The Energy Non-Crisis

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Energy Crisis

So what is the date? When is Iran going to flood the world with cheep oil. :confused:

I am also thinking that the US purchases oil from other countries now! So why have the arabs not accused us of breaking the deal already and backed out of the deal themselves. I'm so mad I cant even type. :mad:

I tell you what, who do you believe?:mad:

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The point I was trying to make was "If not for the screaming meme GREENIES"
we would have a diversity of power and fuel sources. We would, as I am sure any fair minded individual would agree that American ingenuity if left unrestricted could accomplish much, much more then the left care to admit. I am very convinced that the "Environmentalists" own a big part of our dependence on foreign oil. They, GREENIES or the Gores of the country place restrictions on American resolve!

I have heard that one of the biggest reasons that we have stopped making nuclear reactors is due to one movie, The China Syndrome. A 1979 thriller film which tells the story of a reporter and cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant. This movie stared none other than Jane Fonda as the reporter.

The China Syndrome is when all safty measures fail and the core melts it's way through the earth possibly to China. It was meant to scare the public and it did.

Concho Bill
Price of Oil

Ok Here is what I think is going on.

The Arabs have known for years that the oil under there buts is running out. So they say OK we only have 10 years of oil/income. Lets charge $150 per brl instead of $50, so now we have three times the income we would have had.
I back this up by how much they are spending to make there country a tourist attraction. Tourists income is going to take the place of oil income when they run out of oil.

Where is my darn Zanex !:p

I have heard that one of the biggest reasons that we have stopped making nuclear reactors is due to one movie, The China Syndrome. A 1979 thriller film which tells the story of a reporter and cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant. This movie stared none other than Jane Fonda as the reporter.

The China Syndrome is when all safty measures fail and the core melts it's way through the earth possibly to China. It was meant to scare the public and it did.

Concho Bill

You have to be skeptical of any movie that has Jane Fonda in it. I was 19 at the time that movie came out, full of piss and vinegar. I didn't believe it then and I still don't. Yea accidents happen but lets question the fear tactics or brainwashing effect the media has on the sheep of the country. Hell, their going to do everything they can to sell us Obama as the next president. God help us!!!!!!!!!!
and the truth is................

I have heard that one of the biggest reasons that we have stopped making nuclear reactors is due to one movie, The China Syndrome. A 1979 thriller film which tells the story of a reporter and cameraman who discover safety coverups at a nuclear power plant. This movie stared none other than Jane Fonda as the reporter.

The China Syndrome is when all safty measures fail and the core melts it's way through the earth possibly to China. It was meant to scare the public and it did.

Concho Bill

.............every fricken part is over-designed to the nth degree -rendering the failure rate of any given part as infinitesimal (if used as originally spec'd).

During the 70's & 80's I worked for a company that provided a key component to nuclear power plants, and my job was to process orders for spare parts for our systems...............the amount of documentation with material certification is extraordinary...........even down to the smallest bolt and nut.

As an aside, I was working for this company when the Three Mile Island incident occurred 40 miles away......... it was '79........I don't recall any of us that worried.............must have been before the movie came out:)

I did a search and found that a 20 year follow-up study showed no significant rise in cancer deaths as a result of the TMI incident.
Maybe we need to list all the movies that have been made that are not based on hard science and burn them in the public square like many have done to books! They could be liberal plots!!

The China Syndrome was a movie! For those still shaken up, The Andromeda Strain recently on TV was also a movie and Jane Fonda wasn't even in it!! Oh my golly, "The Body Snatchers: :eek: :eek: :eek:
White Man's Arrogance?

I don't know about most of you, but my Tahoe won't run on caribou poop or the democrats empty promises {even though I think they both have about the same octane rating}

And the Alaska natives that depend on North Slope caribou can't eat the gasoline that runs your Tahoe--or the Republicans' empty promises. Oh well, they are just a bunch of dumb natives--we might just as well drill in ANWR and starve them out.
And the Alaska natives that depend on North Slope caribou can't eat the gasoline that runs your Tahoe--or the Republicans' empty promises. Oh well, they are just a bunch of dumb natives--we might just as well drill in ANWR and starve them out.

You liberals get it straight! We are not drilling for oil for the U.S. in ANWR!! It will be shipped directly overseas for the international oil companies! We are Gas "Station Building" and spreading democracy for the international oil companies. Those Caribou have been proven by White House Intelligence and Judith Miller of the N.Y. Times to be insurgents unleaded by Al Qaeda!

You either support drilling in ANWR, or you don't support our troops!

Somebody tell the guys this is a joke! :eek: :eek: :eek:
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vicvanb & D....................

Let the people of Alaska vote on it.........I thought you guys were a believer in every vote should count!! If the drilling does take place the natives can get a job with the oil companies{as most Alaskans have} and then they can go to the store and buy their meat!! Besides there is no real evidence that the caribou herd has been hurt by the drilling...for every piece of evidence you show me it has I can show you evidence that it hasn't!! "Rock The Vote" as you lib's say!!!

Looks like the majority of Americans are on-board with the drilling....your pretty much fighting a mute point!!

Fox News poll says 67% for 18% against 15% are still wating for Obama to say something Jimmy Carter didn't!!
How many square miles is ANWR?

How many square miles is going to be drilled?

Oh, and I've seen two sets of pictures... Ones shows lushly wooded mountains, etc., etc., and the other shows something that looks like northern Illinois in January. I wonder which one's true?

There are a lot of wells pumping in southern Illinois - I'm guessing that they take up less than 1/10 of a percent of the farms they are sited upon.
the acreage involved...............

................I recall the TOTAL being less than several football fields at the drilling site(s)......obviously not including the pipeline.
Guys, Just a little info on ANWR!!

All President Bush has asked is that oil exploration take place on 2,000 acres within ANWR - itself 19.5 million acres in size. That's a tract about the size of a big-city airport in an area the size of South Carolina with a population of fewer than 2,000.

He's not asking that oil companies be allowed to foul the land. Most Alaskans realize this, which is why one recent poll shows that 78 percent of them approve of the president's plan. They've watched the huge north slope oil field at Prudhoe Bay in production for 27 years now, and they've seen the environment thrive. They've seen the Porcupine Caribou herds -- which many environmentalists predicted would be wiped out once the oil companies arrived -- increase fivefold in number in those 27 years. Alaskan pollster David Dittman has suggested that more oil seeps out of cars each day in the average Wal-Mart parking lot than has been spilled in Alaska in more than a quarter-century.
Which president signed into law the BAN on off shore drilling..I'll give you a hint George H.W. 1990...:confused:
Untill we find alternative energy..we need to drill more here in the USA and refine more here in the USA...and use the NASA budget and foreign aid to develope alternative energy...then we can send another probe to Mars to scoop soil and run our little radio controlled rovers around a desolate BS planet...:mad:
eww1350........................................... ..............

There's a lot of dirty laundry on this one.....for example!!

ANWR : If Bill Clinton had signed into law the Republican Congress's 1995 bill to allow drilling of ANWR instead of vetoing it, ANWR could be producing a million barrels of (non-Opec) oil a day--5% of the nation's consumption. Although speaking in another context, even Democrat Senator Charles Schumer, no proponent of ANWR drilling, admits that "one million barrels per day," would cause the price of gasoline to fall "50 cents a gallon almost immediately," according to a recent George Will column.

If the evil republicans passed it why are the democrats so hesitant to throw it out??? Answer....It's an election year, and the democrats want to make things as bad as they can be so Obama will get elected!!
The trump card is with the conservative talk shows and Fox News they can't pull the wool over our eyes as much as they use too.

Read the history on this...... Bush 2 tried to pass this before and the congress shot it down. Join Drill Here And Drill Now and show them how you feel!!
Glenn Beck If you want the truth on this oil issue listen to the Glenn Beck Show. He seems to be the only one on cable as pissed as most of the rest of us.
Wrong (again, And Again, And Again)

Alaskan pollster David Dittman has suggested that more oil seeps out of cars each day in the average Wal-Mart parking lot than has been spilled in Alaska in more than a quarter-century.

If memory serves, the Exxon Valdez spill was in 1989 (in Alaskan waters). If those cars in the Wal-Mart lots had seeped this much oil, the oil in the parking lots would be half way up the doors!

C'mon Phil, get it straight!
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And Again...

They've seen the Porcupine Caribou herds -- which many environmentalists predicted would be wiped out once the oil companies arrived -- increase fivefold in number in those 27 years.

Phil, your false "facts" are getting really annoying!

There has been no oil development in the range of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. None. That herd does not range as far west as Prudhoe Bay.

The battle over ANWR is, in part, to protect the herd from future development.

So...your claim that that herd increased 5-fold is.......well, B.S.
No Kidding!!

He's not asking that oil companies be allowed to foul the land.

Well, DUH.....The fact is that they have a proven record of "fouling the land."
And fouling the water.

Ask the Prince William Sound fisherman about fouling things with oil from the Exxon Valdez spill. To add insult to injury, they are STILL waiting for Exxon to make them whole--after 19 years of legal stalling. Some of them could not wait...and died.

Oil development in the arctic is a high risk venture. Drilling in the Arctic Ocean is a guaranteed disaster.