Rachel's Glen October match....


Club Coordinator
will be held October 25-26. For some reason the date was not changed in the NBRSA News and Frank Parker drove over yesterday for the match and discovered there were no shooters here. I really felt badly about him making the trip for nothing but it seems everybody but Frank knew about the change.

Anyway, we're working our butts off (there's still plenty left, though :) )
getting everything ready. Making new target frames. Targets are already labeled.

One change is that we will NOT serve meals at lunch on Saturday and Sunday so bring something to eat. Be sure to bring enough for Tinker to have some.
There will be coffee in the mornings but that's it. It's just not cost effective to try to round up the food and have somebody to serve it. I always buy too much because I dreaded the thought of running out and the crowds keep getting smaller.

We have had several new shooters to call and say they are coming. I hope Jackie and Gene will be here as well if they are able to get the mess cleaned up enough to be able to leave home. They've really had a mess from the hurricane but Americans are a tough and resilient people.

Everything is looking good so far. Y'all be safe on the trip over. Gas prices are beginning to drop again. There is a new Holiday Inn Express in the final stages of completion but don't think they'll be open in time. McDonald's has a totally new building in the same place. There is a new eating joint just down the hill from McDonald's that serves a good breakfast and lunch. Sonic has a new facility right beside Ruby Tuesday and Sonic always has good food.

We hope to see a good crowd and, as usual, we'll have the great target crew working and our lead singer calling the match.
. . . and our lead singer calling the match.
Does he know "Flora, Lilly of the West"? When I got up at 4:00 A.M. this morning to head out to the last match at Hawks Ridge, that tune kept running through my head.

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Steve Shelp & I are going to do our best to be there, food or no food.
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Does he know "Flora, Lilly of the West"? When I got up at 4:00 A.M. this morning to head out to the last match at Hawks Ridge, that tune kept running through my head.

* * *
Steve Shelp & I are going to do our best to be there, food or no food.
Great, Charles. Looking forward to seeing you again. Y'all be careful now, y'heah?
I am anxious to go

Hope some of us Gulf Coast Shooters can make it to your match. If you need any bark mulch, we will have plenty of it left-over from IKE.

Hope I can make it...........GW

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Not my Crib

I that your crib in the pic???? :D

All of us from this Region should try to go to the match in Alabama. I plan to make the effort to go. Sounds like a fun match to attend with alot of good people to meet. I would like to meet my bullet maker. Wish I could have gone to the Midland match.....GW
Me and Papaw will be there!!!! We're workin' on washin' Zipper out of his hole. We've been pouring gasoline down it, but I think he just sits in there huffin' it. lol.

Matthew S Keller
Me and Papaw will be there!!!! We're workin' on washin' Zipper out of his hole. We've been pouring gasoline down it, but I think he just sits in there huffin' it. lol.

Matthew S Keller

I was wondering what that awful smell was. :eek:
Money is tight, Raising a family is not cheap and basic economics are keeping the plate thin right now. I wish (along with alot of others) that things were not this way, no one likes pinching pennies especially a free bird like myself.

Buddy Ross sent me a message asking if I'd be there. What is he up to? We have to analyze everything he duz and sez. We are checking out the calendar. Are northerners still welcome down there?

Of course you're welcome, Francis. We really need the rain. :)

Seriously, we've missed you and Jan at our matches. The weather should be absolutely perfect this time of the year. Come on down.

(Don't worry about trying to figure Buddy out. He's fairly harmless.)