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  1. S

    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    Hit the full screen on this one, I love watching these things.
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    30 BR & H322 powder

    Was the barrel competitive with the right load ?
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    Practice Screamer

    That's a dandy.
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    BAT Actions

    Thanks Jackie
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    BAT Actions

    What is it about the BAT actions make them the most used in BR ? Thanks Robert
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    Sporter Class NBRSA

    That's interesting.
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    Sporter Class NBRSA

    Hi Jerry Did Ferris compete with these rifles ? A fellow who ran a grain elevator here in central Indiana that I have done repair for since the early 70s was telling us many years ago about how he, his brother, and another local farmer whom were all BR shooters in the day of Mauser actions...
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    New to BR shooting - action question

    Hi Jim How do you like the Teddy compared to the others mentioned ? Robert
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    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    I hunted the video on YouTube and couldn't find it.
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    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    I have no idea why, the link takes me straight to the video.
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    We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

    There's some beautiful small block Chevy music in this video. ?
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    To All of My Fellow Veterans.........Enjoy Your Veterans Day!!

    My first cousin Donald Isenberg was honored today on Facebook by his daughter, we lost Donald earlier this year from a heart attack, fortunately I was able to visit him the day before at a family reunion. He was a very humble man that never spoke of his accomplishments, but always wanted to...
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    BR components

    Please disregard this post. ?
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    6PPC Barrel Life

    The gray gun he's looking at on the left looks more like the orange Panda on the right than the Viper in the middle to me, maybe I'm incorrect, no biggie either way. ? This is my brothers dual port Panda.
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    6PPC Barrel Life

    I may be wrong, but I believe the gun you're looking at has a Panda action.
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    6PPC Barrel Life

    I would guess between $1750 and $2000, but I would wait for a real BR guy to advise you, I may be off.
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    6PPC Barrel Life

    These were the first groups fired (after fireforming) out of a couple of used rifles my Brother and I bought recently. The Panda was sold with the understanding that the barrel was an unknown quantity, the group's were around .100 and .150 and fired consecutively in excellent conditions. The...
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    Thanks Jackie
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    Hi Jackie I'm sure it's well known to most shooters on here, but what are the reasons for going away from the previous .262 standard to a thicker neck dimension. Is it because the .262 is more fragile, is it easier to do a more accurate job turning when removing less brass ? Thanks Robert
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    Rifle case

    This Flambeau is a case I use a lot, it's roomy, well made, and has good latches at this price point, a good option if weight and price are a consideration...