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  1. J

    HBR Edge progress:

    Pete, It might be worth checking out the front rest and rear bag, maybe bench technique too. (moving rear bag with shoulder/upper arm?) I used to use a spring loaded windage top on my front rest (unsuccessfully), as soon as I switched to a coaxial rest my horizontal issues disappeared.
  2. J

    Results for Tomball Texas State VFS,HTR & GCR, VFS & HTR

    Thanks for clearing that up. I attended the Missouri State and Mississippi Valley Regional in St. Louis in a similar shooting format over the weekend. I shot both both Hunter class and Varmint for Score. This is the first year the shoot was a combined VFS and HTR class format. Turnout was...
  3. J

    Results for Tomball Texas State VFS,HTR & GCR, VFS & HTR

    What is the GCR class? Is that like the IBS varmint hunter class?
  4. J

    What are the results @ Van Dyne?

    Here ya go, Pete.
  5. J

    Do I need a new barrel ?

    Matchman, The first thing I'd do is re-torque the barrel to 90-100 ft/lbs. Make sure you have a proper action wrench, to avoid damage to the action. 50 ft/lbs is not enough in my opinion. In 2008 I had three barrels on two different rifles come loose on me. Once I re-torqued them to a much...
  6. J

    Wind flag pivot pin adapter

    If you drill the top of the light stand with the right size hole, a brass .30 jag with the spear point makes and excellent pivot pin.
  7. J

    looking for starting load for 30 x 47

    N135 could work well with the 135 sierras. Somewhere around 42 grains. You could also try Winchester 748, for the 135's, somewhere around 42.5 grains. That is a classic 30 x 47 load. I have no experience at the heavier end of the spectrum.
  8. J

    looking for starting load for 30 x 47

    How heavy are the bullets you are shooting, and what twist is the barrel?
  9. J

    A Question for the Math Guys

    For those of us that are less mathmatically inclined, an easy rule of thumb is that a bullet at 3,000 fps in a 1-12 twist barrel will be turning at 180,000rpm. If the twist is 1-6 at 3000fps double the rpm. You can say slight changes in velocity or twist rate will change the rpm by a...
  10. J

    Rock Creek 5R -16 and 17 twist

    Keep in mind that Metford rifling in the Lee-Metford rifle performed well when it was shooting black powder cartridges. The Brits started to encounter barrel life problems when they changed to smokeless (if you can call it that) powder charges. They were shooting cupro-nickel jacketed...
  11. J

    What to use to strip finish off a Remington stock?

    When you have put the goop on the stock and let it do its' thing, i have found the easiest way to clean the goop and the old finish off. Get some wood shavings at the pet store that they use for hamster bedding. Grab a handful of shavings and use it to wipe the scum off the stock. When you...
  12. J

    My problem with the "parallel node"

    This is an interesting theory. If true it ought to be possible to tune a rifle with a rail on the bottom of the buttstock with an adjustable angle.
  13. J

    HV barrel on Cobra/BRX for LV

    Or you can flute the barrel. Being a cut rifled barrel, this should not affect performance.
  14. J


    This cartridge is just asking to be necked down to .338, then it would work perfectly in any remington sized magnum action. Much easier that the .338 Lapua Mag.
  15. J

    8208 Lot#A044 (LC-9-16)

    I know this has been asked a thousand times, does anyone have any data on this lot of powder is it fast or slow? I think it came from Ron Hoehn but I can't get ahold of him at the moment. I just bought it this weekend from a guy I shoot Hunter Class with and I want to try it this week in my PPC...
  16. J

    New tweezers for tiny slivers, work fantastic

    I use superglue all the time for colsing small cuts. It seems if you can get it glued fast, it heals about twice as fast. I also use superglue all the time for gluing carbide to the magnetic chuck on the surface grinder. As long as you arent agressive you can grind even small pieces. A light...
  17. J

    CCI Primer Production

    Sensitivity problems/ Can someone go into more depth as to what the sensitivity problems are? I've been shooting BR4's in my hunter gun for the last two years, and they work very well. But I have been having problems with primers failing to go off. In a block of 25 shells I might have 4 to 5...