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  1. P

    Shading bench from the sun

    Here's one I have been looking at for my bench:
  2. P

    What we learned yesterday.

    And don't forget all of the New England libtards that have moved here too. And then we have the folks from all over that came for the recreational marijuana........But hopefully many of those will be leaving for warmer winter climates:cool:
  3. P

    Buying metal

    Have you tried Speedy Metals? or maybe even (gasp) flea bay.
  4. P

    New 4473 in the Mary Jane states....

    Same goes for CDL.
  5. P

    Need some outa'-the-box thinkers...

    Seen this on another forum, a guy shooting the 510 Whisper with 750 grain bullets but doesn't list velocity, seems pretty quiet and not too much recoil.
  6. P

    Stainless bar stock

    I have previously bought ss round bar from "Speedy Metals", might be worth a look .
  7. P

    Carbon Fiber barrels controversy

    Seems like someone could take two like barrels, one regular and the other CF, shoot exactly the same cartridge, same load, same bullet, same rate of fire and measure resultant temps inside the barrels. Would this not solve the heat dissipation and cooler claims, one way or the other?
  8. P

    Grandson's first deer hunt

    Looks like a heck of a nice rifle, I'd say that boy will be spoiled on guns from here on out. :D
  9. P

    Building a new club range

    Although I know nothing about laws in the east, some food for thought with regards to how things work where I live in Colorado: Make absolutely sure the land you are interested in is properly zoned. Then get yourself a copy of the land use regulations asap and go thru them with a fine tooth...
  10. P

    Where do you all buy your steel

    I have used quite a bit, they always have what I need, mainly aluminum.
  11. P

    we need a humor forum.....until then

    Little Johnny Thinks Politics The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on productive Salesmanship. Little Sally led off. "I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30," she said proudly. "My sales approach...
  12. P

    Recommend me some eye protection

    Wore Oakley glasses for many years but they became cost prohibitive. About 4 years ago I began using ESS and haven't looked back. I am rather picky with regards to clarity, and to me, the ESS are quite good in that respect. With that said, I do plan to try the Trivex product next.
  13. P

    win 70 300 wsm

    The 2 I have, (1 custom and 1 stock winny), both hunting rigs, like 165 Accubonds and Ballistic tips over a healthy dose of RL 17 lit with Wolf LRM primers. I have up to this point used only Win brass, just got me some Nosler brass to try next season, so I'll see how it does. I really like the...
  14. P

    Lawyers/Insurance Story(OT)

    I too think it's a funny story, and sadly enough, it is absolutely believable in today's society. What's really ironic, is that I had to attend and testify at court hearing today. All I can say is that I never cease to be amazed by actions of folks.
  15. P

    Remember the guy that offered aluminum 600 trigger guards?

    I think you're looking for: Willie Manning Coquille Valley Machine Works 541-396-6246 54511 Arago/ Fishtrap Rd Myrtle Point, Oregon 97458 He sells them on Gunbroker too. Bryan
  16. P

    Piers Morgan is toast!

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving blankety blank blank. I suspect though that he'll probably end up at one of the other lamestream outlets to continue his spouting.
  17. P

    Self Explanatory

    I love it!
  18. P

    Best 2014 news story yet!

    I once seen a bumper sticker: " God must love stupid people too, just look around"............................
  19. P

    what to buy the old battle axe for Xmas ?? ; ' )

    You can never go wrong with the "girls best friend".
  20. P

    Help Desigin my Reloading room.

    While I don't do any case forming, I suspect it wouldn't have any issues handling such a task. The oak top is 2-3/4" pcs. plywood glued and screwed together.