Midland Nationals Kudos

Joe Duke

Active member
I would like to give a great BIG "Thank You" to Mike Conry and all his crew for a very well run and enjoyable Nationals match. They all were prompt, helpful, kept the match running smoothly, and were quick in posting targets and results. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make this happen.

Joe Duke
I will second that. I have absolutely no complaints about the match. Everything went very well.

Mike Conrey and everyone involved with running the Midland Nationals, from the kitchen help, to the target crew, to all the locals who were cleaning up all the time, did an extraordinary job. Kudos to everyone.

A very professional choreographed tournament. Everyone did an outstanding job, right down to the young gentlemen cooking great hamburgers. Thanks to all! :)
I agree with all of the above, this was a super well done nationals. BUT Mike I did not think it was necessary for you to come to my RV and tuck me in for bed.
Thanks Mike and the team. I know you put a huge amount of effort into this and people enjoyed it. It may have got dusty at times and I shot like crap but I had more fun with the guys than I have had in a long time. Thanks again.