Kudos to Holton Gun & Bow Club and the Scarbroughs for IBS Group Nationals

IBS Group Nationals Winners / Kudos to Holton & Scarbrough

On behalf of the IBS I want to heartily thank the Holton Gun & Bow Club for hosting a great Group Nationals. Bob (Jr.) and Nancy Scarbrough deserve special congratulations for all the hard work they did to bring off the match for our 101 shooters. They and other club members did yeoman work to add benches (now 40) and make other improvements. It is a first-class venue.

In order to pull off a week long Nationals requires a HUGE amount of preparation, dedication and pure grunt work. Bob and his crew at Holton did just that.

Other thanks should go to Arlene Inman and Sherrie in the kitchen. Bruce Torrey did a fine job as R.O. Holton has also assembled one of fastest-and most accurate-target crews in the business. These young people hustled butt all week. The appreciation of the shooters showed in the nicely packed Target Crew Tip Jar. I know I am leaving out some folks that contributed mightily so if any one else needs to be recognized please add it below.

The full results will be on the IBS web site when Dick Grosbier gets them. Some have appeared elsewhere (such as Bill Gammon's fine posts on the Canadian BR site). I have copies of the score sheets and will add some highlights later today.

Nevertheless I should congratulate some of the winners:

HB Grand: Wayne Campbell
LV Grand: Jeff Gaidos
SP Grand: Andy Shiflett
HV Grand: Gene Bukys
4-Gun: Gene Bukys: besides some grands and range aggs, Gene was always at the top of the standings and thus the 4-gun Champ. (he also added HOF points for the range and grand agg wins)

3-gun: Harley Baker: A razor's edge is but a blunt butter knive compared to the difference between Harley and the second place Mr. Bukys. Nevertheless, Harley got the win and 2 more points; he now has 9.

2-gun: Some blind squirrel named Jeff Stover stumbled onto a rifle match...

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I agree!

Bob, Nancy and the entire Holton crew did an outstanding job. To see Bob working late every evening helping the target crew move target frames and backers and then being able to shoot as well as he did, was simply amazing in my opinion. I would also like to say it was an honor to be asked to help with the junior shooters. I probably enjoyed that as much if not more then they did.

Congratulations to all who shoot well and a special congrats to those shooters who earnerd their first HOF points. Jeff Gadios, Jeff Thompson and Kip Jones. All 3 of these guys are first class individuals.

Thanks again Holton!
I second what Andy said, Great Job to the Holton Crew.

It was great to get to see everyone and watch Mr. Shifflett, Gene, "The Jeff's" (Jeff Stover, Jeff Gadios, Jeff Thompson), Harley, Wayne and Kip get points. I do want to mention something. I first met Jeff Stover a couple of years ago at the Shamrock in Georgia and I was impressed, he then became the IBS President and has done everything within his power to advance the sport, smooth rough edges and make good decisions. And all the while, shoot very very well. My hat is off to you Sir, keep up the good work and shooting.

Also, a special thanks to Jeff Aberegg for providing a place to sleep and to Bill Gammon for all the entertainment.

Can't wait for next year.

Thanks to the entire Holton crew for all the hard work they put in for a year or more to make this a great Nationals.

The entire facility is impressive.
I'd like to add my congratulations to all of the Holton crew, and club, for a well ran, and enjoyable match. This range ranks among the best in the Country, and I look forward to returning. The level of competition was impressive, and shows that we've reached a point where you have to have great equipment, and skills to compete.

Thanks again to the Holton Club, Bob, and Nancy.

Don Crunk