The Energy Non-Crisis

I am proud to say I am a Texan.


Some people deal with reality--the way things are, not the way we wish they were. When the old ways no longer work, they seek new ways. We call them winners.

The oil companies have scoured the earth for new fields and come up empty. I don't think there's a square mile that has not had its geology assessed for oil potential. And all the geology with oil potential has been explored.

It's not a matter of thinking small. It is a matter of facing reality and coming up with creative stategies for the future. We are not going to run out of oil real soon and until we do there is too much money left to be made in oil for those pushing the oil agenda. A lot of those folks live in Texas--your neighbors! We call them...............Texans!

To quote a Yankee Democrat from New England, "Some men see things as they are and say, 'Why'? I dream of things that never were and say, 'Why not'?":) He sounded like a Texan. :)

If I had not lived in Texas I might not be so positive. I hold nothing against any of my neighbors who have ranches the size of some counties with oil wells all over them and now wind turbines cropping up as far as the eye can see. I hold nothing against my neighbors who work in the oil fields or the machine shops so I can drive my cars on gasoline. It does bother me somewhat when someone from an area of the country that does not pull it's part of the load expresses an attitude of defeat. They have already been defeated.

This is a great state and I love it. I can say for certain that we are doing our part to help this country. We have done it for years. We will do it for a lot longer and we are not the only ones.:)

Concho Bill
Oil is getting harder and harder to find.

In 1902 spindletop alone produced 17 million barrels.

EVERY DAY, the US consumes enough oil to cover a football field with a column of oil 2500 feet tall. World consumption would cover that same football field two miles deep every day!

Interesting link

Texas has been a net importer of energy since 1991.

The US produces just over 5 million barrels a day from just over 500,000 wells. Saudi arabia produces 10 million barrels a day from 1500 wells.

Every field has a discovery, a peak and a decline.

Every country has a discovery of oil, a peak of production and a decline. The US peaked in 1970. Texas production peaked in 1973. The north sea fields peaked 3 years ago.

The saudi fields will also peak as will global production. The only question is when.

.....maybe they are just looking for the scraps???

You got it!!!! Of course there is potential for more drilling and with oil at $135per barrel it pays to look. But the MAJOR fields are already discovered.
Oil is getting harder and harder to find.

In 1902 spindletop alone produced 17 million barrels.

EVERY DAY, the US consumes enough oil to cover a football field with a column of oil 2500 feet tall. World consumption would cover that same football field two miles deep every day!

Interesting link

Texas has been a net importer of energy since 1991.

The US produces just over 5 million barrels a day from just over 500,000 wells. Saudi arabia produces 10 million barrels a day from 1500 wells.

Every field has a discovery, a peak and a decline.

Every country has a discovery of oil, a peak of production and a decline. The US peaked in 1970. Texas production peaked in 1973. The north sea fields peaked 3 years ago.

The saudi fields will also peak as will global production. The only question is when.

Thank you, Ray. You are absolutely correct. Some experts predict that global production already peaked.
I'd suggest that you ask one of our oil-producer shooters about the values... Do you pump it today, and make a little, or do you wait, and pump it a bit further on, and make a bundle?

Of course, some of you may not know any of our oil producer shooters, because some of you don't shoot benchrest.
More than 15 billion barrels of oil have been sent down the Alaskan pipeline from Prudhoe Bay, some 60 miles to the west of ANWR, over the past three decades, much more than the six months' supply expected in the beginning by those who predicted a similar environmental disaster there.

The local caribou and other critters have thrived. Yet, Pelosi and the Democrats want to to keep ANWR's estimated 10.6 billion barrels of oil off the market and out of our gas tanks.

Phil, you need to get your facts straight.

The Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound was North Slope oil and it was an environmental disaster.

Prudhoe Bay is a huge industrial complex with environmental effects yet to be fully assessed.

The caribou herd near the pipeline has not exactly "thrived." Are you saying an industrial complex is good for caribou? Besides, it's apples and oranges with ANWR where development would take place on the calving ground of the Porcupine Caribou Herd. This herd has no alternative calving ground. Prudhoe Bay is not on the calving ground of the Central arctic Herd.

Who cares if the Porcupine caribou are heavily impacted? The Gwitchin native people have relied on North Slope caribou for centuries. And yes, I know the natives at Kaktovik have sold out their inland cousins and bought the propaganda of the oil companies promising good jobs--until the field is dry and they pull out of the country with nothing left behind.
Do you pump it today, and make a little, or do you wait, and pump it a bit further on, and make a bundle?

Make a little by pumping today???? Man, at $135/barrel how much more do you want?

There's a good chance that oil will drop back to $100 and settle there. If I was a producer I'd sell now before I lost $35/barrel.
Make a little by pumping today???? Man, at $135/barrel how much more do you want?

Well, looks like someone doesn't shoot a whole heckuva lot of benchrest...
vicvanb........................................... ..

I think you need to get your facts straight!! Most of the information you bring forward here are from liberial web sites.....The information I have is from Investors Business Daily........If there is no oil left why are the Chinese considering drilling off of our coasts.....and why do the oil companies want to drill here........I think there is much propaganda floating around, but do we continue to listen to people like you or do we try another approach?? The oil companies are willing to make the investment to drill.......I know I wouldn't invest my money and time if there wasn't any hope of finding oil. You keep paying the "Pelosi Premium" most of us will try something different for a change....begging the Arabs won't continue forever....with a war coming there, and their supply possibly tapped out in the coming years we must do something to become self reliant....I don't think waiting for the "Silver Bullet" to our energy crisis is the right approach!!
Wrong Again

Most of the information you bring forward here are from liberial web sites.....

Sorry, Phil, but you are wrong (again). I look at no liberal websites, or for that matter, conservative websites. Neither has accurate information.

The caribou information on the North Slope comes from biologist friends who have no dog in the ANWR fight. Wasn't it you who said there were few geologists in Congress?? If you respect the opinion of geologist experts regarding oil drilling, I would think you'd respect biologists regarding the impact of oil development on caribou, but I guess not.
Sorry, Phil, but you are wrong (again). I look at no liberal websites, or for that matter, conservative websites. Neither has accurate information.

The caribou information on the North Slope comes from biologist friends who have no dog in the ANWR fight. Wasn't it you who said there were few geologists in Congress?? If you respect the opinion of geologist experts regarding oil drilling, I would think you'd respect biologists regarding the impact of oil development on caribou, but I guess not.

Just curious, if they have no dog in the fight in ANWR, what is the basis of their opinion? Where did they get their information?
You give the environmentalists WAY too much power. They are responsible for a tiny fraction of the overall energy problem but are an easy scapegoat.

We can't drill our way to energy independence unless we drastically reduce our oil consumption--something the environmentalists have known for years.

So then you think you know the capacity of undiscovered oil fields? Does that really sound possible?

History proves you wrong! Even with other mineral developments in our history. What you think you know on this subject, flies in the face of history.

The last time this was pulled off in the 1970's, it only took the threat of coal gasification to break the back on the propaganda fraud. It in fact caused the price at the pump (which was over a buck) to fall to 0.35 cents per gallon and the oil shortage went away.

Of course if you didn't live through this time as a consumer, you would not have any memory of this event.

We as Americans have tunnel vision, we seem to know only what the media puts before us. Get off your A$$ america and do your own investigations.

Do not except what others tell you (including this post) find out for your own self. It's the only way to be sure.

There are just to many rumors that people believe to be fact.

Here is the biggest problem, we just do not understand the devaluation of our currency, this is the total fault of government, which is why none of the politicians are talking about it. It's easier to understand if you compare it to other currency.

As with so many other problems, you need to go to the source (or being) of the problem to understand the direction it's taking us.

Now comes the reason, in my opinion this is happening. ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. I believe that's why we are being manipulated.
Why so few nuclear plants?

Why are there so few Nuclear Power Plants?

Several reasons.
Cancellation of the breeder reactor program, prohibitive construction/licensing costs, misinformation, spent fuel costs, etc.

I believe you will see a resurgence of nuclear power construction in the near future. The new plants will consist of a generically designed, pre-licensed unit. The new units will incorporate many of the design improvements over three decades of commercial nuclear operation.

Just some facts to ponder. The max. generation of the Hoover Dam is 2074 megawatts of power. A dual unit nuclear plant produces over 2200 megawatts of power for a two year cycle befor refueling.

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To say we can't drill because of wildlife is stupid...

....I have hunted around drilling rigs all my life and never had one incident. Used to shoot deer and yotes on the what we called the christmas tree pads once they were done all the time.

Just because we had one drunk captain make a spill doesn't mean safeguards will not be in place and it will happen again. Their fear of being sued from a disaster would have them on their toes w/ lots of safeguards in place. Can accidents happen, sure....but not drilling cuz of the "what if's" is just dumb. What if I get in a wreck on the way to the grocery store?? Maybe I should just stay home and order a pizza.

I for one hope the owners of the ranch we hunt on hit paydirt on the 'scraps'!!

Let the caribou walk around the rig.....good grief. They are not the brightest animal on the planet. Ever watch those hunting shows?? I bet more caribou are killed with a bow than any other big game.


I don't know about most of you, but my Tahoe won't run on caribou poop or the democrats empty promises {even though I think they both have about the same octane rating} this vicvanb is just another liberial that thinks things will get better without doing nothing!!! I saw a poll on Fox News today were 67% agree to drilling in ANWR.... only 18% oppose.......sounds like vicvanb and his friends are in the minority!! The other 15% don't know if their afoot or horseback!!!

McCain his picked-up the fight on our side, which will definitely improve his chances of getting elected!!!

All Obama wants to do is raise taxes on the oil companies, which will be passed on to GUESS WHO you and me!! Echos of Jimmy Carter all over again!!
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In fact there is a hunt either side of the haul road for five miles (10 miles total) for caribou that requires the use of those pointy sticks.
Some of the best fishing we do is around

rigs offshore too!!

Stupid anti's......go get the oil!!

Several reasons.
Cancellation of the breeder reactor program, prohibitive construction/licensing costs, misinformation, spent fuel costs, etc.

I believe you will see a resurgence of nuclear power construction in the near future. The new plants will consist of a generically designed, pre-licensed unit. The new units will incorporate many of the design improvements over three decades of commercial nuclear operation.

Just some facts to ponder. The max. generation of the Hoover Dam is 2074 megawatts of power. A dual unit nuclear plant produces over 2200 megawatts of power for a two year cycle befor refueling.


The point I was trying to make was "If not for the screaming meme GREENIES"
we would have a diversity of power and fuel sources. We would, as I am sure any fair minded individual would agree that American ingenuity if left unrestricted could accomplish much, much more then the left care to admit. I am very convinced that the "Environmentalists" own a big part of our dependence on foreign oil. They, GREENIES or the Gores of the country place restrictions on American resolve!
Nuclear power continued

The point I was trying to make was "If not for the screaming meme GREENIES"
we would have a diversity of power and fuel sources. We would, as I am sure any fair minded individual would agree that American ingenuity if left unrestricted could accomplish much, much more then the left care to admit. I am very convinced that the "Environmentalists" own a big part of our dependence on foreign oil. They, GREENIES or the Gores of the country place restrictions on American resolve!

I agree with you in saying that the 'GREENIES' share a large part of our current energy crisis. In the 80's, the trend was against nuclear power because of the waste. I would like to point out that the breeder reactor program was cancelled by Jimmy Carter. The other thing I would like to point out is that the very people that opposed nuclear power in the 80's are now starting to see that it is the only viable large scale producer of energy and does not contribute to global warming.

The 'GREENIES' and their agenda helped drive up the cost of nuclear power plant production due to their politics. Here are some facts to consider. In 1974 The Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station came on line at a total cost of 700 million dollars. This is a dual unit BWR that produces over 2200 megawatts and is still operating. Peach Bottom's sister plant, Limerick, came on line in 1984 at a total cost of 4.2 billion dollars. Why the difference?

Besides the rise of construction costs there was the political cost which led to many public hearings and opposition by a group known as Del Aware. This group consisted of many 'GREENIES' that were funded by the old money Potemkin family of Bucks County, PA. This group really didn't have a clue concerning demographic growth and utility demands; that would have required responsibility. They chose the trendy anti-nuke platform and helped to double the initial costs.
American ingenuity

We would, as I am sure any fair minded individual would agree that American ingenuity if left unrestricted could accomplish much, much more then the left care to admit.

Again, we are in agreement. American ingenuity put a man on the moon in 1969, beating the Russians. The reasons we were able to do this was because of a vision and goal established by John F. Kennedy, team work and commitment. I know damned well that if we had established an energy policy after the First Arab Oil Embargo of the 70's we would be energy independent.