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  1. R

    calibre questions

    A 22/250 would be OK to get you going at short to mid ranges, say out to 600yds, though the 55gn pills will be blowing around a bit by then. Once the barrel has burnt out (barrels are a consumable) you will know by then what sort of caliber you want to rebarrel it to. A better option would be to...
  2. R

    Tuning for different altitude.

    If it means the difference between shooting .100" groups at 100 and shooting .095" groups, it doesnt sound like it will do me much good. I do change my loads slightly between summer and winter loads if I know it will be a big temperature difference, but have not shot at altitude for a while now.
  3. R

    Tuning for different altitude.

    Cheech, not hard numbers, all calibers would be different. Just, for higher altitude, go up a tad in the powder load or down or what ever.
  4. R

    Tuning for different altitude.

    So, when the benchresters are talking about density altitude and adjusting powder and tuner settings, what are they adjusting for?
  5. R

    Tuning for different altitude.

    Tuning for different altitude.(Density Altitude) If a rifle was in tune at sea level, then you went up in altitude, say to 6000 feet, generally speaking what way would you need to adjust the powder charge if the temperature stays the same. Not interested in elevation settings, just keeping the...
  6. R

    Does anyone use a 10-50x Sighton on bigger caliber rifles?

    I have a 10-50x Sighton which I use on my 6 Dasher and 22BR and am very happy with it overall, cant fault it. Has anyone used one on bigger heavier recoiling calibers? I,m looking for a scope for use in F/TR, so I need something which will stay rock solid for 1000s of rounds with more recoil...
  7. R

    1000yd Bench Gun

    What are the conditions like at Butner NC where you want to shoot? What do the local hotshots use there? If it is one of the protected, easy conditions ranges, they would probably use small tack drivers. If it is a windy, open range with regular switching conditions, they probably use...
  8. R

    Bergers & 22 Hornet?

    I was using 30gn Bergers in a Hornet I had a few years ago. Unfortunately the right wasnt accurate enough to do them justice, but I was able to get the velocity up enough in the hornet, that it would pop smaller tagets and shoot flat enough for 100-150yds or so.
  9. R

    Actions for F-Class?

    The thing I like about the Barnards, is that tolerances are close, but not too close. If you get unburnt powder or carbon fouling in a tight action, or maybe dust or grass when laying down on an F class mound, my Barnard will still cycle well enough, where as my other actions can be too prone to...
  10. R

    Enough Velocity?

    Well, I,m no real velocity freak either but I think you could go too low. At this low a pressure, will the powder be burning well enough for a good ES/SD? Will it be burning hot enough to stop excessive unburnt powder or carbon fouling? I would be looking at something around the 2820 fps...
  11. R

    300 ultra mag

    I wouldnt mind building one with a whopping big muzzle brake for a bit of a try in light gun. If I see a suitable barrel going cheap, I might screw one into my current gun for a try. Not thinking I will break records with it, but just for fun.
  12. R

    .22 @ 1000

    I was using a 22BR and 22BRX for a while in F class. While they could be accurate, the small hole and not much dust kicked up meant the target pullers often had to be called on the radio to pull the target, then they took a while to find the hole, and often couldnt find it and gave you a miss...
  13. R

    Recent Success at 1K

    Tod, you probably didnt understand because of his Australian accent. Ask him if next time he can type slower and hit the keys harder so you can understand.
  14. R

    Why such long barrels?

    I have been wondering about differences in tunability with long skinny Vs short thick (well 28" straight Vs 31" tapered). What are your thoughts on tune with different contours? Does a 28" straight barrel have smaller but closer spaced vibrations while a 31" tapered barrel has bigger but further...
  15. R

    Cartridge choice for 1000yd BR LG. Windy range.

    I have been using a 284 in F class for a while now and am shortening one of my old 284 barrels to make LG weight. I have also thought of trying a 300WSM barrel as they are very popular in 1000yd BR, or reaming my 284 barrel to 7mm RSAUM or WSM. I,m a sissy with recoil, so I would be going for a...
  16. R

    F-class 284???

    Are you saying the only range you will be shooting is 300yds? If so, then stick with a 6BR. I love the 284, but if you are only shooting 300yds, then save your money, shoot the daylights out of your 6BR practicing, then buy another 6BR barrel. If you are going out further than 600yds, you will...
  17. R

    Are muzzle brakes on LGs hard on scopes?

    What caliber are you using Rich De? I hope it was just an old wives tales which has faded away, as I am keen to use them soon.
  18. R

    Are muzzle brakes on LGs hard on scopes?

    Alinwa. I have gone through a few scopes with my 284. These were in17lb rifles, but myself and others have fired a few thousand shots on each scope before they let go. I was just hoping that brakes done make it worse as was the story a while back.
  19. R

    Help -bumped shoulder cases wont chamber?

    Compare the width of the case down the length of the case. Maybe when you pushed the shoulder back, it buldged the body of the case a bit?
  20. R

    Powder of choice for 6-6.5x47 Lapua and .284 Shehane

    Both of these calibers are what I use for F class. I,m on my 4th 284 barrel and 2nd 6x47 barrel (after 2 rechambers with the 1st one). I use H4350 with both. It is a good burning rate and is a predictable powder, not very temp sensitive, velocities (or point of impact) dont jump up if you...