St. Louis Eye Doc?



Need a good eye doctor in the greater St. Louis area. Need someone who can make specialized shooting glasses for benchrest. The old viewing through a 36 power scope at a tiny tiny target conundrum.


Centerfire beat me to it! If you know your prescription they will set you up with some of the very best shooting glasses money can buy for not all that much money. " hopefully that made since? LOL!!" Anyway they are great glasses and good people to deal with. I love mine and never shoot with out them. I have a set of lenses that have a slight tent of yellow. They make everything look better even on those cloudy days. I personally think it is an advantage. Good luck! Lee
What about an old bifocal wearer? My daily glasses are the lined Bi-focal type. I need those because I am Pilot.
I use continuously variable lenses for "life." Asked the doc about what focal length to use with a scope. "Distance" (infinity), he replied. I guess you could use bifocals, just not the continuous ones.
You want "infinity" to use with the scope, but the main thing is they will make the optical center of the lens at the point you're looking through the lens when using the scope. Call Decot and talk to them.

I wear a pair of their "golf glasses," with a lined bifocal, for everyday use and am very happy with them.

Damn, a pilot that can't see... now THAT'S SCARY!!! LOL

I see well enough to fly. I want to see well enough to win... I was reading the St. Louis results and saw you and Jerry shot pretty darn well. No wonder you look at life through rose colored spectacles.

Where do I find Sharhorst? LOL
