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  1. R

    Bob Ware

    He died all of a sudden,apparent heart attack or stroke. haven't got all teh deatails. Yes,he and Ed White rode together a lot and shot together a lot. I will be attending the wake tonight at Lowe Funeral Home in Burlington ,NC
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    Bob Ware

    For most of the older shooters that have shot at Rockingham County,Bob Ware passed away last friday. Many of the S.E.R. shooters in the 90's remember Bob,he was a big Help in building the Rockingham County Gun Club. We will miss Him.
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    A few thoughts on The Rockingham Winter League

    The thing is,we only have a few ranges shooting group this year in our area,there is plenty of open dates for score and we could have a 2-gun State Championship score match since we already have moving backers. It;s up to Roy Darnell as to what he wants to run,i'm just making ideas,but support...
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    accuracy at 300 yards w/14t 6mm br???

    Ok,most have been shot with a ppc,i'm talking group records,never see a 30 win or shoot a 300 yard record in group. Now,in score shooting,thats a different story. of course,the .222 still holds the 100 yard group record.
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    Looking for Tom McKee

    check your email
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    accuracy at 300 yards w/14t 6mm br???

    I have shot 5 groups of 10 shots each at 300 yards in a BR match using a 6 br with a 14 twist. I used 66 grain fowler bullets and h-4895 powder. It will carry the 68 and 70 grain bullets ver good in a 14 twist. All the records at 300 yards is held by a ppc using a 13.5 and 14 twists and 66...
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    A few thoughts on The Rockingham Winter League

    Charles,we tried the factory class years ago and it was a flop back then. We hear people that own hunting and varmint rifles wanting to shoot but can't compete against Benchrest rifles,we have a class and they don't show. It seems a modified class is where the interest is. We shot some...
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    5-group versus 8-group unlimited in NBRSA Nationals?

    JD, i do agree,i didn't mean only UL format,i don't have the answers,but the equip race has had a impact on the decline and score shooting has taken some from group shooting,but it costs as much to build a score rifle as a group rifle. The cost is the biggest thing and there is no payback,we...
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    5-group versus 8-group unlimited in NBRSA Nationals?

    Jd and the rest of the guys here,we need to do something,just look at the membership decline in the past 3 years,Benchrest (group ) is dying and something needs to change. I know,the few hard core will never think so until it's dead. so,carry on and see what happens.
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    Static cling in my drop tube..

    Ground it.
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    I found all the extreme powders to be that way. h-322 is too hot for the 6ppc,n-120 is pretty good in the 30 br and i might try some aa-1680.
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    Thats fine,the other company killed off n-120 so it;s back to imr 4227 or what ever it is to be.
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    The Hodgdon web site states discontinued,stocks limited,also hs6 or hs 7
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    It does make sense to drop one as they had both.
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    Hogdon says the h-4227 has been discontinued,limited stock. I guess people will start hording this stuff.
  16. R

    Survey on barrel crowns

    Hey Charles,you did Beat Roy,i know it was tough in the factory class,with all those shooter with factory rifles.
  17. R

    6mm .236" Or .237"

    wow,i would have paid $250