What Happened to RBA? what will happen?

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Final thoughts from "former" Match Director

This whole thing is NOT about what was done, but HOW IT WAS DONE!

Through incompetency or devious game playing, RBA members have been excluded from the decision making process of the organization.

Capitol City Rifle & Pistol Club is in the process of requesting sanctioning from USRA-IR5050. At least with that organization each member knows up front where he stands with the decision making process.

As far as I am concerned RBA has lost its integrity.

Hope all you shooters have a great year!
It is insanity, to thinking you are going to get the answers you want from this thread. You should call or email RBA and ask your questions. You are working with second hand information and jumping to conclusions.
Camel Got His Nose In The Tent

I was a rimfire match director from the very early ninety's until turning it over to others last year. Back in 2000 the problems with IR 50-50 forced some of us to form a new Org. RBA. That first year we only had 6 0r 7 clubs shooting RBA but things grew nicely because thing were done very well. H.L. Wickham agreed to be the first president & Scott Hamilton vice-president. Not because they wanted the jobs but because they were asked to serve . They were chosen because they are honorable men with no agenda to promote. After a few years Scott agreed to run for President. They both served in a fair & open way. Some thought they should do more & after "hard campaigning" Bob Collins was elected the new President. After a year of Collins our Virginia club switched to IR 50-50, now under good management. I say to the RBA match directors who supported the election of Collins, you got what you think you wanted. "put it in your pipe & smoke it". To Rod Collins who keeps asking what changes would be better. SIMPLE....Don't change the rules to please a few & return to providing a NEWSLETTER. Don't think for a minute that Bob Collins doesn't read every post here. For RBA to survive now in any meaningful way would require a MIRACLE. Glynn Angle
Why is it insanity

Rod, Why is it insane to expect our leader to come to this forum? Here he would have an opportunity to address the entire membership of RBA. By doing so his message would be FIRST HAND thus, he could explain the vote and ALL OTHER ISSUES DISCUSSED ON THIS FORUM. It certainly would be easier for him to adress all at once, rather than having to deal with each shooter individually. Further, ALL members and shooters would would hear exactly the same story concerning the history and notice surrounding the vote taken at the indoor nationals, why shooters are not allowed to see the finical records of the RBA,and why the minutes of the meeting are not available to all shooters.

Why in the world are these expectations insane??? He should be glad to come before his membership and all rimfire shooters telling us RBA is an organization for the shooters by the shooters; always was and always will be. Obviously, this is not the case, apparently he belives, by sticking his head in the sand ignoring the members,shooters and all that have viewed and posted; this will all blow over.

The most rational and reasonable reason not to bother with this is.
This Thread has been viewed over 5,000 times. There is a small group of sore asses posting on it in a negative manner. Some of which have never been to a RBA match.

It is insanity, to thinking you are going to get the answers you want from this thread. You should call or email RBA and ask your questions. You are working with second hand information and jumping to conclusions.


I can't believe you have brought this up twice. I am a MD and I have both called and written RBA before this thread was even started. In fact I wrote to you also and you have not replied. You know very well there is no communication here and you also know that the business manager is doing what she is directed to do by the President Bob Collins. Maybe you can talk him into answering some of my questions. Maybe you could answer my email too, rather than post something on this forum indicating that somehow there is a formal communication going on behind the scenes. I don't need to air my dirty laundry on a public forum but our president has seen fit to use this as the only place a match director gets any information about all these changes.

If the only information one gets is off this forum, then it can't be second hand information.

Wes King
Oregon MD RBA
The most rational and reasonable reason not to bother with this is.
This Thread has been viewed over 5,000 times. There is a small group of sore asses posting on it in a negative manner. Some of which have never been to a RBA match.


I am not a sore ass, I am a RBA Match Director and there is currently no other form of communication going on. How do I say that in a positive manner. This forum is not going to resolve these issues but maybe it will get people curious to enough to call their RBA Match directors and find out what is really going on. On the other hand it may just be a small minority that care to question these decisions at all.

Wes King
"You should call or email RBA and ask your questions. You are working with second hand information and jumping to conclusions"

I was going to jump out of this but guess I have to much time on my hands. One thing for sure, I will not be a member of RBA in the future unless this mess is taken care of.

Rod, what are you talking about, you cant get any higher than the President of RBA and cadillacjack talked to him, if the Info he got from the top was not correct that means that the President of RBA does not know what's going on or what he's talking about. Is that what your saying ?, the President of RBA is handing out second hand Info ?.
"This Thread has been viewed over 5,000 times. There is a small group of sore asses posting on it in a negative manner. Some of which have never been to a RBA match"

Your correct, this thread has been viewed over 5,000 times, the only other ones that seem to get that many hits are the Calfee threads.

Obviously guys are interested or it would not have that many hits along with over 85 replies, even the Calfee thread only has a bit over 55 replies. I'm only going to guess at this because I don't want to go count them, but I'm betting that well over 70 % of the replies are negative and from different people. With that kind of response it seems that most members feel that something is wrong. Worst yet, it doesn't seem to be getting fixed and this is not good for any Association.

Your probably also correct in the fact that some of the guys posting may have never been to an RBA match, but the way things have been done, and the way things are going, there may not be many that would want to go. This is not the way to get guys interested in joining RBA
Joe, The last i knew you shot a lot of pistol when you worked for Hamerli. I met you at the first ARA match that you went to a couple years ago. To date i can't find where you have even shot 50 ARA targets. Also i doubt that you ever shot in a RBA match or 50-50 for that matter. What you don't seam to get is That 5000 hits verses 85 replies. Means that there must be a lot more happier people than unhappy. You are one of the few that have NOTHING INVESTD AND YOU RUN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT HOW THINGS SHOULD BE DONE. It could be time to find something else to entertain yourself with.
This forum and thread is open to all interested

Gordon I don't know you or what organization you are a member of, but all persons input is welcome on this thread. The free flow of information is how problems are worked out.
Jack, I don't Know you either. But the way This thread started. You Got your Panties in a wad over the Sporter Rule. Now you want to take down RBA. Do you work for Hillery Clinton?
I'm surprised at your response to this. No need to get nasty about it.

Yes I shot a lot of International Olympic Pistol, all over the world, now that I'm old and worn out I thought I would try some shootin where I could set down to shoot.

You were very, very, helpful at the ARA matches, then for what ever reason you quit shooting ARA because of something about ARA not having a level playing field, or because of some cheating going on or something like that, I'm not sure at this time what it was but I can check my old e mails to refresh my memory if need be,

Well anyway it was because of the way you down graded ARA that I quit shooting ARA and am now looking for the game that has a fair and level playing field, so far I guess I haven't found it. No one has to be a rocket scientist to see that the way RBA is being run is a bad thing for it's members, probably worse than ARA at this time as I've been told that ARA has done something about the way it was being run. The only thing I can say about your nasty remark is that you must have something invested in RBA, sorry if I stepped on your investment.

Yes, I'll keeping looking for the game with the level playing field, maybe I'll go back to ARA now that they have changed things a bit, one thing for sure, if this is the way the officials treat there members I probably wont be shooting RBA.

Over the past 50 years I've competed all over the world and have been an official in many, many, different Associations, never have I seen this kind of thing going on. Some of this stuff is a disgrace to the shooting sports. Again, sorry if I got you upset or stepped on your investment.
Okay, I'm responsible for a few of the 5000 or so hits but haven't posted because it's all been pretty well covered. I talk with my MD all the time and he sure didn't know about the rule change. And yes, Fred is upset about the fact that we RBA members weren't notified about the upcomming rules changes that might just affect the guns we buy to play the game, and rightfully so. I base my guns on the rules to get every advantage allowable, I need all the help I can get! As members we had no input and that is what I thought RBA was suppose to be about from it's formation. Just because I didn't get on here to B**** about it doesn't mean I like it but there are plenty of other venues to play if I were that upset.

Dennis DiFeo
OK Joe You want to check old EMails I got one from you about The Scotty Herbert ARA thread. I think you are into this one for the same reason that you were into that one. You stated to me that you didn't want anyone to know who you are. Your doctor told you that typing would be good for your eye sight. You stated that you were having a little fun. Your negative posts can hurt people when you are having a little fun. Try typing a letter to Dear Abby.
Hey Gordon you don't have a dog in the fight

With all your hollier than thou rambling; I just looked on the RBA member list and guess what YOU ARE NOT AN RBA MEMBER. Thus, based on your earlier posts one would wonder why YOU are spout'in off on this thread. I'd vote for HILLARY LONG BEROFE I'D VOTE FOR YOU!!! You seem to be a perfect politican; you have no conviction; you say one thing(only members and directors are important to these issues) yet here you are neither a member or match director. Either you have no pride or aren't very smart.
I may not be a member but at least i have shot in a RBA match. Just for your records. I drove 18 hours to Corlele Georgia to shoot in a match. HAD the time of my life, Met a a bunch of FRIENDLY HAPPY RBA SHOOTERS. One of the best matches ever. Also for your records the same people were running it then as that are now. And if i can i will shoot more RBA matches. Lets get back to the Sporters. I shoot one in 3 gun. It has a clip That i don't use and a saftey that i don't use. Now it DON"T bother me one bit if every shooter in the world gets a new gun without either. If i think i need one then i will get it.
Now Jackey For the record I WOULDN"T VOTE FOR YOU EITHER.
Again, no need to get nasty or smart mouth about this.

I have nothing to hide when it comes to what I post, the reason I got into the Scotty Herbert ARA thread was because of you and Scotty not likening the way things were, if you guys remember I was on your side on that issue and was one of the reasons I quit ARA. My stating that I didn't want anyone to know who I was, was because of my Hammerli connection, nothing more than that nothing less.

I have nothing to hide but did not want to have to start answering e mails about Hammerli, thanks for nothing.

Yes, I'm in bad shape, eyes are not coming along very good but would still like to shoot. Yes it may be a little fun for some but it's also serious for the majority of the members. As far as negative post, they are only negative when they need be, you should know all about that from the ARA problem.

Maybe you should try Dr. Phil, he may be able to help if you have a problem with what I have said.
Gordon when was the last time you shot in an RBA match?

Gordon I've looked in the RBA archives and can't find when you last shot. Tell us so we may see just how active you are in the RBA. You admit you're not a member nor a director so what's your stake in these issues? You seem to tell every person not involved in RBA to quiet down; now tell this thread why you don't take your own advice.
Tell me if this is the problem... at the RBA annual meeting (held at the same time for the last few years) a vote was taken and passed by the match directors.
Now some are not happy and want to redo the vote. If you feel so strongly about this you should bring this up at the next meeting. If you want you can nominate a new President and Vice President for next year. The current President and Vice President were unopposed this year. They must be doing something right.
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