I was a varmint/accuracy kid 25yrs ago and was out of shooting for over 20 yrs. Started shooting at the local club events last year with a upgraded varmint rifle and have really enjoyed it. The local guys at the club have been great. Kevin Hovis and Mike Greenwell have been remarkably helpful. I knew I was not going to drop $3k for a purpose built BR rifle, but knew out of the box OEM wouldn’t satisfy me. Wow,, did I talk to a few arrogant smiths in the process of getting what I wanted. If it wasn’t for Bill Hull at Shilen, a call with Mike Ratigan and getting to know the guys at the club, I would have been turned off and never come back. There are ppl in this clique that are very much out of touch with reality.
I am a newbie that is probably representative of many potential shooters. Here are few of my thoughts:
- You will get few first timers show up at the very limited, very far away, Official matches. Unless it’s in town, and someone knows someone already in it, you aren’t getting many newbies.
- This arrogant attitude of turning away ppl that do not want to write a check for a custom BR rifle needs to be eradicated.
- Focus on the local clubs. Get people shooting those varmint and other class guns in the local “br” events. Loose the capital “BR” attitude. Let people have some fun, learn about the sport, then grow into “BR”. I think there are few people that even make 100’s of thousands a year are going to buy an official BR rifle to see if they like the sport.
- Make an effort to get the local clubs linked up (one of the sanctioning bodies, internet….) so it is not a major effort to find out where some other half way local club has “br” matches. Before long one or two of them might grow into a “BR” match.
- NASCAR shows (not real racing) and F1 have been mentioned. They both have feeder systems. There is a network of “br” classes and tracks that don’t require “BR” equipment to get started. Hell even drag racing recognized this and implemented bracket “racing”. Not even racing but gets people involved.
I got more if you want it.
Shelly, disappointing to hear some don’t like you on here. I was not aware of some not liking the existence of this site. This site is one of the biggest reasons I put my toe in the water. And what a major learning database.