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  1. R

    Build your perfect SR Score rifle

    I already have the best benchrest rifle in America (probably the world)! It was built by a gentleman named Jim Borden and consists of a BAT Model S action with BAT rings, Jewel trigger, Kreiger 17tw barrel, all riding in a gorgeous Robertson BRX stock. The fact that it was built by Jim with a...
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    Ron Hoehn?

    I have two of Ron Hoehn's tuners and they are actually from Harrell's Precision.
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    30BR 'Dust My Broom' project

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us, Al. I love an old gun with some "history" to it and thanks to Chris for supplying "the rest of the story". When we first started IBS Score matches in St. Johnsbury, Maine shooters were our biggest supporters (still are!). Seems as though all of them had...
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    34 pounds of 1960 Benchrest Rifle

    What an interesting bolt design. Looks like "controlled round" feed. Have you fired it yet?
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    Sorry to hear. My condolences and prayers to the family. God bless.
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    " Common Sense" gun laws

    In essence, there are no common sense gun laws. Once a person decides to commit any crime -- including shooting someone -- law no longer matters. A shooting is the violation of several laws including murder. The criminal does not fear nor obey the law. One more law or 10 more laws will not...
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    Stan Ware passes

    Sorry to hear of the passing of Stan. When I first came to this forum a decade or so ago, I always appreciated Stan's insight and knowledge. My prayers and thoughts to the family and friends.
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    Saw an interesting tuner

    It's still February, Mr. Wass. Of course it's still snowin' up here. Looking for 2-4" tomorrow to cover up some of this muddy stuff!
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    Saw an interesting tuner

    I've seen a few homebrew tuners that seem to work. I wonder if the one you describe may be a bit light to be effective?
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    Primers vs Primers

    Hi Ken. Great to hear you are alive and well. Bet your wife would like a little side trip to Walmart in New Hampshire! Stay safe and come shoot with us sometime. --Reed
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    And so I say,

    Safe and Happy New Year to Mr. Wass ... :cool:
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    speer tnts

    I've shot quite a few chucks and crows in years gone by with Speer TNTs. Every one was an explosive, major damage hit. I used to tell folks I didn't have to go check if they were dead because it was obvious. A 50-gr. TNT out of a .22-250 with a moderately warm load will explode going through a...
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    Lee custom collet die

    The tension you are feeling when pushing the case into the die is the resistance of the mandrel against the inside of the neck. The expander is not expanding the neck enough to clear the mandrel. My feeling is that after sizing and fireforming all will be OK.
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    BANG... oops you're dead

    My first response is leave it alone. If it isn't broke don't fix it. CDC says 39,000+ deaths by firearms in 2017. 60% were suicides, 37% were murders, and 3% "other" includes accidental shootings. I spend lots of time at the shooting range, sometimes all day long loading and shooting. If you do...
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    Vermont State Championships - Meters, Scheduled for July 11-12, Has Been Cancelled

    On behalf of Bill Sargent, Match Director for the St. Johnsbury, VT IBS matches, I am announcing that he has decided to cancel the 2020 Vermont State Championships/Meters scheduled for July 11-12 at Caledonia Forest & Stream Club. We regret this coming at such a late notice. Bill wanted to wait...
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    "Stalking Rifles"

    Beautiful rifle and what a wonderful implementation of a tang sight.
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    Euber Bullets

    Thanks Greg & Greg! Merry Christmas
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    Euber Bullets

    I wonder if anyone is making the "old" Euber 30-cal. 115-gr. bullets. I've looked at all my empty boxes and do not have any more information. The formed bullets measure ~.935, so I assume they may have been .925 jackets and possibly 7 or 7-1/2 ogive. My knowledge of bullet-making is not...
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    Accurate Shooter

    Accurate is back up here about an hour ago. Been down for about 40 hours here. I didn't notice any statement about the outage, so probably something in the servers coming up to the Northeast.
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    Accurate Shooter

    Anybody have any info on what's happening with Accurate Shooter site? Been down for two days. Also is down. Is there an internet problem somewhere?