Who uses a DOT reticule and why?

After searching the files I have not come up with the answer to this question.
To DOT or not to DOT!
Speaking specifically about an 1/8"DOT in a Leupold 45x-45 for use in competition 100-200 yd matches.
Is there more DOT's on the line or sans DOTS on the line during a competition.
Does the DOT present a unfair advantage or is it a curse?
What is the learned opinion?:)
Thanks in advance,
It took a few groups to get used to it, but once I did I decided that I love the dot and don't ever want to go back. I do, however, shoot mostly for score.
I've read that the human eye will naturally center a dot up in a circle. Don't know if it's true or not. I do prefer a dot.---Mike Ezell
I shoot only group

and am not a very good shooter but I use a dot in all my scopes including one Leu comp 45. The reason being that I can shoot faster and shoot my group before the conditions change (sometimes). I can center the dot in the mothball faster than I can bracket it with the crosshairs, especially when the mirage is running. Also it makes hold off eaiser (for me). Some say that you cant get perfectly centered but I have more error trying to bracket the mothball. I think conditions are more detrimental to your group than a perfect hold. Just my $.002
Dot or Not

I shoot IBS Score. All my scopes were with dots, then I got a deal on a Competition Leupold 45X without the dot so I bought it for "Lucy" my wife's rifle. It didn't take me long to realize that the darn dot was getting in my way.

I am now selling all the dots and replacing them with thin cross hairs.

My old eyeballs focus on a dot better. I adjust scope so group is about an inch off point of aim so it doesn't bother that.
Whenever I look through a friend's scope with a dot, I'm trying to imagine where the crosshairs would intersect within that dot. That's why I don't use one. Art
I prefer the dot , not really sure why I have had a number of scopes both ways and just migrated away from the dot 10 or 15 years ago and don't miss it. It's mostly personal taste though.

I do not use a dot, mainly because of the way I aim. I place the horizonal cross hair at 12 oclock, and the verticle at 3 oclock. A dot just gets in the way......jackie
I prefer a dot

I think in an optically perfect universe(crystal clear conditions,overcast, cool and with your off eye closed)a fine crosshair would give one the ability to aim "finer" than with a dot. Most new guys to benchrest think the game is all about aiming. In reality, you are going to be shooting in the heat of the day, in the middle of July,with a heavy mirage, pea soup sight picture,while guys to the left and right of you are banging away and bumping your rifle all over the place. Your main focus will be on the flags( conditions) with your off eye,while your secondary focus will be on your aimpoint, as the marines to your left and right are keeping the enemy pinned down.
In my opinion ,A dot helps you handle the rough conditions better than a fine crosshair.
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I shoot a dot for group and like it. I don't think it gets in the way even at 100 yards. But I think a crosshair works too and all of my other scopes don't have dots. I guess it boils down to what you like. I know for 1k shooting, my dot would not be my first choice.
I have had both and shot both group (mostly) and score. Did not find that the FCH was a disadvantage in score. Did not necessarily think the dot got in the way. I think it is just a personal thing. I find that I am gravitating toward the FCH though.
To Dot or not

Thanks for the replys, really good information.
I guess I'd better start looking for a FCH for group.:)
me thinks.....
if you shoot cross hairs, you mentally do two things...adj left/right, and up/down.....two tasks at one time.

if you shoot a dot...you do one task..put the dot where you want it.

now in br...the time difference in the two processes is no big deal,, in pistol shooting(standing, one or two handed)...its a BIG thing....i can shoot much faster with a dot.

i do think when holding off, the dot gives a reference to how much i hold off.

ps if i was shooting a dot in group...it would never be aligned to point of impact...probably up or down a ring or two.........so the dot covering my group should never be an issue.

oh and i have both....

mike in co