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    2012 US World Team Qualifying Completed for WBC-12 in Sydney Australia

    nice job! Congrats to the top 12. And especially the guys who made it for the first time. I'm sure these teams will do us proud. Andy
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    Nationals @ Weikert!!

    A big thanks to everyone at union county. And congrats to all the winners. For those that are curious the HOF points stacked up as follows: Tony Boyer 11 (simply amazing) Jeff Thompson 3 Gary Sullivan. 2 Pando. 1 Larry Costa. 1 I am...
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    Art Kelley

    Several years ago the southeast region started a 4 gun trophy in Art's name called the Iron Man Trophy. I wasnt there the first year it was given out but i was told later that after Larry Costa won this award there was not a dry eye in the place. The following year i was fortunate enough to win...
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    Any word from Manatee?

    James, Billy Stevens sent me a text and said Gene Buckys won in the morning and Lou Murdica won in the afternoon. Thats all i got! Andy
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    Midland Nationals Kudos

    I totally agree. Very well done. Thanks Andy
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    Wayne & Pam Campbell

    A hugh thank you for all the detail, planning and hard work that went into the World Championship. To put together such a trip as that for a few people would be bad enough, to do it for 20 plus people and have it run as smoothly as it did was simply fantastic. Congrats to all the individual...
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    IBS Group Nationals Summary Report

    Bob breakdown as follows Gene Bukys 5 Jeff Gaidos 3 myself 3 Wayne Campbell 2 Harley Baker 2 Jeff Thompson 1 Kip Jones 1 Chris Harris 1
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    Congratulations To Gene Bukys.....2011 IBS National 4-Gun Champion

    Congrats Gene, Witht the nbrsa natl's coming up in midland i have a feeling Gene will be a very tough man to beat................................ Andy
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    Kudos to Holton Gun & Bow Club and the Scarbroughs for IBS Group Nationals

    I agree! Bob, Nancy and the entire Holton crew did an outstanding job. To see Bob working late every evening helping the target crew move target frames and backers and then being able to shoot as well as he did, was simply amazing in my opinion. I would also like to say it was an honor to be...
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    Wayne campbell

    Yep he won! Good job Wayne. 4 Gun Top 3 1) WC 2) Terry Leonard 3) Jeff Thompson Sorry this is all i have andy
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    East-West Show Me Shootout 2011 Results

    Good job Chris. You certainly proved that you can come back from a bad start. See ya at Holten
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    Matthew Keller is 2011 Tennessee State Champion!

    I think i shot at Unaka for the first time in 2007 or 2008, he was shooting that barrel then i believe. If memory serves me right he either won or shot extremely well in that one also. J/K Congratulations on winning what turned out to be a of survival of the fittest match. All those that were...
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    Congratulations Gene

    Congratulations Gene, Not only are you a very accomplished shooter, but you carry the name "champion" the way a true champion should. I look forward to shooting with and against you in France. Andy
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    Rachel's Glen Spring 2011 Results

    Good Shooting WC, wish i could have been there. Andy
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    Terry Leonard Wins Shamrock X (Shamrock X Results)

    Congratulations Mr Leonard, you gave everyone quite a beatin. Also a special congrats to Tony Alexander, he won his first two yardages and won both of them with teen aggs. quite impressive. andy
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    St. Louis Eye Doc?

    This is gettin scary!!!!
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    World Record Scoring

    54 Hall OF Fame points, over 118 years combined, of bench rest experience and many other accomplishments too numerous to go into here.................................and 1 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Andy
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    Piney Hill Results IR50/50 January 8, 2010

    Just wanted to say thank you to Bill Hinegardner, this man had never met me before saturday and yet he loaned me a very accurate rimfire gun to shoot and sold me the ammo for it. I even shoot a 250. Probably beginners luck! Met a bunch of friendly people and had a great time. Thanks
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    2011 U.S. World Team Announced

    ambidextrous-using both hands with equal facility. some us got it some of us dont...........................
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    2011 U.S. World Team Announced

    Ah come on Dave, let me do it! I promise i wont let you down! LOL In all seriousness, I too am honored to be going. And very much looking forward to the experience. Making a world team was a goal i set for myself and earning one of those 12 spots isnt as easy as some people may think. I know of...