Primers vs Primers

John S

I know how primers are made. The little old lady with a slurry and a spatula.

Soooooo what does she do different when making Match Primers???

I dont really know but I thought they didnt have as much primer mix in them thus smaller bang and let the powder do its own burn instead of blowing up through the powder and getting erratic ignition. But I aint no engineer. Doug
years ago i thought there was a post where more experienced workers made the match, plus more inspections..
Been told that Federal inspects match primers to make sure they all have an anvil in them, the standard primers go uninspected for this. Believe it too, can't tell any difference between standard and match in how they shoot. Haven't ever seen one missing the anvil.
They put em

I know how primers are made. The little old lady with a slurry and a spatula.

Soooooo what does she do different when making Match Primers???

in a different colored box an charge more for the box :).

What is the experience of serious groop shooters?

I would like to hear from some serious bench rest competitors on this question about primers. In my experience with my center fire rifles that I "play" with, I have not noticed any difference.

Bill Wynne
I would like to hear from some serious bench rest competitors on this question about primers. In my experience with my center fire rifles that I "play" with, I have not noticed any difference.

Bill Wynne

Neither have I. 205, 205M and or Win SR.....
Was a time a decade or two back when it was said that Federal GM primers were batches with a high degree of uniformity selected off the general run, anointed with wax & sold at a premium price. The rest, irrespective of the level of quality were standard primers, leading to claims that there wasn't a performance difference between them.

Back then CCI BR primers had a different coloured cake compared to standard suggesting they came from a different line. The embossing on them contributed to that suggestion.

Now they all come from under the same roof, who knows?
I think it has a lot to do with sensitivity. Cup thickness, anvil height and primer compound are all variable and can be mixed and matched. They all look pretty much the same but…. what works well in one set up may or may not be optimal in another.
When I was shooting for the Navy, the Federal reps told us that each time they retool the presses, the first 1 million primers are match primers, as the dies wear the primer cups dimensions change. I don’t recall how many primers they make before changing out the dies.
Hi Ken

I think it has a lot to do with sensitivity. Cup thickness, anvil height and primer compound are all variable and can be mixed and matched. They all look pretty much the same but…. what works well in one set up may or may not be optimal in another.

Haven't seen you on here in awhile. I asked Greg Palman if you had been on here recently. Hope all is well.


I think it has a lot to do with sensitivity. Cup thickness, anvil height and primer compound are all variable and can be mixed and matched. They all look pretty much the same but…. what works well in one set up may or may not be optimal in another.

nice to see your input after what seems to have been a long absence. Have you been in the hinterlands of the globe for a bit? Hope you and the Madame are doing well.

One of the big diffs between primers is the cup thickness. I have a 6BR load that works well with BR4s but will pierce one of three Remington 6 1/2s. Greg
Hi Pete…. Hi Greg…… Well after 40 plus years with the same employer I finally retired for real this time at Christmas. Company put a stop to travel out of the country last year when COVID started up. All in all a good run but regret all the quality time I missed with family and friends. We are doing good but real tired of this COVID business……. Looking forward to the day we all get together at the Range. Please say hi to all the guys for me. Thanks!!! Take Care and Stay Safe!!! Ken.
All dependent on the manufactures management-

Were Federal primers & CCI primers the same quality 20+ yrs ago?

Not in my reloads of multiple chamberings.

Since Federal & CCI primers are manufactured under the same roof by ATK management, 'tis the quality of products of today.

ATK is NOT our friend in the shooting sports.

ATK was run out of Lake City Army Ammo Plant for a reason.
Hi Pete…. Hi Greg…… Well after 40 plus years with the same employer I finally retired for real this time at Christmas. Company put a stop to travel out of the country last year when COVID started up. All in all a good run but regret all the quality time I missed with family and friends. We are doing good but real tired of this COVID business……. Looking forward to the day we all get together at the Range. Please say hi to all the guys for me. Thanks!!! Take Care and Stay Safe!!! Ken.

Hi Ken. Great to hear you are alive and well. Bet your wife would like a little side trip to Walmart in New Hampshire! Stay safe and come shoot with us sometime.

All dependent on the manufactures management-

Were Federal primers & CCI primers the same quality 20+ yrs ago?

Not in my reloads of multiple chamberings.

Since Federal & CCI primers are manufactured under the same roof by ATK management, 'tis the quality of products of today.

ATK is NOT our friend in the shooting sports.

ATK was run out of Lake City Army Ammo Plant for a reason.

ATK (Americas Test Kitchen???)
All I can speak to is Federal 205 vs Federal 205 Match.
I cannot tell the difference in any aspect of performance. That is in both my 30BR and 6PPC.
lake city

Yea Dan I heard olin got the contract now. Never worked for federal but olin was o.k. but not like remington. It was the best outfit I worked for. Doug