The Energy Non-Crisis

Shoot, don't argue!

Why aren't you guys out shooting instead of arguing about things that are only your opinions? Life is too short!

This country has had over thirty years to become independent of foreign oil. You can all argue until you are blue in the face but nothing will change.
vinvanb........................................... .............

Adopt a couple of these caribou and put them in your backyard............Then you can see them everyday and clean-up their dropping as a hobby!! Think of all the time and energy you and the majority of us would save!! Get it straight!!! The majority want to know the numbers......I still don't know about the 15%, but their probably voting democrat!!
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Yes, we would all enjoy shooting more.

Do realize that shooters are in the sights of the Global Warming and extreme environmentalists.
But are you a competent, qualified climate scientist?

Since to be a "reputable scientist" in your eyes one has to support the Global Warming religion, I doubt I could ever meet that criteria.
