Search results

  1. G

    Manatee VFS Match

    The VFS match is still schelduled for the Sunday the 10th, look forward to seeing all of you there.
  2. G

    Manatee VFS Match

    Amauri, the VFS for May is actually scheduled for the second Sunday, the 10th, however since that is Mother's Day I will check with Art and Buddy and see if it needs to possibly be moved. Will let everyone know ASAP.
  3. G

    "Good News" Crawfish Match April 18th & 19th

    Hey Ray Sounds like your fishing for an "appearance fee"! Hold out for a least a couple of bags of horse feed and a new lead rope! Good luck, but hope you chose Rachel Glen.
  4. G

    IBS bolts-out rule

    So you want to BR in Florida Just so serious Benchrest shooters don't get discouraged about coming to Florida during the winter to shoot and test let me assure you that the Manatee Gun club has a very good dedicated BR range 100/200 that is open to all visitiors. We host Southeast Division...
  5. G

    Looking for a place to shoot

    Manatee Pete, Manatee has a dedicated Benchrest range out to two hundred yards. The range is open Thursday-Sunday to all comers at I believe $15 a head for all day. If you are in the Lakeland area it is about a 1 1/2 hour drive. Shoot me an e-mail and I can fill you in.
  6. G

    Winds of Manatee results -- Saturday

    Typical Manatee conditions ranging from good to blowing hard and switchy Total 38 shooters LV 100 1. George Kelbly Sr. .1790 2. Johnnie Stewart .2532 3. David Reynolds .2550 4. Tony Boyer .2578 5. Ray Porter .2578 6. Steve Huff 7...
  7. G

    Winds of Manatee

    Ray I assume you are talking about the road off of HWY 64. That would be Logue Road. There is a sign for the range on your right as you head east on 64 then look for Logue on your left. If I have time I will hang some catfish from a tree at the corner so someone from Arkansas can find their...
  8. G

    Winds of Manatee

    Hey Ray You and all the other northerners (that is anyone above I-10) need to come on down. The weather is fine and will undoubtedly continue;) for the match. Jim and Buddy prettied up the range today while Art and I closely supervised their work. We are looking forward to starting off the...
  9. G

    Scott Dittman -- River Bend Gun Club 2008 Shooter of the Year

    Way to go Scott, good consistent shooting.
  10. G

    My new hunting rifle!! photos

    David is a good friend of mine and has done a couple of rifles for me (although I haven't gone the full route of like Butch did, great rifle Butch). If you want to have work done by a perfectionist who is extremely knowlegable and gifted then David is your guy, he is a true craftsman in this age...
  11. G

    "New" sporter class....

    So at a time when the expense of this sport is claimed by many to be a severe deterrent to bringing new blood into our sport, not to mention how expensive it already is for us that do compete, some of you want to add more expense in the way of a new rifle just because you are bored with sporter...
  12. G

    Rachel's Glen October match....

    I agree Mickey, Buddy is harmless especially when he is shooting BR. :D
  13. G

    World Team Site Updated

    Yea I was about to say the same thing, someone else needs to be tallying those numbers. :D
  14. G

    Jackie Schmidt Returns To H-Town/Hurricaine Ike

    Good luck to Jackie and all the guys on the upper coast of Texas and into La.. I lived south of Houston when Hurricane Carla hit that area in 1961 and remember vividly how far inland the storm surge went and caused catastrophic damage and loss of life. If you are still there, get the heck out.
  15. G

    Who uses a DOT reticule and why?

    I have both types on 45x scopes, prefer the dot but I can shoot big groups with either one!
  16. G

    Unaka Rod and Gun Club SER match!!!!!

    Gosh, the Southeastern Region is more popular than Bill Calfee!
  17. G

    Continuing from a deleted thread.

    RStiefel I am afraid that you are being mis-lead and mis-informed by persons who really don't have a clue what the present day short-range BR sport is, in fact I will bet that many of negative comments are from people who do not compete. Let me give you some advice, if possible find a...
  18. G

    Continuing from a deleted thread.

    Con, with that last post you have proven you really don't get BR.
  19. G

    Full results for SER Unlimited / Sporter Championships posted on NBRSA site

    Great job Roy, its nice to be able to see the entire results of a regional match. It would be nice to set up a procedure with volunteers so that every regional match would have this information gathered and displayed in this manner.
  20. G

    Now here is a shooter for ya!!

    You ask if most people dislike them, anybody who owns land or farms land in the in the South will almost certainly have little good to say about them. They are like mini-hogs constantly rooting for insects and tearing up pastures, cropland, flower beds etc. Their worst habit iin my mind is the...