...

Anyways..... my range is sure kewl :) it would still just be a grass patch with a 100 and a 200 butt if'n it warn't for The Pandemic


I'm off work early for the week...... and Brown brung me another dueling tree and 20 more plates..... the last rifle shooter just wrapped up at the 100yd group target so time to fire up the generator and the skiddy and go drill holes for plate hangers up on the log target frames. I'd have procrastinated for YEARS on that since't I don't really hanker for shooting dingers but schucks.... when y'er the only game in town, ya' GOT'S to accommodate!

And the range does look perty cool, from my 20 ton bench I cain't hardly see the ground out to 600yds for all the targets in the way......


(((Ohhh, and BTW here at Al's Gates we DO ENFORCE EARS AND EYES!!!)))

But not "masks"

Good Lord..... maybe the rebellion is beginning!.......Folks are shooting in Kali-freaking-Fornia without sacs on their faces but here in OR/WA the wheedliebits are still cowering from Lord Inslee and Queen Kait the Krait

some a' my friends out on the more easterly side of WA got word that "we're shooting again! Come on over!"

so they DID


My friend wears glasses..... MASKED to the gills with head-bagged Enforcers pacing thee ranks, shooting action pistol

FOGGED to the sky, hoppin' and poppin' and wipin' the googles wit' tongue..... most of the guys just took this as license to shoot without safety glasses (NOBODY enforces safety regs, not during The CoVit'!!)

Most places out here people have been faking it for 6mo. In fact, running about with y'er nose out is TOAD'ally acceptable, just gotta' keep a stiff upper lip.... but still having a kotex on the face and still waggling fingers at you for leaving it off (I've been yelled at by people with their sac on their chin! SPIT flyin'!)

I'm still waiting, with a growing sense of futility for "Americans" and specifically American SHOOTERS!! to realize that "Will Not Comply" is an option! I watch as folks guddle and burble over this subject and flat REFUSE to look it square on....

Here's the deal folks, if you're A Belieber, and if you actually live this are SCREWED for the rest of your life. You will NEVER see your grandbabbies again...

Anyways..... my range is sure kewl :) it would still just be a grass patch with a 100 and a 200 butt if'n it warn't for The Pandemic


I'm off work early for the week...... and Brown brung me another dueling tree and 20 more plates..... the last rifle shooter just wrapped up at the 100yd group target so time to fire up the generator and the skiddy and go drill holes for plate hangers up on the log target frames. I'd have procrastinated for YEARS on that since't I don't really hanker for shooting dingers but schucks.... when y'er the only game in town, ya' GOT'S to accommodate!

And the range does look perty cool, from my 20 ton bench I cain't hardly see the ground out to 600yds for all the targets in the way......


(((Ohhh, and BTW here at Al's Gates we DO ENFORCE EARS AND EYES!!!)))

But not "masks"


Gives a whole new spin on Al's Oasis.
Well it's dark now

But I got a lot of holes drilled!

"Wi'dout pixtures it din't happen" right???


Climbin' down outta' that bucket to get a photo made these old bones ache LOL

But we're gettin' us some dingers...... the Hunter Ed kids gonna' be SO a'cited when they get to coma back for another Range Day

IF....... IF they ever get another Range Day

Right now ever' goobermint employee including our caring bosses at WDFW is pleased as a pig in poop to stay home and write us all emails as how "hope you's are all keeping safe through these trying times" and "looking forward to resuming classes soon" and "Ohhh Gushy Gushy Thankyous for those 20-30 (or even in one of our teachers' case 37yrs) of service helping them lovely kids"


we be SHOOTIN'!!!
Ahhh The Life out here..... it's 8:30 at nite, black as the inside of a cow, I'm inside settling me' bones on the 'puder and my next door neighbors just broke out with what sounds like dueling trees and shooting some night-time trap. Sounds like 4th of July off in the distance ... put puttputt puttaputputtt......and I LOVE IT!!!

24/7 and 365, my 2 f'rav'rite shooting times.....
Wife does not want to do the vaccine and I have. We were tested for antibodies, her last week and I a couple weeks ago. We are both full of antibodies. I don't think anybody knows how long you are immune after having the CCP virus or after the shots. A lot of what we are posting is speculation.

You two been kissin' again???? Naughty-naughty...... you's should know by now what sharing body fluids leads to....... perdy soon she'll be settin' on y'er lap and you'se'll be taking long drives together......

kids these days