Scott Dittman -- River Bend Gun Club 2008 Shooter of the Year

Dave Rabin

New member
For the second consecutive year, Scott Dittman has won River Bend Gun Club Benchrest Shooter of the Year, the only person to have won the championship twice. He did it the same way he did it last year -- he was completely dominating.

We shoot 10 matches over the course of the season, divided equally between group matches and score matches. Scott won 5 of those matches and came in second in a sixth. Scott's father, Bill, will have to console himself with his second consecutive second-place finish in the standings.

Scott does all our scoring, so he spends the whole day being busy. I guess it does not detract from his shooting. Scott is proof positive that nice guys can finish first.

Congratulations, Scott -- again! Now, will you let someone else win next year for a change?

Dave Rabin
You know, I shot the best match of my life today and darned if Scott didn't shoot the best match of his life to beat me !!!!

Good job buddy, see you in March.
Thanks Guys,

The credit goes to my gunsmith and Dad (same person) who is always willing to meet me at the range anytime to practice and who does all my barrel work (even with tuner). And thanks Dad too for letting me in on the .324 bushing secret...I think that's what did it.

See everyone in March...Happy Holidays to you all.
