What Happened to RBA? what will happen?

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I also am a match director from the west coast and I too received very limited time to respond in writing, much less to book a flight to attend the secret meeting. I agree with what Wes has to say in that members should have a vote in rule changes as opposed to a few individuals deciding our rule changes. I never received a call from Bob about the proposed rule changes which in turn did not allow me to contact the participants in my matches to encourage them to give their opinions and feedback. I think this lack of adequate notification for items that essentially change the classes that we as shooters have been accustomed to is a blatant disregard for its members opinions and thoughts. These rule changes should be put to a vote by the members before going in to effect.

Robert Freshwater
I can't tell you

how many people we have here in Arkansas that were just waiting for the price of sporters to go down $150 bucks.... So they can spend $2850 and not $3000...... we may have to put in more benches!.....But how many shooters will we lose???????
The top shooters will win "BIG MONEY"?????... take a look at where last years top 7 or 8 shooters were from......??? !!! Shoot as many matches a month as you want at your club?????
More money!!!
More ammo!!!:eek::eek::confused: Think about it!!!!!:mad:

Ok, sure there are some changes made in RBA. Whats the big deal? First does anyone believe that a singleshot 7.5 lb.rifle with no safety will out shoot a clip feed ? NO! Does anyone believe a pistol will increase there scores? No! Why would anyone with a clip feed rifle feel like they needed a new singleshot sporter if it would not increase there scores. The records will not be any easer to beat than they already are. Again whats the big deal. Sure there could always be better communications between the board of directors and the shooters but whats new, everyone is suppose to communicate with their match director at their local range. The match directors were advised on suggested rule changes prior to the nationals. I do think that a info or news tab on the RBA web site would help solve some communication issues.
From what I understand the new membership fees increase is to cover the increase in cost of postage and other rising expenses. The money that is in the general fund goes to cover prizes that are given away based on the point standings. Giving away money prizes next year will be easier to manage and mail to participants that are not able to be at Nationals.
I just love to shoot. And like RBA, IR 50/50 and ARA origanizations. The shooters at our local range prefer the RBA target because of the number of sighters on the page and thats why we shoot RBA. I guess I just don't simply see how the new rule changes could have a negative effect on a match except for helping new shooters to get involved at a lower cost.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ken Fulghum just set a new Indoor Meters sporter class record last weekend at Rocky River Barn using a rifle that met the old rules? He shot a 250-17X I think, and I think the old record was 249-15X. I'm going by memory, those numbers may be wrong.
It doesn't matter what I think but as always I'll say it anyway, I think the sporter rule change was a positive. I don't think it'll make a sporter any easier to shoot, just easier to build with more action options.
Will Single shot actions affect accuracy?

David, I'm not gunsmith,but I have spoken with several and they suggested to me that the more ridgid a rifle can be made the better channce for superior accuracy.(i.e. giving the rifle without a slot in the bottom of the action an edge to the gun with a slot). As I said I'm not a gunsmith so I would suggest you check with your gunsmith. Bill Myers brings up a good point, How will the changes affect the exsisting records? It may not be big deal, I don't know. At least all shooters should be allowed to make the choice for themselves and then given a chance to voice their opinion.

I'm not a good sporter shooter but I do hold my own when indoors and with a heaver gun. The shooter beside me at the indoor nationals out shot me with a sporter rifle and I shot 249's . Besides that look at the records they are not that much different. David
My package with the proposed rule changes was postmarked Dec. 28th. In a larger town, I would have had it on the Tue. or Wed. before the meeting where the rules were voted on. We don't have mail delivery here (everyone in the Village has to pick up their mail at the P.O.), and I work out of town. I got the package on the day of the "secret" meeting.

Even if I did have it in my hand 3 days before the meeting, is it really reasonable to expect me to contact each and every shooter at Salem and ask them their opinions and expect answers back in time to send in our votes? It's mid-Winter up here, and I won't see or hear from some of my shooters till April.

I would have voted against the Sporter rule changes, fee increase, and the Pistol provision, had I had a chance to do so.

Just my .02 worth,
Todd Banks
Salem Pistol and Rifle Club, NY
Great scores posted by sporters

Unquestionably,the scores you people have listed are great scores. However, they may have been even higher had they been shot with a gun having the advantage of a more ridgid action.
Send in are votes? That would have been great. Truth be told even as a match director I did not get a chance to vote. Only those attending the secret me eting got the opportunity to decide our rule changes. I think that it is B.S that rule changes like this can be made with at bare minimum a ballot given to all match directors.

1. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Match Directors from each Sanctioned club.2. Any Director shall be at least 18 years of age.
3. The official publication of the Rimfire Benchrest Association shall list the Board of Directors
The Directors shall conduct the business of Rimfire Benchrest Association and shall meet at least once a year during the week of the Nationals, or at some other time as determined by the Board, at a site to be selected by the Board, or by mail or conference call. All directors shall be notified by the President by mail at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Meetings will be conducted accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. The Board of Directors will elect officers: a President, a Vice President, a Business Manager, and may elect an Executive Committee and other officers as needed. The Board will be responsible for deciding by a simple majority vote any changes to the rules and By-laws of Rimfire Benchrest Association.
1. Each Director shall have 1 vote. A quorum shall constitute a majority of all Directors.
2. If a Director cannot attend the meeting of Rimfire Benchrest Association then he/she may appoint another member from his/her club to represent him/her.
3. If any Director should die or resign during his/her term, then the Sanctioned Club shall appoint a new Director.
4. Balloting by mail or conference call is allowed in cases where time does not allow for delay of the action until the next Board Meeting. Mail ballots will be sent by the Business Manager to the Directors must be returned to the Business Manager within 14 days of receipt.

I personally do not feel the resent changes are legitimate even by our own rules.
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The records?????

I'm not worried about the world records. I aint that good. It's the every day matches that will make a difference. I think that is why the rule was changed. The world records are so high now they are nearly untouchable. My sporter shoots pretty good but I think a solid bottom will shoot better day in and day out...Why else would you want to change it. Sporters were put in because the are hard to shoot. Its hard to win a 3 gun if your sporter aint there..... Bill
That's a pretty large oversimplification of events at the nationals. After LOTS of talk and comment it became quite clear no substantial majority wanted any change and THEN Wilbur brought it to an end.
The point, I think, is that there was plenty of time to kick it around and Wilbur did not subvert that.
Frankly, trying to second guess what happens in a year is less than productive.


You are obviously too new at this game to understand the difference. The point I was making is: Wilbur OWNS IR 50/50 outright. He bought it from Helen Cook the fall after Milt died. That makes it his to control. Every single shooter in America might want a rule change to be added, but if Wilbur doesn't want to change the rules: too bad for those that do!

What's all this stuff about a SECRET meeting, if RBA is really a members Association and run in accordance to the RBA by-laws/constitution or conducted by Robert’s Rules of Order I don't think secret meetings are allowed, and anything as impotent as rule changes should be voted on by the members, not just by a few select officials at some secret meeting.
As to the records, it's a no brainier, the old records have to be retired and new records established for the new rules.
Single Shot
I don't believe or think the Yearly RBA Meeting was held in Secret.
Fred K
We only have ourselves to blame for the present RBA situation. As a recent MD I had the opportunity to attend 3-4 BOD meetings at national events. At the first meeting (under the previous leadership) I was the "newbie" but was impressed by the spirit by which the meeting was conducted with input solicited from the MD's. At subsequent meetings, under the present regime, it was apparent that the tone had changed-it seemed that any comments contrary to the president's agenda were summarily disregarded. Then, during the shooting season, no attempt was made to solicit MD input on items to be discussed at the next BOD meeting. This is contrary to the procedures/charter which is supposed to govern RBA. While I could site specifics, it should not be necessary since a number of MD's were present to see how the system had deteriorated. But, we did nothing! We didn't say "stop" and get back to the way RBA was designed to work. Then, when it came time for elections and the potential to change direction, we again did nothing! The RBA SHOOTING program was IMO, the best at one time (no offense Wilbur-your game is excellent), however, in the RBA game the number of clubs participating, membership etc. has been and continues to be in decline. Again, this is our fault! The blame is not on individuals who may have been well intentioned, but rather, on those of us who have permitted the situation to evolve. What then is the solution? Several possibilities come to mind but, these must come from the MD's themselves. Any thoughts? Bob Vail

You are obviously too new at this game to understand the difference. The point I was making is: Wilbur OWNS IR 50/50 outright. He bought it from Helen Cook the fall after Milt died. That makes it his to control. Every single shooter in America might want a rule change to be added, but if Wilbur doesn't want to change the rules: too bad for those that do!


No Dave I'm not new and I know where the game came from. If you reread your post again it sounds as if Wilbur cut short the discussion which in fact he allowed until it bacame obvious there was no consensus. Even though he owns it, it would appear he tries to be fair and in fact was. This brings me to point number two, if you shut up every once in a while we would'nt need point number one.:D
Sailor, I'll tell you what, you come shoot IR 50/50. We'll trade RBA one large, unnamed, hairy shooter and a 2009 first round draft choice. The trade includes a big roll of duct tape to tape up a pie hole so everybody can shoot in peace for the day.:D
If according to your post "Every single shooter in IR5050 wanted a rule change, and old Wilbur told 'em to take a hike, well he wouldn't have a game to own, now would he?
Fortunately, Wilbur is a logical guy. Is IR5050 perfect, NO it's not. But, Wilbur does a great job mediating, and listens to logical complaints and is concerned about the game as a whole. He's a good man!

PS- the sporter rule does need adjusting. Forearm needs to be round as a shovel handle and a 4X scope! Wouldn't hurt if you turned loose some rattle snakes on the line when the begin fire command sounded, just to make it tougher.
If according to your post "Every single shooter in IR5050 wanted a rule change, and old Wilbur told 'em to take a hike, well he wouldn't have a game to own, now would he?
Fortunately, Wilbur is a logical guy. Is IR5050 perfect, NO it's not. But, Wilbur does a great job mediating, and listens to logical complaints and is concerned about the game as a whole. He's a good man!

PS- the sporter rule does need adjusting. Forearm needs to be round as a shovel handle and a 4X scope! Wouldn't hurt if you turned loose some rattle snakes on the line when the begin fire command sounded, just to make it tougher.

Absolutely. At that match there was ample time for anybody to make any contribution, many did, and did so for quite a while, only then was it put to bed. Did not seem heavy handed in the least IMHO.
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